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  1. #1

    Default Extra Life: Weekend At The Wizard King's

    What happens when King Raiyum puts a group of adventurers in charge of his tomb one weekend, and they have to cover that the real lich king isn't home? I'll be running a Dungeons & Dragons game to raise money for Extra Life this weekend on my Twitch channel ( to find out!

    Weekend At The Wizard King's will be a mashup between the 80's movie Weekend at Bernie's and the Tomb of Raiyum quest in DDO. We'll be playing from approx 1-4 pm EST on Saturday Nov. 2nd and Sunday Nov. 3rd. Party members include Grim and Rach from the Sarlona server, and Tholgrin and Vonn from the Orien server.

    The thing is, this party of adventurers is level 7, and they're running around in a level 12 quest. They're going to need some help. Your Extra Life donations can give them access to more spells, grant the players or DM inspiration, or shape just how terribly dire their encounters are going to be! Please check out my Extra Life page to learn more or donate, and join us this weekend for the fun as we help sick kids!



    BonnieBew on Twitter, Twitch, YouTube and all servers

  2. #2
    Community Manager
    Cordovan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    I am really excited for this one. The players are perfect for this, and the idea is super good.
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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