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  1. #1
    Community Member Gilga1's Avatar
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    Default Reaper Endgame THF EK Wizard

    I did it again… After having fun with some op builds, I came back to my greatest love: THF.

    With U42 I tried out pally, now it’s time for a reaper proof, heavy melee THF EK wizard robot!

    Fun to play, this build is able to deliver some amazing performances. EK op! (lol)
    On this build, I played almost all the 30s R10.
    I completed Slavers Pt1 R10 and TOEE Pt2 R10 duo with my trusted bard buddy Vinci.
    Here you can see the build in action (thanks Vin for recording):

    But let's get down to the build

    First of all, the split: Wiz 18, Barb 1, Cleric 1.
    Why? Wiz 18 allows EK core 5 (Deflect Arrows triggers every 2 seconds, I like it), and provides 3 lvl 9 spells (Energy Drain, Power Word Kill, Meteor Swarm. Meteor swarm ignores Epic Defensive Stance, useful tool to grab aggro from distance).
    Cleric 1 for turn undead (Confront Any Foe is a must on any THF build) and Divine Might.
    Barb 1 for movement speed and Intimidate as class skill.

    STR based, CHA, CON. INT as a dump stat. To be honest, on this kind of build I do not think it’s possibile to reach decent DCs without destroying your dps output.
    Also, like I wrote, Confront any Foe is a must on a THF build, so you need Charisma to max your turn attempts per rest. So… why Wiz? More feats

    Warforged: +15 mp, Improved Power Attack, PRR and I like Bloodrage Chrism on THF robot builds to get healing amp + repair amp (maxing incoming healing hands and so on).

    Fury of the Wild. Really? Really.
    When I saw the new version of this ED I said to myself: "ok, never mind, it sucks as before…"
    I tried it, and I changed my mind: double vorpal on THF, extra melee power, Devastating Blow are nice additions. Based on my experience, adrenalines are pretty good in high skulls.
    Twists: Martial Hymn, Haste Boost, Confront any foe, Dance with flowers, Legendary tactics/Cocoon.

    I spent my ehancements points as follow:
    Warforged 6 (+14 free), EK 42, Fal 24 (+1 free), War 4, Rav 4

    I confess… I’m missing the 3rd Scoundrel PL. How can I live without it? Idk.
    All my reaper trees are almost completed (+STR, +CHA, +CON). Are PLs and reaper points important in this game? Yes, they are. And yes, with my PLs and reaper points any noob could solo slavers R10…

    If reaper points and PLs are important, a good equip is crucial for any successful build.

    Helm - Legendary Umber Brim (Improved Quelling Strikes, Insightful Accuracy +16, Insightful Deception +8, Profane Well Rounded +2)
    Goggles - Legendary Collective Sight (Constitution +21, Insightful Constitution +10, Quality Resistance +4, +20 Quality MRR)
    Necklace - The Family’s Blessing (Quality Assassinate +2, Insightful Armor-Piercing - 16%, Deadly +17, Doublestrike 24%)
    Trinket - Bloodrage Chrism (Competence Healing Amplification +83, Calamitous Blows, Bloodrage Defense, Rune-fueled Warding, Unnatural)
    Armor - Legendary Umbral Soul (+15 Enhancement Bonus, Fortification +214%, Physical Sheltering +54, Competence Repair Amplification +85, Hit Points +81)
    Cloak - Legendary Cloak of Balance (Quality Constitution +5, Freedom of Movement, Insightful Seeker 10, Parrying +10, Empty Green Augment Slot)
    Wrist - Brand of Kalok Shash (Strength +22, Quality Accuracy +8, Quality Deadly +5, Fire Absorption 53%)
    Belt -SL (Sheltering +45, Accuracy +28, Stunning +20, Quality Strength +4)
    Ring - SL (Charisma +17, Armor Piercing -28%, Vertigo +20, Quality Charisma +4)
    Ring - Circle of Malevolence (Improved Harm 3/Day, Resistance +14, Vitality +60, Insightful Sheltering +23, Intimidate +25, Incite +53)
    Gloves - Legendary Hammerfist (Insightful Doublestrike 11%, Cannith Combat Infusion, Seeker 21, Insightful Deadly +8)
    Boots - Legendary Softsole Slippers (Ghostly, Anthem, Perform +22, Insightful Charisma +9))
    W –Baz’Morath (+15 Enhancement Bonus, Keen V, Disease: Unholy Tear, Limb Chopper, Fetters of Unreality, +0,5 W)
    Torn/Tremor as swap when DR is needed.
    LGS Affirmation + Hope as swap to help my buddies with cocoon when needed.
    LGS Ooze + Dust as swap for casting lesser death aura and death aura.
    IMPORTANT NOTE: death auras proc some LGSs. Having Ooze and Dust quick stacking on surrounding mobs it’s a huge benefit for a melee, specially THF. I can stack by myself vulnerability (Fetters on weapon) + Ooze (LGS+auras) + Dust (LGS+auras).
    Please note LGS Ice also procs with auras but the proc rate is abysmal. Useless.
    Also, LGS Ooze on auras procs PRR/MRR debuff but oozes never spawn. Poor oozes

