I managed to get Lamannia working on the Mac. What follows is a crude outline of how I did so. Note that the only reason for doing this is that there doesn't appear to be a native Lamannia Launcher for the Mac yet. For all I know there actually is one, or it might be released tomorrow. So ignore this if that happens.
This is a non-trivial sketch how to do it. It requires using the OS X Terminal script in the Mac Forums to actually launch the game more than once. It will involve a little bit of technical know-how as there isn't a lot of hand holding here. Without further ado then:
Substitute your home directory name everywhere you see [yourusernamehere]
Download the Lamannia client:
Copy or move it to
/Users/[yourusernamehere]/Library/Application Support/com.standingstonegames.ddo/common/wineprefix/drive_c/users/[yourusernamehere]/Downloads
Open Terminal and type
WINEPREFIX="/Users/[yourusernamehere]/Library/Application Support/com.standingstonegames.ddo/common/wineprefix" "/Users/[yourusernamehere]/Library/Application Support/com.standingstonegames.ddo/common/usr/bin/wine" "C:/users/[yourusernamehere]/Downloads/ddopreview.exe"
It will eventually get stuck trying to install "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)". Open another Terminal window and type
Find the very last standing stone wine process, note the process id (first number in the line) and type:
kill -9 [the process number from the last step]
Answer the windows dialog that comes up saying there was an error.
The install will run to completion and launch the game.
To run the game a second time, find the script in the OS X launcher thread in the Mac Forums. https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...t-For-Mac-OS-X Create it following the instructions there.
gameClient_EXE="C:/Program Files (x86)/StandingStoneGames/Dungeons & Dragons Online/dndclient.exe"
if [ "${world}" == "Lamannia" ] ; then
gameClient_DIR="$gameWinePrefix_DIR/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/StandingStoneGames/Dungeons & Dragons Online (Preview)"
gameClient_EXE="C:/Program Files (x86)/StandingStoneGames/Dungeons & Dragons Online (Preview)/dndclient.exe"
You can add "-w Lamannia" to the script arguments and it will launch the game.
This will all be unnecessary once they release a Lamannia Launcher for Mac.