I did it again… After having fun with some op builds, I came back to my greatest love: THF.
With U42 I tried out pally, now it’s time for a reaper proof, heavy melee THF EK wizard robot!
Fun to play, this build is able to deliver some amazing performances. EK op! (lol)
On this build, I played almost all the 30s R10.
Today I completed Slavers Pt1 R10 duo with my trusted bard buddy Vinci. On first try…. eoeoeooeoeo XD
To be honest, I tried to solo it but I failed badly. I don’t have enough cc to handle multiple nasty reapers/champs by myself.
Thanks Vin, you are the best bard ever in DDO <3
But let's get down to the build
First of all, the split: Wiz 18, Barb 1, Cleric 1.
Why? Wiz 18 allows EK core 5 (Deflect Arrows triggers every 2 seconds, I like it), and provides 3 lvl 9 spells (Energy Drain, Power Word Kill, Meteor Swarm. Meteor swarm ignores Epic Defensive Stance, useful tool to grab aggro from distance).
Cleric 1 for turn undead (Confront Any Foe is a must on any THF build) and Divine Might.
Barb 1 for movement speed and Intimidate as class skill.
STR based, CHA, CON. INT as a dump stat. To be honest, on this kind of build I do not think it’s possibile to reach decent DCs without destroying your dps output.
Also, like I wrote, Confront any Foe is a must on a THF build, so you need Charisma to max your turn attempts per rest. So… why Wiz? More feats
Warforged: +15 mp, Improved Power Attack, PRR and I like Bloodrage Chrism on THF robot builds to get healing amp + repair amp (maxing incoming healing hands and so on).
Fury of the Wild. Really? Really.
When I saw the new version of this ED I said to myself: "ok, never mind, it sucks as before…"
I tried it, and I changed my mind: double vorpal on THF, extra melee power, Devastating Blow are nice additions. Based on my experience, adrenalines are pretty good in high skulls.
Twists: Martial Hymn, Haste Boost, Confront any foe, Dance with flowers, Legendary tactics/Cocoon.
I spent my ehancements points as follow:
Warforged 6 (+14 free), EK 42, Fal 24 (+1 free), War 4, Rav 4
I confess… I’m missing the 3rd Scoundrel PL. How can I live without it? Idk.
All my reaper trees are almost completed (+STR, +CHA, +CON). Are PLs and reaper points important in this game? Yes, they are. And yes, with my PLs and reaper points any noob could solo slavers R10…
If reaper points and PLs are important, a good equip is crucial for any successful build.
Helm - Legendary Umber Brim (Improved Quelling Strikes, Insightful Accuracy +16, Insightful Deception +8, Profane Well Rounded +2)
Goggles - Legendary Collective Sight (Constitution +21, Insightful Constitution +10, Quality Resistance +4, +20 Quality MRR)
Necklace - The Family’s Blessing (Quality Assassinate +2, Insightful Armor-Piercing - 16%, Deadly +17, Doublestrike 24%)
Trinket - Bloodrage Chrism (Competence Healing Amplification +83, Calamitous Blows, Bloodrage Defense, Rune-fueled Warding, Unnatural)
Armor - Legendary Umbral Soul (+15 Enhancement Bonus, Fortification +214%, Physical Sheltering +54, Competence Repair Amplification +85, Hit Points +81)
Cloak - Legendary Cloak of Balance (Quality Constitution +5, Freedom of Movement, Insightful Seeker 10, Parrying +10, Empty Green Augment Slot)
Wrist - Brand of Kalok Shash (Strength +22, Quality Accuracy +8, Quality Deadly +5, Fire Absorption 53%)
Belt -SL (Sheltering +45, Accuracy +28, Stunning +20, Quality Strength +4)
Ring - SL (Charisma +17, Armor Piercing -28%, Vertigo +20, Quality Charisma +4)
Ring - Circle of Malevolence (Improved Harm 3/Day, Resistance +14, Vitality +60, Insightful Sheltering +23, Intimidate +25, Incite +53)
Gloves - Legendary Hammerfist (Insightful Doublestrike 11%, Cannith Combat Infusion, Seeker 21, Insightful Deadly +8)
Boots - Legendary Softsole Slippers (Ghostly, Anthem, Perform +22, Insightful Charisma +9))
W –Baz’Morath (+15 Enhancement Bonus, Keen V, Disease: Unholy Tear, Limb Chopper, Fetters of Unreality, +0,5 W)
Torn/Tremor as swap when DR is needed.
LGS Affirmation + Hope as swap to help my buddies with cocoon when needed.
LGS Ooze + Dust as swap for casting lesser death aura and death aura.
IMPORTANT NOTE: death auras proc some LGSs. Having Ooze and Dust quick stacking on surrounding mobs it’s a huge benefit for a melee, specially THF. I can stack by myself vulnerability (Fetters on weapon) + Ooze (LGS+auras) + Dust (LGS+auras).
Please note LGS Ice also procs with auras but the proc rate is abysmal. Useless.
Also, LGS Ooze on auras procs PRR/MRR debuff but oozes never spawn. Poor oozes
Why I’m using the outmoded Softsole Slippers boots in my setup? Because I want more turn attempts per rest, and I’m trying to reduce lag avoiding hundreds item swaps. Oh, by the way, I don’t have Relentless Fury but I can swap helm to Executioner just to get that proc
Here are my stats in reaper:
Offensive side, melee power is 286 standing in reaper (excluding damage boost, prowess etc)
Doublestrike is 92% standing.
• Confront any foe makes THF a viable fighting style. Almost…
• Eldritch Tempest and Adrenaline. 50K+ hits in R10… be happy!
• Offense and Utility spells: they should not be underestimated. Otto Irresistible Dance, Power words, Sleet Storm (FoM on cloak), Haste+Displacement, Tenser when needed, Dimension Door etc etc. You miss the DCs and spell pen, but you are still a lvl 18 spellcaster. With quicken.
• Pro melee debuffer: Vulnerability on weapon + Ooze and Dust on auras
• Doublestrike 90% standing
• Armor-piercing (in Fury): 104 (28+16+10+50 expose weakness)
• Survivability. Top PRR and MRR for a melee dps build, arcane barrier, deflect arrows every 2 secs...
• Decent mobility: +10% movement from barb, sprint boost
• Baz’ Morath is a big and ugly weapon.
• THF usual issues. Glancing blows need some love, devs know.
• As front-line soldier and aggro generator, don’t leave home without PLs and reaper points.
• Inquis can ruin your gaming experience. While waiting for a nerf, to get rid of I usually let them die before grabbing aggro.
I’m having a lot of fun with this build.
EK melee THF is a strong option for reaper endgame! (but sshhh…. don’t tell my guild leader O_o)