    Why I’m using the outmoded Softsole Slippers boots in my setup? Because I want more turn attempts per rest, and I’m trying to reduce lag avoiding hundreds item swaps. Oh, by the way, I don’t have Relentless Fury but I can swap helm to Executioner just to get that proc

    Here are my stats in reaper:

    Offensive side, melee power is 286 standing in reaper (excluding damage boost, prowess etc)
    Doublestrike is 92% standing.

    • Confront any foe makes THF a viable fighting style. Almost…
    • Eldritch Tempest and Adrenaline. 50K+ hits in R10… be happy!

    • Offense and Utility spells: they should not be underestimated. Otto Irresistible Dance, Power words, Sleet Storm (FoM on cloak), Haste+Displacement, Tenser when needed, Dimension Door etc etc. You miss the DCs and spell pen, but you are still a lvl 18 spellcaster. With quicken.
    • Pro melee debuffer: Vulnerability on weapon + Ooze and Dust on auras
    • Doublestrike 90% standing
    • Armor-piercing (in Fury): 104 (28+16+10+50 expose weakness)
    • Survivability. Top PRR and MRR for a melee dps build, arcane barrier, deflect arrows every 2 secs...
    • Decent mobility: +10% movement from barb, sprint boost
    • Baz’ Morath is a big and ugly weapon.

    • THF usual issues. Glancing blows need some love, devs know.
    • As front-line soldier and aggro generator, don’t leave home without PLs and reaper points.
    • Inquis can ruin your gaming experience. While waiting for a nerf, to get rid of I usually let them die before grabbing aggro.

    I’m having a lot of fun with this build.
    EK melee THF is a strong option for reaper endgame! (but sshhh…. don’t tell my guild leader O_o)
    Last edited by Gilga1; 10-25-2019 at 06:12 PM.
    Tronko - Ascendance - Orien

  2. #2
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    Neat build. Really love the concept. Also, thanks for reminding me about Confront being a thing, I tend to forget that one, and it's a pretty powerful tool.

    I just wanted to add that Acid Well seems to ignore the range penalties on Epic Defensive Fighting (and Knight's Transformation) as well, so it's an available Meteor Swarm replacement.

  3. #3
    Community Member Pilgrim1's Avatar
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    Nice to see more people using ek!

    Couple of points: weapon imbues do a lot of damage, i think your missing out on some rather significant damage by not investing into spell power. If you put more emphasis on spell power then i suspect that going 20 wizard for capstone ek will grant you more damage then getting divine power would.

    Since you have reconstruct why not focus more on self healing as well? I suspect you could hit 250 repair amp and 800 repaire spell power. Thats just under 5k reconstruct without crits.

    Lvl 4 fear spell also bypasses EDF range limitation.

    Can you get dc’s to a point where dire charge is viable? What if you swapped out barb for fvs for a diffrent version of divine might to get better dire charge dc? 1 splash of fighter picks up haste boost, save yourself a twist?

