So I just came back to the game after a long break and was delighted with the drop rates on Sharn and Ravenloft equipment. FINALLY, good items that can be obtained without an intense, eons long grind! I could finally start playing alts, gear for TR in weeks instead of months, it was great!
And then the bags filled up. Then the shared bank. Then the mule characters. Then the new mules. Look, space has always been at a premium in this game and the storage limitations are now mind-bendingly unpleasant.
So, here is a thought:
Pen and Paper DnD has loot-mules, why can't we have those in DDO? We're all familliar with making a character just to use as a mule, I'm sure everyone reading this has several. But it's a huge commitment in time and points to unlock all the storage on one.
I'd like to see SSG sell a "race" that's literally just a loot donkey. It starts locked in a room that only has a banker and a mailbox. Other players can get into the room but the donkey can never leave. This class can't level but has all available inventory space from character creation. Could sell them individually for all I care. I just want a quicker/easier solution to this massive headache that is the inventory system,