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Thread: Lamannia on Mac

  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Lamannia on Mac

    I managed to get Lamannia working on the Mac. What follows is a crude outline of how I did so. Note that the only reason for doing this is that there doesn't appear to be a native Lamannia Launcher for the Mac yet. For all I know there actually is one, or it might be released tomorrow. So ignore this if that happens.

    This is a non-trivial sketch how to do it. It requires using the OS X Terminal script in the Mac Forums to actually launch the game more than once. It will involve a little bit of technical know-how as there isn't a lot of hand holding here. Without further ado then:

    Substitute your home directory name everywhere you see [yourusernamehere]

    Download the Lamannia client:

    Copy or move it to

    /Users/[yourusernamehere]/Library/Application Support/com.standingstonegames.ddo/common/wineprefix/drive_c/users/[yourusernamehere]/Downloads
    Open Terminal and type

    WINEPREFIX="/Users/[yourusernamehere]/Library/Application Support/com.standingstonegames.ddo/common/wineprefix" "/Users/[yourusernamehere]/Library/Application Support/com.standingstonegames.ddo/common/usr/bin/wine" "C:/users/[yourusernamehere]/Downloads/ddopreview.exe"
    It will eventually get stuck trying to install "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)". Open another Terminal window and type
    ps ax
    Find the very last standing stone wine process, note the process id (first number in the line) and type:
    kill -9 [the process number from the last step]
    Answer the windows dialog that comes up saying there was an error.
    The install will run to completion and launch the game.

    To run the game a second time, find the script in the OS X launcher thread in the Mac Forums. Create it following the instructions there.

    gameClient_EXE="C:/Program Files (x86)/StandingStoneGames/Dungeons & Dragons Online/dndclient.exe"
    if [ "${world}" == "Lamannia" ] ; then
    gameClient_DIR="$gameWinePrefix_DIR/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/StandingStoneGames/Dungeons & Dragons Online (Preview)"
    gameClient_EXE="C:/Program Files (x86)/StandingStoneGames/Dungeons & Dragons Online (Preview)/dndclient.exe"
    You can add "-w Lamannia" to the script arguments and it will launch the game.

    This will all be unnecessary once they release a Lamannia Launcher for Mac.
    Last edited by Kaytis; 11-01-2019 at 09:42 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Nice work! I started trying to identify workarounds but took the easy route and wiped the dust off of my windows box. I'll see if I can make this work on the next push. Thanks!

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