    This is what i have done on my ek wizzy:
    Its undead and prioritizes tanking and self healing, but is rather similar to yours. I may try to drop undead for reconstruct healing and follow your list more. Still passive self healing in r7 is nice (1k/3sec).

  4. #4
    Community Member Gilga1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pilgrim1 View Post
    weapon imbues do a lot of damage, i think your missing out on some rather significant damage by not investing into spell power.
    True, weapon imbues can provide good damage. However, they have no synergies with THF and Fury.
    To max weapon imbues damage, you should play a different build, focusing on attack speed (SWF). The most interesting option I see is Scoundrel Sorc Fatesinger 18-1-1 with Scion of feywild and Staccato sovereign.
    Equip will be more tricky, despite the off-hand slot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pilgrim1 View Post
    Since you have reconstruct why not focus more on self healing as well?
    Why should I self heal (nerfing my dps)? XD
    I focus on R10. On R10 self healing requires a lot of effort unless you are playing specific builds (ie fvs, warchanter tier 5 etc).
    Be able to reconstruct myself would be terrible (no enhancement repair spellpower available, insightful repair amplification are junk, etc)
    Reaper is supposed to have some cooperative play: you heal me, I heal you...
    The truth is that I am lucky: my buddies are excellent players, and they take care of me
    But on Cannith the vast majority of players don't heal, for different reasons ("Hey, I'm raging", "Hey, I'm undead", "Hey, I'm Inqui", "Hey, I'm noob", "Hey, I like to see people die"...)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pilgrim1 View Post
    Can you get dc’s to a point where dire charge is viable? What if you swapped out barb for fvs for a diffrent version of divine might to get better dire charge dc? 1 splash of fighter picks up haste boost, save yourself a twist?
    Yes, my dire charge is viable. Both fighter (for haste boost) and fvs (divine presence) are solid options. Investing 8 points in VKF for haste boost is also an option. I prefer movement speed... I'm zerg inside

    Quote Originally Posted by Pilgrim1 View Post
    I may try to drop undead for reconstruct healing...
    Imho the reason why dropping undead is not self healing, but dps. Investing in Pale Master means you need to skip no mercy and expose weakness.
    Tronko - Ascendance - Orien

  5. #5
    Community Member psykopeta's Avatar
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    Awesome build! Love the ones who are made in a different way, prolly that other build would have more dps, or with less pl and reaper points may drop efectiveness dramatically, but love the way of thinking of these type of builds, much more than than the "top dps all cloned all the way"

    Hey you can even heal undead or other robots and have umd for scroll healing lol
    psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilga1 View Post
    I confess… I’m missing the 3rd Scoundrel PL. How can I live without it? Idk.

  7. #7
    Community Member Gilga1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cru121 View Post
    I'm lazy, I know...
    Tronko - Ascendance - Orien

  8. #8
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    You are complete liar. You cannot get 120+ STR without using +1 STR filigree. It means you cannot get extra damage(direct damage, melee power) from sets. You do not get prowess 10s buff.

    Liar again? You said you have 92 % double strike. Well, how much can you get in reality?
    6 % from bard
    24 % from neck
    11 % from gloves
    10 % from trinket
    9 % from epic PL
    3 % from aasimar PL

    Just 64 % total. Of course, there is twist in monk ED. And there is 4 % from scion.

    Missing 28 %. Where do they come from?

    Liar thrice? 286 melee power unbuffed? Really?! Can you show all sources?

    I never trust anyone who shown only cut image. I cannot see if you have buffs or not.

    So you are just liar.

    And... Can you show all sources of such STR? I do not believe you have 2 filigree sets and 120+ str at the same time. Even with all bonuses from pastlifes. Even with WF bonus.

    Another addition with criticism. You play THF and said you need only 1 weapon. Truth is that you must have weapon with 3 damade weapon types.
    One of them(piercing) - Sireth, the only one high level piercing two handed weapon. Can you tell if there ANY other?
    At least 1 bludgeoning weapon. What it would be? Leg moonbeam? Yes. The only one good - it has "vorpal" mod(knockdown).
    And slashing damage type. Yes, this axe is good - versus bosses. But it has low crit profile. And with good party you will not make enough hits to regain charges. This means only one thing: for mobs you have to use greatsword. GA vs boss. GS vs mobs.

