Yep, TR still not doing anything. At least I can log into the previous life and all my stuff is still there, as well as my past lives - so at least there's no permanent corruption and it should be very possible to salvage it, no matter what the issue is (worst case: cancel TRs and give people a free Heart to do it again).
I've been running off a flash drive without issue for over a year. Updates normally aren't a problem. Today however, I'm getting "Done applying 0 patches..." "Cannot save data files" error.
This happening to anyone else?
Help please!
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Hello from Standing Stone Games! Facebook Twitter
For Support:
No mobs in night revels key quest so can no open mist. Tons of zone lag. Nothing changed with server reboot.
Not the only issue remaining:
Could not load into HC after char select screen - only tried once, blue 'loading' bar did not move at all for 3 mins, Alt-F4 to try...
... Ghallanda:
Long load screens
Stuck in quest trying to recall
Took 30 secs to pass the star
Hope you can work it out soon!
If you thought the log in issue was
still broke (day 2)
just wanted to let you know in case you were hoping you made progress :-P
have fun.
I think the environmentally friendly insecticide will not work on this bug,
time to bring out the heavy duty stuff.
In my experience the client is still clearly broken. It takes several restarts to get a toon loaded.
Things are most definitely not fixed. I couldn't get past "Installing Pre-Reqs". Did a complete uninstall (which is now broken btw, doesn't fully uninstall, still prompts to repair). Then did a full re-install. At this point it cannot connect to the servers.
Standing Stones - Run your install, check your log files. Here are my contents, as you can see it's errors all over the place. Hope these help.
Launcher Log:
2019.10.10 11:08:42[W] Data Center URL: QUrl( "" )
2019.10.10 11:12:52[W] "Request failed, reason [Connection closed][2] (try:0) [File:client_mesh.dat.part000002]!"
2019.10.10 11:12:52[W] "Request failed, reason [Connection closed][2] (try:0) [File:client_mesh.dat.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:12:53[W] "Request failed, reason [Connection closed][2] (try:1) [File:client_mesh.dat.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:12:53[W] "Request failed, reason [Connection closed][2] (try:1) [File:client_mesh.dat.part000002]!"
2019.10.10 11:12:57[W] "Request failed, reason [Connection closed][2] (try:2) [File:client_mesh.dat.part000002]!"
2019.10.10 11:12:57[W] "Request failed, reason [Connection closed][2] (try:2) [File:client_mesh.dat.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:19:56[W] "Request failed, reason [Connection closed][2] (try:0) [File:client_sound.dat.part000002]!"
2019.10.10 11:19:56[W] "Request failed, reason [Connection closed][2] (try:0) [File:client_sound.dat.part000003]!"
2019.10.10 11:19:56[W] "Request failed, reason [Connection closed][2] (try:0) [File:client_sound.dat.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:19:56[W] "Request failed, reason [Connection closed][2] (try:0) [File:client_sound.dat.part000009]!"
2019.10.10 11:19:56[W] "Request failed, reason [Connection closed][2] (try:0) [File:client_sound.dat.part000007]!"
2019.10.10 11:19:56[W] "Request failed, reason [Connection closed][2] (try:0) [File:client_sound.dat.part000008]!"
2019.10.10 11:19:57[W] "Request failed, reason [Connection closed][2] (try:1) [File:client_sound.dat.part000002]!"
2019.10.10 11:19:57[W] "Request failed, reason [Connection closed][2] (try:1) [File:client_sound.dat.part000003]!"
2019.10.10 11:19:57[W] "Request failed, reason [Connection closed][2] (try:1) [File:client_sound.dat.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:19:57[W] "Request failed, reason [Connection closed][2] (try:1) [File:client_sound.dat.part000007]!"
2019.10.10 11:19:57[W] "Request failed, reason [Connection closed][2] (try:1) [File:client_sound.dat.part000008]!"
2019.10.10 11:20:01[W] "Request failed, reason [Connection closed][2] (try:2) [File:client_sound.dat.part000002]!"
2019.10.10 11:20:01[W] "Request failed, reason [Connection closed][2] (try:2) [File:client_sound.dat.part000003]!"
2019.10.10 11:20:01[W] "Request failed, reason [Connection closed][2] (try:2) [File:client_sound.dat.part000008]!"
2019.10.10 11:20:01[W] "Request failed, reason [Connection closed][2] (try:2) [File:client_sound.dat.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:20:01[W] "Request failed, reason [Connection closed][2] (try:2) [File:client_sound.dat.part000007]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:27[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:cef_extensions.pak.part000002]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:27[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:cef_extensions.pak.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:27[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:27[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:cef_extensions.pak.part000003]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:27[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:27[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:cef_extensions.pak.part000004]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:27[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:27[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:icudtl.dat.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:icudtl.dat.part000002]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:icudtl.dat.part000003]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:icudtl.dat.part000004]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:icudtl.dat.part000005]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:icudtl.dat.part000006]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:icudtl.dat.part000007]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:icudtl.dat.part000008]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:cef.pak.part000002]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:cef.pak.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:cef.pak.part000003]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:cef.pak.part000004]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:cef.pak.part000005]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:cef.pak.part000006]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:cef.pak.part000007]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:28[W] QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.
