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  1. #1
    Community Manager
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    Default The DDO Chronicle: Issue 359 is now available

    Thank you for reading the DDO Chronicle! Don't forget to reply below to the Chronicle Comment for your chance to win 500 DDO Points. We'll select a winner after Noon Eastern on Friday, November 22nd. Good luck!
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  2. #2
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Default Who has the easier job: A General Vendor or an NPC, and why?

    The NPC - because a Vendor ~is~ an NPC, so he has double duty.


  3. #3
    Community Member
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    The code for the week is actually SENTIENTKIT I thought you all should know that.

  4. #4
    Founder & Super Hero Arkat's Avatar
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    Default Who has the easier job: A General Vendor or an NPC, and why?

    NPCs...because they don't have to keep track of money.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The release notes themselves are essentially the same as was seen on Lamannia most recently.
    This^, in so many words, is how you say time and feedback on Lamannia are wasted.

  5. #5
    Community Member Breezwyn's Avatar
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    NPC is easier

    General vendor has to take junk off our hands and repair all our stuff

  6. #6
    Community Member Brandwynn's Avatar
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    Well The NPC belong to a union.. And the vendors do not.. Though to be honest the NPC Union is the same one that the Kobolds have.. So yeah.. Maybe the Vendors have it better.

  7. #7


    NPC except one in particular that I will not mention as it is reading my mind even as I write this
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  8. #8
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    Depends on who manages the buybacks. Is it the vendor or an NPC hired by the vendor?

  9. #9
    Self-Appointed Coin Lord of the Seas ForgettableNPC's Avatar
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    Honestly it depends on the NPC.

    Like if it was a Bartender, then they would have to deal with more selling of the items compared to the General Vendor.

    If it's one of those NPCs that you can only buy stuff from, then that's not too hard since all you have to do is get platinum from players.

    Regent and Scroll Vendors? Also usually visited for buying, rarely selling.

    Now, if it's one of NPCs you have to keep alive (looking at you, Commander Tesara) then you are going to either be very dead or kept alive despite repeated swords to the face.
    Just a random, forgettable NPC doing things an NPC does
    Things that NPCs do include, but are not limited to:

    Having a gold goblet over my head to indicate availability of a quest
    Having a catchphrase that never really catches on
    Having various rewards that are generally not worth the trouble
    Wandering around randomly
    Giving out obvious information if it wasn't obvious enough
    Repeating the same lines over and over again
    Repeating the same lines over and over again

  10. #10
    Community Member
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    Default Easiest job

    general vendor

  11. #11
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    General Vendor because a ForgettableNPC still has to keep up with the forum postage. ;P
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  12. #12
    Hero, Mo Bro H'ro, & MB Super-H'ro ComicRelief's Avatar
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    Default Weekly Question

    Going by ForgettableNPC's signature, it seems NPCs have an awful lot to do. Therefore, I'd have to go with General Vendor.

    (Now, if it were Private Vendor or even Corporal Vendor, that may be a different story...)
    "...At least it tells us they understand our language; they're just not willing to speak to us in it. -Who knew they were French?"

  13. #13
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    NPC's have it harder. They are all work and no play.
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  14. #14
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    NPC jobs can't be generalized as they're all unique. Some will be visited more often than others and kept rather busy. Some will be doomed to die over and over again while others live a pretty cushion pixel-life.

    General vendors, on the other hand, vary a little less between them. They're almost always rather busy and the work could become tedious but it sure beats some of the things certain NPCs have to do!

  15. #15
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    Default The Hardest Job, Without Question, Goes To . . .

    A general vendor has the hardest job by far.

    The required skills needed for such a position include: business management, item appraisal, and magical sensitivity (to know when pesky wizards, bards, and other magically attuned adventurers, are trying to charm them out of a fair price).

    In addition to the aforementioned skills, a general vendor must be skilled in leather working and metallurgy so that they can repair every kind of armor. And may the flame help them if they have to try and repair ooze-damaged equipment without causing permanent damage. And with the wide diversity of races the exist among adventurers, a general vendor must always watch their language lest they offend an uppity elven matron (or Lolth forbid, a level 30 Barbarian).

  16. #16
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    The general vendor has an easier job, as there's some variety in player interaction: some players buy, some sell, some repair, some afk with the window open while the vendor taps their foot and impatiently glances at their watch.

    NPCs, on the other hand, just stand there and wait for player interaction to spout the same line. People just aren't made for that, unless they're Warforged, in which case they are...

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post

    Thank you for reading the DDO Chronicle! Don't forget to reply below to the Chronicle Comment for your chance to win 500 DDO Points. We'll select a winner after Noon Eastern on Friday, November 22nd. Good luck!
    The vendor for sure, he stand in one place always, I never see him fix anything visually. I never even see them take one step. and he just takes and gives money.

  18. #18
    Community Member mbartol's Avatar
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    Isn't a General Vendor an NPC?
    Ghallanda: Tervail (solo player)

  19. #19
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    NPC's job is easier.

    Vendors have more job satisfaction, though.
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  20. #20
    Community Member Dulcimerist's Avatar
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    Default Who has the easier job: A General Vendor or an NPC, and why?

    Depends on what type of NPC it is. Durk has a very difficult job, whining about his destroyed family heirloom all day long. Coyle gets knocked on the head by players quite often, so that's not an easy job, either. There's also a Warforged worker in the House Cannith enclave near the Cannith Challenge vendors that's been cleaning the same wall for years with no break! I remember an NPC seated in a small boat in Korthos harbor who has a stuttering problem in her dialogue, and nobody will help her. Peppy Pelal never gets to take a break from strolling the House Phiarlan enclave playing his flute - and nobody cares enough about him to make a DDO Wiki entry for him, in honor of all of his hard work.

    The General Vendor would have the easiest job, by simply standing there and earning lots of platinum without taking any abuse. (Do they even pay income tax?)
    Last edited by Dulcimerist; 11-15-2019 at 06:36 PM.
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