    If you do not understand such simple things - your IQ is less than 100.
    Also, you forgot about DR problem. You can twist alignment DR but cannot break metal DR. Using metal augment is good only for boss beater.
    Last edited by AirbornedChild; 10-22-2019 at 08:58 AM.

  9. #9
    Community Member Gilga1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AirbornedChild View Post
    You are complete liar.
    I think there are two possibilities: 1) you're kidding me 2) mmmmh...

    Quote Originally Posted by AirbornedChild View Post
    You cannot get 120+ STR without using +1 STR filigree.
    Well, I'm using the 2x Sucker Punch/One Against Many raid filigrees, so +4 STR
    Regarding STR, I posted a similar STR+DM breakdown here:
    Feel free to check your math

    Quote Originally Posted by AirbornedChild View Post
    Liar again? You said you have 92 % double strike. Well, how much can you get in reality?
    Emh.... 92% standing +6% Ballad Melody Recklessness +30% Reaper's strike = 128%. Please note ds over 100% is completely useless for melees.

    I think you are missing some big numbers, lol... 15% artifact set? 5% perfect TWF? 11% from EK (8 cores, 3 Knight's Transformation)?
    I'm not using DS twist, my scion is Arborea.

    Quote Originally Posted by AirbornedChild View Post
    Liar thrice? 286 melee power unbuffed? Really?! Can you show all sources?
    Where melee power comes from? Probably you have no idea how artifact+weapon filigrees work (and stack), probably you have no idea how many melee power you can get from items (Reaper boosts, Mythic boosts from weapons, belts, gloves, goggles, rings and trinkets)....

    Quote Originally Posted by AirbornedChild View Post
    I never trust anyone who shown only cut image. I cannot see if you have buffs or not.
    So you are just liar.
    Hey, I don't need you to believe me, I'll be happy anyway
    I play on Cannith and I'm a very nice guy. Often I open my PUGS to everyone and I try to help those who ask me for advice.
    Do you think I am lying? That's fine!

    Quote Originally Posted by AirbornedChild View Post
    Another addition with criticism. You play THF and said you need only 1 weapon. Truth is that you must have weapon with 3 damade weapon types.
    One of them(piercing) - Sireth, the only one high level piercing two handed weapon. Can you tell if there ANY other?
    At least 1 bludgeoning weapon. What it would be? Leg moonbeam? Yes. The only one good - it has "vorpal" mod(knockdown).
    And slashing damage type. Yes, this axe is good - versus bosses. But it has low crit profile. And with good party you will not make enough hits to regain charges. This means only one thing: for mobs you have to use greatsword. GA vs boss. GS vs mobs.
    If you do not understand such simple things - your IQ is less than 100.
    Also, you forgot about DR problem. You can twist alignment DR but cannot break metal DR. Using metal augment is good only for boss beater.
    Are you serious? Are you teaching me how DR works? Did you read my post?
    On this build I use Reflection only when I need crystal...
    Last edited by Gilga1; 10-22-2019 at 09:57 AM. Reason: typos
    Tronko - Ascendance - Orien

  10. #10
    Community Member Vanhooger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AirbornedChild View Post
    You are complete liar. You cannot get 120+ STR without using +1 STR filigree. It means you cannot get extra damage(direct damage, melee power) from sets. You do not get prowess 10s buff.

    Liar again? You said you have 92 % double strike. Well, how much can you get in reality?
    6 % from bard
    24 % from neck
    11 % from gloves
    10 % from trinket
    9 % from epic PL
    3 % from aasimar PL

    Just 64 % total. Of course, there is twist in monk ED. And there is 4 % from scion.

    Missing 28 %. Where do they come from?

    Liar thrice? 286 melee power unbuffed? Really?! Can you show all sources?

    I never trust anyone who shown only cut image. I cannot see if you have buffs or not.

    So you are just liar.

    And... Can you show all sources of such STR? I do not believe you have 2 filigree sets and 120+ str at the same time. Even with all bonuses from pastlifes. Even with WF bonus.