2019.10.10 11:26:29[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:cef_100_percent.pak.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:29[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:29[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:cef_200_percent.pak.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:29[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:30[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:msvcp71.dll.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:30[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:30[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:msvcr71.dll.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:30[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:30[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:MFC71.dll.part000002]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:30[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:MFC71.dll.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:30[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:30[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:30[W] QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.
2019.10.10 11:26:38[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:avcodec-53.dll.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:38[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:avcodec-53.dll.part000002]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:38[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:38[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:39[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:avformat-53.dll.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:39[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:39[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:avutil-51.dll.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:39[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:39[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:awesomium.dll.part000002]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:39[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:awesomium.dll.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:39[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:39[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:awesomium.dll.part000003]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:39[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:39[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:awesomium.dll.part000004]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:39[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:39[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:awesomium.dll.part000005]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:39[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:39[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:awesomium.dll.part000006]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:39[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:39[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:awesomium.dll.part000007]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:39[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:39[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:awesomium.dll.part000008]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:39[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:39[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:39[W] QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.
2019.10.10 11:26:39[W] QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.
2019.10.10 11:26:40[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:awesomium_process.exe.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:40[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:40[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:icudt.dll.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:40[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:icudt.dll.part000002]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:40[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:40[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:icudt.dll.part000003]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:40[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:40[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:icudt.dll.part000004]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:40[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:40[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:icudt.dll.part000005]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:40[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:40[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:icudt.dll.part000006]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:40[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:40[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:icudt.dll.part000007]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:40[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:40[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:icudt.dll.part000008]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:40[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:40[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:41[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:widevinecdmadapter.dll.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:41[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:41[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:chrome_elf.dll.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:41[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:42[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:d3dcompiler_43.dll.part000002]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:42[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:d3dcompiler_43.dll.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:42[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:42[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:d3dcompiler_43.dll.part000003]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:42[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:42[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:42[W] QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.
2019.10.10 11:26:42[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:d3dcompiler_47.dll.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:42[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:d3dcompiler_47.dll.part000002]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:42[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:42[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:d3dcompiler_47.dll.part000003]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:42[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:42[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:d3dcompiler_47.dll.part000004]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:42[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:42[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:libcef.dll.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:libcef.dll.part000002]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:libcef.dll.part000003]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:libcef.dll.part000004]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:libcef.dll.part000005]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:libcef.dll.part000006]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:libcef.dll.part000007]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:libcef.dll.part000008]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:libEGL.dll.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:libGLESv2.dll.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] "Request failed, reason [Operation canceled][5] (try:0) [File:libGLESv2.dll.part000002]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] QCoreApplication:ostEvent: Unexpected null receiver
2019.10.10 11:26:43[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:44[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:natives_blob.bin.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:44[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:44[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:snapshot_blob.bin.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:44[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:45[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:en-US.pak.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:45[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:45[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:fr.pak.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:45[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:45[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:de.pak.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:45[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
2019.10.10 11:26:46[W] "Request fatally failed, reason [Error downloading - server replied: Not Found][203] (try:0) [File:steam_api.dll.part000001]!"
2019.10.10 11:26:46[W] QFile::remove: Empty or null file name
//************************************************** **************************************
// Filename: C:\Users\kagen\AppData\Local\Dungeons and Dragons Online/PatchClient.log
// Description:
// Version: Portal:compiled Mon Apr 16 16:05:54 2018 : RELEASE
// Process ID: 25572 (0x63e4) Thread ID: 24464 (0x5f90)
// Log Creation Time: Thu Oct 10 11:46:23 2019
// Current Time - System: Thu Oct 10 11:46:23 2019 Game: 000000000.000
// Times wrapped: 0 Writes: 0 Bytes Written: 0
//************************************************** **************************************
000000000.000: preconfigured proxy settings.
000000000.000: Using settings from INI file [C:\Program Files (x86)\StandingStoneGames\Dungeons & Dragons Online\coreonline.ini], section [PatchClient]
000000000.000: Importing public key
000000000.000: Connecting to patchserver at
000000000.000: Setting proxy information for patchserver connection
000000072.625: preconfigured proxy settings.
000000072.625: Could not initialize the http client
000000072.625: Failed during initialization, error 0x80004005
000000132.691: preconfigured proxy settings.
000000132.691: Using settings from INI file [C:\Program Files (x86)\StandingStoneGames\Dungeons & Dragons Online\coreonline.ini], section [PatchClient]
000000132.691: Importing public key
000000132.691: Connecting to patchserver at
000000132.691: Setting proxy information for patchserver connection
Funny how it affects some players. I checked rough log in times - in transatlantic connection. To character selection screen: 25 seconds. From toon selection to in-game: 12 seconds. I can live with that![]()
Sympo Pikemeister / Cannith
Since yesterday I was on game then servers went down I did not log out in time on second account When they came back up I could not get in says wrong user name/password now I have not changed anything and I cant get on Does anyone have any input Sumited ticket last night no response yet and facebook messages did no good either
Cordavan help a brother out man
Hargrave 20 Pally 1/2ling * Saraph 20 N Human Clr * Azureflame 14/2 CG WF Wiz/Rog * Grimstone 12/2/6 CG Dwf Rgr/ftr/Barb * Ebinn 17/3 Clr/Pally Dwf * Settsu 20 Dwf Monk LN * Nythh 8 Fvs Lg Human * Krisi 20 Sorc Drow LG * Cinderblok 6/12/2 Rgr/Ftr/Mk WF LG