Hello. I want to open discussion on tier five enhancements being exlusive. I just wonder why. What would be so bad if you allow 2 tier 5? I know there is a lot of restrictions. So if we keep those restrictions like class level and character level in place why cannot we allow more tier 5? I was just wondering about this when I tried to make monk/rogue staff based build that it would be really nice to have two tier 5. I understand that sometimes it would be op, but when there are no other restrictions, why not allow this? Maybe check op cases by changing some character level condition to class level. Or maybe allow just one tier five for every character class. But again maybe not, because that would make multiclassing op. I don't know, I just want to open this topic and hear your opinions. Also balance wise if we were allowed 2 tier 5, the biggest problem I see are those universal enhancement trees.