    Another addition with criticism. You play THF and said you need only 1 weapon. Truth is that you must have weapon with 3 damade weapon types.
    One of them(piercing) - Sireth, the only one high level piercing two handed weapon. Can you tell if there ANY other?
    At least 1 bludgeoning weapon. What it would be? Leg moonbeam? Yes. The only one good - it has "vorpal" mod(knockdown).
    And slashing damage type. Yes, this axe is good - versus bosses. But it has low crit profile. And with good party you will not make enough hits to regain charges. This means only one thing: for mobs you have to use greatsword. GA vs boss. GS vs mobs.

    If you do not understand such simple things - your IQ is less than 100.
    Also, you forgot about DR problem. You can twist alignment DR but cannot break metal DR. Using metal augment is good only for boss beater.
    Omegalol, you are going against one of the gods of ddo, if you think you know something about the game, it's never enough compared to Tronky. He is meticulous in every single aspect of is build no matter what class/race.
    I think you got a self-esteem a bit too high.
    Triple Heroic & Epic completionist. Eroic : 42/42 - Epic : 36/36 - Iconic : 12/12.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by AirbornedChild View Post
    One of them(piercing) - Sireth, the only one high level piercing two handed weapon. Can you tell if there ANY other?
    As soon as I read sireth, i hope that stuff you wrote was just a joke....

  12. #12
    Uber Completionist Capricorpus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AirbornedChild View Post
    You are complete liar. You cannot get 120+ STR without using +1 STR filigree. It means you cannot get extra damage(direct damage, melee power) from sets. You do not get prowess 10s buff.

    Liar again? You said you have 92 % double strike. Well, how much can you get in reality?
    6 % from bard
    24 % from neck
    11 % from gloves
    10 % from trinket
    9 % from epic PL
    3 % from aasimar PL

    Just 64 % total. Of course, there is twist in monk ED. And there is 4 % from scion.

    Missing 28 %. Where do they come from?

    Liar thrice? 286 melee power unbuffed? Really?! Can you show all sources?

    I never trust anyone who shown only cut image. I cannot see if you have buffs or not.

    So you are just liar.

    And... Can you show all sources of such STR? I do not believe you have 2 filigree sets and 120+ str at the same time. Even with all bonuses from pastlifes. Even with WF bonus.

    Another addition with criticism. You play THF and said you need only 1 weapon. Truth is that you must have weapon with 3 damade weapon types.
    One of them(piercing) - Sireth, the only one high level piercing two handed weapon. Can you tell if there ANY other?
    At least 1 bludgeoning weapon. What it would be? Leg moonbeam? Yes. The only one good - it has "vorpal" mod(knockdown).
    And slashing damage type. Yes, this axe is good - versus bosses. But it has low crit profile. And with good party you will not make enough hits to regain charges. This means only one thing: for mobs you have to use greatsword. GA vs boss. GS vs mobs.

    If you do not understand such simple things - your IQ is less than 100.
    Also, you forgot about DR problem. You can twist alignment DR but cannot break metal DR. Using metal augment is good only for boss beater.

    Oh dear. Where do I even start? With a warning, I guess. I'm going to use some big words (I know, scary) in my post, so if you ever feel intimidated by that you can either google the definitions (I recommend or furiously pound your keyboard and call me a liar because words are hard, bless your little heart. Both are equally valid options.

    I was planning on breaking down each one of your absurd statements that can only be characterized as "points" in the loosest sense of the word, but given that you seem to have a pretty serious mental block that prevents you from understanding and/or listening to even friendly players I can't imagine that I'd be able to get through to you.

    You've made it abundantly clear that you don't have even the most basic of understandings as to how this game works, which is fine, a lot of people don't! There's a phenomenon first described by David Dunning and Justin Kruger called, appropriately, the Dunning-Kruger effect that (I'm going to paraphrase here) does a great job at explaining the anecdotal fact that morons generally don't know they're morons. Individuals who are particularly afflicted by this cognitive bias have a tendency to proudly demonstrate their ignorance by popping up in, say, an online forum to expose the rest of us as being bad and wrong.

