There is some (Okay, a little more than some.) bias to this request.

There is a character class that has never really existed in D&D (or DDO for that matter) - At least not in this way. - which is the Veradin.

This class may seem to be one that already exists, but it really doesn't (yet). - I created it to play in tabletop, but never got the chance to even play test it.
Mind you, the Veradin was conceived (and designed for play in) within 3.5 D&D. - It is a cross between wizard and ranger (mostly) with a few things from some specialty classes. The Veradin specializes in the use of the Trident (which does not exist in DDO), but can use a longbow or long sword as well.

I don't want to display too much information here since it may cause issues that need not be. - Developers should contact me if they want a more concise list of abilities, skills, etc. - A also do not see a place to upload my information on the class to here.