View Poll Results: Horses & Mounts:worth the dev time?

192. You may not vote on this poll
  • Yes

    73 38.02%
  • No

    99 51.56%
  • I dont care or mind

    20 10.42%
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Results 221 to 240 of 242
  1. #221
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fenrisulven7 View Post
    I voted Yes, even though I have zero interest in mounts and would prefer that time/energy was spent on bugs.

    Here's why:

    Look at it from their perspective. You work for SSG Oil & Lube, spending every day keeping 10 year old cars from petering out.

    Day in, day out. No joy.

    And along comes a new project: restore a 1963 Corvette... wouldn't you jump at the chance? Or would you rather replace Karen's ignition system, again...

    We gotta give the Devs some purpose in life, else they will wither away.

    I voted an ambivalent yes, but now I am totally addicted to the extra speed. 30% striding now feels laggy in comparison.

  2. #222


    Our guild, TYRS PALADIUM did our own internal poll:

    YES!!! 62%
    NO!! 18%
    WHO CARES!? 18%

    That's not to bad!!

    TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Dungeons & Dragons Online Guild
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  3. #223


    I voted it ls not your decision which makes your poll pointless, and now we have mounts. Stop thinking you actually have say over content, when if anything ddo staff give a perception of that.

  4. #224
    Community Member Captain_Wizbang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeslieWest_GuitarGod View Post
    Our guild, TYRS PALADIUM did our own internal poll:

    YES!!! 62%
    NO!! 18%
    WHO CARES!? 18%

    That's not to bad!!

    I agree, not bad, I would imagine that's close to in-game sentiment

  5. #225
    DDO Team Freeshrugs's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Stoneskin bug

    Quote Originally Posted by Vyrzain View Post
    Maybe then FreeShrugs is able to work on...

    BUG report 88301 filed 05-16-2019.

    For me having this animation bug addressed would be better then Mounts : )

    Sorry haven't been on the forum much lately.

    The bug you're showing is not an animation issue but I can certainly look into it with the other artists here.
    It has something to do with how the Aasimar textures are displayed when stone/bark skin is active.

    Thanks for the post!

  6. #226


    I think the Mount is well done and it surprises me how slimline it is and how smooth the animation is. Speed boost is welcome if not awesome.

    TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Dungeons & Dragons Online Guild
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  7. #227
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anuulified View Post
    I voted it ls not your decision which makes your poll pointless, and now we have mounts. Stop thinking you actually have say over content, when if anything ddo staff give a perception of that.
    The irony is that you are posting that the devs don't pay attention to us in an attempt to get attention from the devs so they will give you more attention.

    If you really believed what you posted... you wouldn't have bothered to post it.

    Looks like a fun game but I don't think you are going to win

  8. #228
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freeshrugs View Post
    Sorry haven't been on the forum much lately.

    The bug you're showing is not an animation issue but I can certainly look into it with the other artists here.
    It has something to do with how the Aasimar textures are displayed when stone/bark skin is active.

    Thanks for the post!
    Is it related to how Stone/Barkskin ignores transparency for Cloaks, Masks (Like the Totemic Lavalier) and certain hairstyles?
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  9. #229
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    Default Worth the time

    Quote Originally Posted by goldgolem View Post
    Do you think feel horses (and mounts in general as an ongoing thing) are worth SSG developing vs other things they could spend their time on?
    I enjoy them so far. They're extremely useful when attempting to catch up to party members in explorer areas, or if separated and someone gets into trouble. I have done the quests in Borderlands on epic and low level, have many feathers, but have yet to see a horseshoe. Any hints?

  10. #230
    Community Member Alrik_Fassbauer's Avatar
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    A poll like this one "Mounts : Worth the dev time ?"
    is to me like a poll : "Car colour : Worth the manufacturer's time ?" - With most people voting "no" = indicating they want cars without colours.

    As I already wrote elsewhere : It always baffles me how animators are expected to do core programming as well ...
    "You are a Tiefling. And a Cleric, with the Domain of the Sun. Doesn't that contradict each other ?" "No, all my friends are playing evil. I found that so boring that I decided to be on the good side. And, besides, Sun and Fire, where is the difference, really ?"

  11. #231
    Community Member Fedora1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrik_Fassbauer View Post
    As I already wrote elsewhere : It always baffles me how animators are expected to do core programming as well ...
    So maybe we could ask if it was worth the animator's time, versus doing something else. Same concept.