    Unfortunately, cognitive biases aren't exactly "treatable" in the traditional sense, but learning that they exist is a great way to start! With practice, an individual suffering from a cognitive bias might be able to recognize said bias when it shows up and upon composing a nonsensical forum post say "WAIT! This is the Dunning-Kruger effect trying to get the better of me! I shouldn't post this!" and then proceed to, you know, not post it.

    Alternatively, depending on where you live, you can always try to go full "silver lining" and apply for priority parking at your local Denny's on the grounds that you're very obviously mentally handicapped. I hear that's a thing. Best of luck, I believe in you buddy!
    Last edited by Capricorpus; 10-22-2019 at 02:45 PM.
    Cap, Ascendance, Cannith
    Capricorpus / Capiorcorpus

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilga1 View Post
    I think...
    +1 respect.
    You know your DDO for sure, but I'm more impressed at your response to that post

  14. #14
    The Eternal Rapscallion Haphazarduk's Avatar
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    Great stuff. I have been running some 'similar' builds ever since I found out that Eldritch Tempest doesn't break Stealth. The purpose of those builds is specifically to use attacks that don't destealth you (primarily melee AOE special attacks) to simulate Assassinate but there are many similarities.

    I've recently run a 17Wiz/3Druid to make use of the extra melee power and ds from Natural Fighting. It can easily one shot reds and champ groups and is gloriously fun to play. That build was HO for additional melee power (Orcish rage triggers Primal Beast 2 for extra MP - oh and also doesn't uncentre you) and doing as much damage through ET as possible but obviously you've got to do damage in-between sometimes

    Unfortunately I'm in a different league in terms of PLs, Reaper Points and probably general experience in the game but hey ho - its fun!

    I didn't have access to Falconry when I started these builds (I do now). I'm guessing the best use of Falconry is cc in Reaper? Oh and No Mercy I guess. I only dabble with Reaper although the build (my build) is solid enough and R1 solo-capable much of the time even for someone like me.

    Also, have you done any analysis on how the damage works for Eldritch Tempest? It seems to be tied to the maximum damage rather than average damage for the weapon so I was getting some crazy numbers for Insurrection. I may just be getting my calcs wrong though.

    Last edited by Haphazarduk; 10-24-2019 at 05:18 AM.

  15. #15
    Community Member Gilga1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haphazarduk View Post
    I didn't have access to Falconry when I started these builds (I do now). I'm guessing the best use of Falconry is cc in Reaper? Oh and No Mercy I guess.
    Hey. Sure, No Mercy is the main reason to invest in Falconry. I also like other stuff in this tree: Sprint Boost, a little extra healing amplification, 5% hp, and Expose Weakness.

    Quote Originally Posted by Haphazarduk View Post
    Also, have you done any analysis on how the damage works for Eldritch Tempest? It seems to be tied to the maximum damage rather than average damage for the weapon so I was getting some crazy numbers for Insurrection. I may just be getting my calcs wrong though.
    Eldritch Tempest is crazy damage, yes. I got 600.000+ with Adrenaline + Eldritch Tempest. +5W and +3 multiplier are awesome.
    Tronko - Ascendance - Orien

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilga1 View Post
    True, weapon imbues can provide good damage. However, they have no synergies with THF and Fury.
    To max weapon imbues damage, you should play a different build, focusing on attack speed (SWF). The most interesting option I see is Scoundrel Sorc Fatesinger 18-1-1 with Scion of feywild and Staccato sovereign.
    Equip will be more tricky, despite the off-hand slot.
    Great build! For curiosity, could you please further explain the Sorc fatesinger 18-1-1 you mentioned? I'm trying to figure out what would be the core of the build


  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by VinX View Post
    As soon as I read sireth
    The only DR beater for cats. Just try. Or ask someone to compare Sireth and lvl 29 weapon vs Ta'ashveth. Rakshasa is the only and the one reason to use Sireth. Just because it is the only twohander with piercing damage type.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by AirbornedChild View Post
    You are complete liar. You cannot get 120+ STR without using +1 STR filigree. It means you cannot get extra damage(direct damage, melee power) from sets. You do not get prowess 10s buff.

