Helm - Legendary Umber Brim (Improved Quelling Strikes, Insightful Accuracy +16, Insightful Deception +8, Profane Well Rounded +2)
Goggles - Legendary Collective Sight (Constitution +21, Insightful Constitution +10, Quality Resistance +4, +20 Quality MRR)
Necklace - The Family’s Blessing (Quality Assassinate +2, Insightful Armor-Piercing - 16%, Deadly +17, Doublestrike 24%)
Trinket - Bloodrage Chrism (Competence Healing Amplification +83, Calamitous Blows, Bloodrage Defense, Rune-fueled Warding, Unnatural)
Armor - Legendary Umbral Soul (+15 Enhancement Bonus, Fortification +214%, Physical Sheltering +54, Competence Repair Amplification +85, Hit Points +81)
Cloak - Legendary Cloak of Balance (Quality Constitution +5, Freedom of Movement, Insightful Seeker 10, Parrying +10, Empty Green Augment Slot)
Wrist - Brand of Kalok Shash (Strength +22, Quality Accuracy +8, Quality Deadly +5, Fire Absorption 53%)
Belt -SL (Sheltering +45, Accuracy +28, Stunning +20, Quality Strength +4)
Ring - SL (Charisma +17, Armor Piercing -28%, Vertigo +20, Quality Charisma +4)
Ring - Circle of Malevolence (Improved Harm 3/Day, Resistance +14, Vitality +60, Insightful Sheltering +23, Intimidate +25, Incite +53)
Gloves - Legendary Hammerfist (Insightful Doublestrike 11%, Cannith Combat Infusion, Seeker 21, Insightful Deadly +8)
Boots - Legendary Softsole Slippers (Ghostly, Anthem, Perform +22, Insightful Charisma +9))
W –Baz’Morath (+15 Enhancement Bonus, Keen V, Disease: Unholy Tear, Limb Chopper, Fetters of Unreality, +0,5 W)
Torn/Tremor as swap when DR is needed.
LGS Affirmation + Hope as swap to help my buddies with cocoon when needed.
LGS Ooze + Dust as swap for casting lesser death aura and death aura.
IMPORTANT NOTE: death auras proc some LGSs. Having Ooze and Dust quick stacking on surrounding mobs it’s a huge benefit for a melee, specially THF. I can stack by myself vulnerability (Fetters on weapon) + Ooze (LGS+auras) + Dust (LGS+auras).
Please note LGS Ice also procs with auras but the proc rate is abysmal. Useless.
Also, LGS Ooze on auras procs PRR/MRR debuff but oozes never spawn. Poor oozes