    Also, the money at the top still comes from SSG as a whole and is a finite resourse. Perhaps they could hire another programmer and make do with one less animator.

    PS - I am not against mounts, they are just way low priority to me, but what's done is done. I just wanted to address your post since you were baffled about something that need not be baffling.
    My take on "the grind":

    Ordinary humans have inhibitions that serve as a buffer against what we know is bad behavior.
    However, some people, by blaming others for their own bad behavior, develop a thought pattern that allows them to override self-control in order to achieve a selfish end.
    - My opinion on exploiters and cheaters blaming SSG for unfair punishment.

  12. #232
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    so this is still a thing here?

  13. #233
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    At first I didn't care thought that horses would be a waste of dev time but now that I have fast ones on my characters I can say they are a good addition. Horses are a time saver less time spent outside of quests and more time spent questing. As nice as some of the wildernesses look being able to zoom through them is a huge boon. What they really show is that there are weird arbitrary restrictions in the game that honestly should not be there. More convenience stuff added to the game please! I bet you could sell the bottle of mist and pass to sharn on their own and people would buy them if you're looking for more ways to earn money.

    Less annoying stuff like plat caps, limited bank space, bag space, multiple different types of bags, 50 different crafting systems that get abandoned because people figure out how to dup the old mats.

    That said good job enjoying my horses.

  14. #234


    Quote Originally Posted by Fenrisulven7 View Post
    The irony is that you are posting that the devs don't pay attention to us in an attempt to get attention from the devs so they will give you more attention.

    If you really believed what you posted... you wouldn't have bothered to post it.

    Looks like a fun game but I don't think you are going to win
    Lmao. Touche senior ***** cat.

  15. #235
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    Many other meaningful things that could be added, the mounts may be nice but they're fairly "fluff" as content goes, in my humble opinion

  16. #236
    Community Member Nonesuch2008's Avatar
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    Mounts are a nice addition to the game & I am enjoying their use.
    "When asked if the developers hate the players, as they make so many challenging jumping puzzles, their response was that they have what they consider a “… normal amount of contempt for the players.” This is good. A dungeon master should always nurse a healthy contempt for his or her players."

  17. #237
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatherpirate View Post
    so this is still a thing here?
    “The story so far:
    In the beginning the Universe was created.
    This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”
    ? Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

  18. #238
    Community Member sdrocky's Avatar
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    Blame me... i dont care. i got Keep.

  19. #239
    Community Member Chilldude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kinerd View Post
    I agree this was a major issue back in the day but I feel like there's plenty of F2P content these days...
    You say that as if you aren't joking. How can that not be a joke? "Plenty" of F2P content is absurd. Personally, I wouldn't care if there weren't any F2P quests. In fact, I think it'd be better if there were not. Even when they first went F2P, free wasn't really an option for anyone except the poorest of the poor with nothing but time on their hands. At least people could get their foot in the door with F2P back in the day, today anyone even attempting to try the game out with F2P is going to be chased away the first day.

    Chai made an incredibly solid point, gaining access to content for new players is extremely off-putting. New players can't even safely opt for a subscription because most of the popular content has to be purchased above and beyond a subscription. I've personally seen quite a number of new players immediately repulsed by the hoops they have to jump through to play DDO, players that otherwise seemed to really be enjoying the game. Someone who sees themselves as a super duper uber player who can't be bothered holding the hand of new players probably doesn't have much experience with what a new player is faced with in DDO.

    I've got a friend from WoW that has expressed interest in DDO. He asked me if it's free to play and I'm embarrassed to explain to him how content access works in DDO because it's so hard to frame it in a way that isn't extremely off-putting. Is DDO F2P? No. But kinda. But not really. So no. But kinda, although not really at all. It's not even subscription, I'd love to tell him, "Hey man, just sub for a month or two and get the feel for it to see if you like it." Except most of the best content is behind expansion purchases. So if you have to sub AND buy expansions, might as well just buy adventure packs as you go along. Yet they pull **** like this hard core event where they exclude players who've bought the entire game unless they are willing to subscribe to all the content they've already purchased.

    He's a good friend, so I have to be honest with him, "The company is SUPER SHADY. They are out to nickel and dime you at every turn. They put in these insanely huge XP quotas and then try to sell you dozens of ways to mitigate the grind on a per character basis. They put in all sorts of inventory filling garbage and then try to sell you bags on a per character basis. They put in all sorts of insane mob saves and then try to sell you DCs on a per character basis. They put in all sorts of tempting gear that never drops and then try to sell you extra rolls on the chests that drop that gear. Around every corner you will find them standing their with their hand out asking for more money."

