i hope terminex is on the job ,,getting rid of the bugs
i hope terminex is on the job ,,getting rid of the bugs
SSG REALLY needs to incorporate rigorous POST implementation testing when they release a patch or an update.
It seems almost every time they hit a problem which inconveniences their players.
We still experienced the unexplainable lag, the random DC's and the other unexplained issues.
Train your staff on the following:
Agile/Scrum Development
Release Management
Optimize your communications to your player base
Better monitoring tools for your staff
Improve your ticketing process and response times, your in game staff always seem to have VERY limited abilities to fix in game problems.
Put in a Disaster recovery Plan
Before I went into real estate I worked in Information Technology for 20 years, take some advice.
Rhynn Level 30 Real Estate Mogul, aka The Teflon Don
For those trying to reach 400k rxp on Hardcore, it seems that server down-times, load screen issues, hireling glitches, etc., when taken together, ought to warrant extending the HC server event another few days, maybe a week, as questing-time for some VIPs may be more limited and thus more disrupted by these issues.
Playing since 2010 | Don't do the fun wrong | New to Orien? Join the ingame Titan Channel | Soko Irrlicht freut sich immer über neue Mitglieder | Deutscher DDO Discord | Orien Raiding Discord | Toons: Titus Ovid , Bruder, Upload, Zzed, (Rubbel)
Ionie is a hypocrite, yes. On HC server Ionie asked to join party for an LFM set at base level + 3 when Ionie's toon was +4 and thus not able to join. Ionie got mad. But, surprisingly, Ionie then sets a new party and you know what, Ionie made the limit +3 to also avoid the 10% hit to rxp, same as other group. That makes Ionie a hypocrite and instead of being a sourpuss and squelching other party leader, Ionie should look in the mirror! lol![]()
I got stock loading screen 30 min please wait. it said hope get it fix
I mean, it's great that their team is working tirelessly...
But to whoever said it's impossible to know what's going to happen with code - there seems to be a lack of understanding. Programmers predict before release possible errors. They run simulations. Then - they release.
To those who are defending SSG - I have given them more money this year than I gave WoW from Blizzard when I was playing them - the FTP concept is not a reason to defend bad programming. They make their money.
How often did WoW have a bad patch that they didn't fix immediately? Almost never. Because of the monthly subscribers - they value their customers.
Does SSG not have VIP? Does SSG not sell DDO points for outrageous amounts of money?
Now - don't get me wrong. I am not complaining about the money. I do indeed enjoy the game...
But hires while an amazing concept have repeatedly been broken in reality - for YEARS. And customer concerns are not addressed. Some of the major concerns I notice are: Hire refuses to heal/doesn't heal/ is late to heal (But will res immediately afterwards as though he just "hadn't healed in time"), Hire can't keep up when following increased movement speed (Causing huge delay for combat arrival), Hire dives into obvious traps like he/she wants to die, Hire set to attack heals more often than hire on defense but WHEN hire is set to attack, he/she runs every which way they please, either pulling aggro or not being near you and paying attention while you are with an entirely different mob.)...
Ease of use is terrible. Why are things moved one at a time, (I.E. inventory, buying/selling, banking,) barely explained in game (Causing a need to constantly be on WIKI)?
Why, to switch between servers, do I have to quit the game and reload it?
Cosmetics, while cool, do not have much variety without having specific gear. On top of that, I have to log out to see the front of my character - what a waste of time!
Why - when I hit favor rewards I have to look around to talk to someone and "claim" the reward?
And finally - everyone raves about the graphics - they really aren't that good. They remind me of Vampire: the masquerade redemption - a 20+ year old pc game.
All that said, this "Step your game up" is fair to say. I don't feel bad in the least. Is it really that hard to be competitive with better companies when you are making a good amount? Worse thing that will happen is customer base will increase and theyll make more money. As it is now, new people quit fairly quickly (and likely some of the issues I pointed out lead to this).
Yesterday.. I was in a KT on Orien.. we were a couple minutes in and the villain monologue had JUST finished and we were in mid-jump to the mini-timelines and we got the '30 minutes to shut-down'... was the (2nd) late afternoon/early evening one (5-6ish eastern?).
Consensus was since it was only a 'Hard', we could turn and burn and get it done in time. Granted, the endless monologues were the concern.. but we felt we could get it done in time.
We did... we completed, Mrs Skeleton with a bad attitude had her tantrum.. Lord of Blades and his posse poofed, we started to return to the beginning......
.... ZILCH! Server closed and we kicked. When we were able to log back in... no completion....
Hows about a little something-something ... for the effort?
The servers are up but my Racial Heroic TR is still broken...……………….any update when this will be fixed? I am dead in the water playing my main toon
Rhynn Level 30 Real Estate Mogul, aka The Teflon Don
Ok, at this point all worlds should be open and things should be goid. Standard repopulation of amenities applies.
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.
Characters: Loromir & Baldomir....among others.