    Liar again? You said you have 92 % double strike. Well, how much can you get in reality?
    6 % from bard
    24 % from neck
    11 % from gloves
    10 % from trinket
    9 % from epic PL
    3 % from aasimar PL

    Just 64 % total. Of course, there is twist in monk ED. And there is 4 % from scion.

    Missing 28 %. Where do they come from?

    Liar thrice? 286 melee power unbuffed? Really?! Can you show all sources?

    I never trust anyone who shown only cut image. I cannot see if you have buffs or not.

    So you are just liar.

    And... Can you show all sources of such STR? I do not believe you have 2 filigree sets and 120+ str at the same time. Even with all bonuses from pastlifes. Even with WF bonus.

    Another addition with criticism. You play THF and said you need only 1 weapon. Truth is that you must have weapon with 3 damade weapon types.
    One of them(piercing) - Sireth, the only one high level piercing two handed weapon. Can you tell if there ANY other?
    At least 1 bludgeoning weapon. What it would be? Leg moonbeam? Yes. The only one good - it has "vorpal" mod(knockdown).
    And slashing damage type. Yes, this axe is good - versus bosses. But it has low crit profile. And with good party you will not make enough hits to regain charges. This means only one thing: for mobs you have to use greatsword. GA vs boss. GS vs mobs.

    If you do not understand such simple things - your IQ is less than 100.
    Also, you forgot about DR problem. You can twist alignment DR but cannot break metal DR. Using metal augment is good only for boss beater.
    You should really do some research before you post stuff like this..

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilga1 View Post
    Eldritch Tempest is crazy damage, yes. I got 600.000+ with Adrenaline + Eldritch Tempest. +5W and +3 multiplier are awesome.
    That was just lucky hit when you:
    1 Hit 19-20 for +2 crit multiplier.
    2 Bypass construct fotification.

    Compare with pure FB barb with same investments. Barb has continuous damage full time. WIth better glancing blows. Yes. He said that glancing blows are bad(problematic). But not for frenzied berserker. Also, Barb gets more chance for weapon effects on glancing blows.
    Yes, barb will see lots of draining while using razor. Will EK see same? No.

    this build is just "for fun". Just to see big numbers. What can you say, when you see your glancing blow having nearly same damage as base one?

    And again i must say, that such STR is impossible without using +1 STR filigree. It mean you lose 2 filigree set bonuses. For instance: on barb you will get 3k hp without leg gs plus 1400 temporal hp.

    Just imagine how strong can be barb with such investments. FB barb would be much, much better. And this is just because EK is bad while using regular attack.

    But. Simple question. If EK gets such high STR, how much would get barb? 150?

  20. #20
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Volanthro View Post
    You should really do some research before you post stuff like this..
    He cut image. That is enough. When someone cuts image and hides (possible) buffs, it is just cheating. It is not fair.

    If he showed full screenshot, I would not even post smth. But he cut off.

    As i said. No filigree sets. Set give more than +2 str. Sorry, but this is just +1/+1,5. Hands down...

    Mmm... 34 insightful STR? It is legal at all? Well, with +34 insightful STR barb will get highest STR score. I consider this to be error. Rule was always the same: enhancement>insightful>other.

    Edit N1: Well, full comp character with all +3 items. OK, I choose life.
    Edit N2: Still GS>GA on monsters(not bosses).
    Edit N3: I consider divine might to be... unfair. Years ago I said that such boost must be tier 5 in enh tree. Reason is simple: it makes capstone weaker, while it must be the strongest.

    Would you kind to make FB barb? Just for comparison. Yes, yes, this is trolling. But this is the only way to find who is stronger.

    PS In my opinion this build is heavily depends on casters spells. It has low regular damage(GA). Using sword would give more crits while losing just 1 critical multiplier.
    About doublestrike: mine is nearly the same, difference comes from EK enhancements. Less melee power(just few +2/+4 mythic).

    True melee with such gear would be better.
    Last edited by AirbornedChild; 10-25-2019 at 04:57 AM.

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