    Then I try to mitigate the damage with, "But dude, you can ignore most of that ****. I've bought every adventure pack and expansion available and will never have to pay a dime to play any of it. So really, although they are one of the dirtiest low down shady companies I've ever dealt with, they've got one of the best pay to play models of any MMORPG I've ever played. It's just hidden under layers and layers of underhanded conniving marketing. You have to be super careful when dealing with them. You have to treat them like someone selling a stereo out of their trunk in a dark alley, but if you are careful you can get a pretty good deal. ONLY buy DDO points when there is a double bonus point sale. Wait to buy content until it's on sale in the in game store. Don't only avoid, but out right pretend everything in the store that isn't absolutely essential doesn't even exist. If you do all that, then the game will only cost a little bit more than almost every other MMORPG available, but in the long run it will pay off because you can come and go as often as you like."

    I wish I could just tell him, "Subscribe for a month dude, you'll have access to everything. Then if you like the game you can either continue subscribing or start buying content piece by piece like I did."
    First Lives Matter!!!
    Give us a no reincarnation server!

  20. #240
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chilldude View Post
    You say that as if you aren't joking. How can that not be a joke? "Plenty" of F2P content is absurd. Personally, I wouldn't care if there weren't any F2P quests. In fact, I think it'd be better if there were not. Even when they first went F2P, free wasn't really an option for anyone except the poorest of the poor with nothing but time on their hands. At least people could get their foot in the door with F2P back in the day, today anyone even attempting to try the game out with F2P is going to be chased away the first day.

    Chai made an incredibly solid point, gaining access to content for new players is extremely off-putting. New players can't even safely opt for a subscription because most of the popular content has to be purchased above and beyond a subscription. I've personally seen quite a number of new players immediately repulsed by the hoops they have to jump through to play DDO, players that otherwise seemed to really be enjoying the game. Someone who sees themselves as a super duper uber player who can't be bothered holding the hand of new players probably doesn't have much experience with what a new player is faced with in DDO.

    I've got a friend from WoW that has expressed interest in DDO. He asked me if it's free to play and I'm embarrassed to explain to him how content access works in DDO because it's so hard to frame it in a way that isn't extremely off-putting. Is DDO F2P? No. But kinda. But not really. So no. But kinda, although not really at all. It's not even subscription, I'd love to tell him, "Hey man, just sub for a month or two and get the feel for it to see if you like it." Except most of the best content is behind expansion purchases. So if you have to sub AND buy expansions, might as well just buy adventure packs as you go along. Yet they pull **** like this hard core event where they exclude players who've bought the entire game unless they are willing to subscribe to all the content they've already purchased.

    He's a good friend, so I have to be honest with him, "The company is SUPER SHADY. They are out to nickel and dime you at every turn. They put in these insanely huge XP quotas and then try to sell you dozens of ways to mitigate the grind on a per character basis. They put in all sorts of inventory filling garbage and then try to sell you bags on a per character basis. They put in all sorts of insane mob saves and then try to sell you DCs on a per character basis. They put in all sorts of tempting gear that never drops and then try to sell you extra rolls on the chests that drop that gear. Around every corner you will find them standing their with their hand out asking for more money."

    Then I try to mitigate the damage with, "But dude, you can ignore most of that ****. I've bought every adventure pack and expansion available and will never have to pay a dime to play any of it. So really, although they are one of the dirtiest low down shady companies I've ever dealt with, they've got one of the best pay to play models of any MMORPG I've ever played. It's just hidden under layers and layers of underhanded conniving marketing. You have to be super careful when dealing with them. You have to treat them like someone selling a stereo out of their trunk in a dark alley, but if you are careful you can get a pretty good deal. ONLY buy DDO points when there is a double bonus point sale. Wait to buy content until it's on sale in the in game store. Don't only avoid, but out right pretend everything in the store that isn't absolutely essential doesn't even exist. If you do all that, then the game will only cost a little bit more than almost every other MMORPG available, but in the long run it will pay off because you can come and go as often as you like."

    I wish I could just tell him, "Subscribe for a month dude, you'll have access to everything. Then if you like the game you can either continue subscribing or start buying content piece by piece like I did."

    You know, you raise a really good point about the subscribing thing. Perhaps an enhanced subscription level could be created that really DOES have everything (access while subscribed to all expansions and packs) that just has a higher monthly fee. Devs, you listening?

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