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  1. #1
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Default Vampire Universal Enhancement Tree

    To understand the relevance of the included video, please do skip to 8:30

    Core 1-You've survived the draining kiss of a succubus and as a result have become a true vampire. You are damaged by positive energy, can only heal by negative energy and take 150% damage from light but your melee and unarmed attacks have a (10%) chance to heal you for 1d3 Negative Energy damage per level. You gain immunity to energy drain effects. Inevitables and good aligned enemies now deal 20% extra damage to you. You have +15% extra hit-points and gain the option of tricking enemies into thinking you are dead when at low health (Play Possum feat), +25 spellpoints and +5 negative spellpower per level. If you have wild shapes, you will no longer be able to use them, you are tainted and thus if you have any wild shapes you will be given negative healing alternatives with unique effects. Vampire form: Wolf-form, Mist-form, and Shadow-form.

    (Note: Items like Healer's bounty, and positive energy regeneration effects will damage you if they come from your equipment, enhancement trees, past life feats, or epic destiny trees! Allies can not target you with positive energy healing effects!)

    Core 2-+20 Negative healing amplification and +25 negative spellpower

    Core 3-Dark Discorporation Guard.

    Core 4-+20 Negative Healing amplification and +25 negative spellpower. If you have wild shapes, your vampire forms are upgraded to Wolfman-form, bloodmist-form, and Void-form

    Core 5-Cursed Blows: Your melee and ranged attacks gain the effect of improved curse-spewing.

    Core 6-Hunger Surge: For the next 5 minutes you enter a hunger surge, during this state you slowly leech health from any enemies within 15 meters of you. Additionally while in this state you project a 15 meter Aura a Menace, decreasing the saving throws, attack, and armor class of nearby enemies by 2. (8 minute cooldown).

    Tier 1

    ****Succubus Companion: The Succubus that you survived a kiss from has decided to stick around and you are now able to summon her forth to fight by your side once per rest.
    Cooldown: 20 seconds

    This Succubus is a very strong ally to have with a level equal to your's. You can summon it in addition to any Summon Monster spell you might be using. Additional ranks in this enhancement increase her Damage, Attack Speed, Movement Speed, and Fortification. (Note: The Succubus companion can not be summoned along side the Skeletal Knight, The Druid Wolf Companion, or the Artificer Iron Defender as it is the same type of companion)

    ****Vampiric Arsenal: You gain proficiency with Bastard swords, Longswords, Daggers, Kamas, and Sickles

    ****Vampiric familiarity: You gain true seeing

    ****Light Evasion: You have a 15/30/50% chance to evade light type damage

    ****Fear Itself: You gain fear immunity

    ****+1 to physical and magical resistance for every two levels gained (Maximum of +15 at level 30)

    Tier 2

    ****Blood Sword: Using weapons from your vampiric arsenal you are now able to perform a cleave attack embodying your vampiric fervor, you perform a cleave attack that heals 1d2 per character level and deals +1[W] damage.

    ****Succubus Companion II: Your Succubus companion gains a +2/+4/+6 Profane Bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. Rank 3: You gain +1 Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution.

    ****Insatiable: Your melee attacks now deal 1 constitution damage on hit and +1d6 upon criticals

    ****Null Magic Guard: When you take damage, there is a [2/4/6]% chance that a burst of antimagic energy expands from your body. Nearby enemies are subject to a Dispel Magic effect, which may strip them of their magical protections, and will be rendered unable to cast spells and lose [2/3/4] Spell Resistance for [10/20/30] seconds.

    ****Uncanny Balance: You gain +5 to your balance skill, additionally 50% of your balance skill now represents your percentage chance to resist knockdown effects

    Tier 3

    ****Blood sword II: The healing effect from your bloodsword attack now heals you for 1D3 per character level instead of 1D2 and your blood sword deals +2[W] damage.

    ****Succubus companion III: Your succubus companion gains +5/10/15 Profane Bonus to PRR, +3/6/10 to hit and damage, +2/4/6 Profane Bonus to AC, and its attacks bypass 10%/20%/50% of enemy Fortification and have a 10/15/20% chance to charm enemies to fight by your side instead of against you for up to 15 seconds.

    ****Insatiable II: Your attacks now deal 1D3 constitution damage per hit and 1D6 constitution damage on critical hit

    ****Multiselector: Choose one; SLA: Tensor's Transformation, SLA: Negative Energy Burst, or SLA: Evil Trap (As experienced from Ctenmilr from White Plume Mountain)

    ****Null Magic Strike: Nullmagic Strike: Passive Bonus: Offensive spells you cast, melee and ranged attacks have a [5/10/15]% chance to subject the target to a Dispel Magic effect, which may strip them of their magical protections, and will render them unable to cast spells and lose [2/3/4] Spell Resistance for [10/20/30] seconds.

    Tier 4

    ****Blood Sword III: Blood Sword now gains the ability to remove stat damage, curses, and diseases upon usage transferring them onto the foes struck with the blade. Additionally your blood sword now deals +3[W] damage.

    ****Vampiric Finesse (Multiselector): You may now use one of the following to determine hit and damage, choose one; Dexterity, Intelligence, Charisma

    ****Succubus Companion IV: Your Succubus Companion gains +35% doubleshot, lesser displacement, and regenerates a small amount of health every 10 seconds

    ****Vampiric Fighting (Multiselector): Choose one; when Single weapon fighting with one of your vampiric arsenal weapons you gain +20 melee power, when dual weilding weapons belonging to your vampiric arsenal you gain +25% offhand doublestrike, when wielding a shield along side a vampire arsenal weapon you gain +20% attack speed

    ****Insatiable III: Your attacks now bypass 15% of enemy fortification and have a chance to reduce enemy armor class by 1d6

    Tier 5

    ****Blood Sword IV: Your Bloodsword attack now additionally applies 1D20 stacks of vulnerable to the enemies struck with it and deals +5[W] damage

    ****Crimson Bond: Tendrils of blood seep through your flesh forming short thin tentacle like appendages that grip onto your weapon, giving you superior control over them. Until you unequip these items or rest, they deal +0.5[W] damage. (Cooldown: 15 seconds; Induction time: 2 seconds.)

    ****Improved Vampiric Arsenal: Your vampiric arsenal weapons gain an additional +5 to their weapon enhancement score and attacking with them has a chance to transfer any damage over time or debuff you are currently suffering onto the targeted enemy.

    ****Blood Of Vol Initiate (multiselector): You now gain +1 religious lore feat for every five levels gained, additionally you gain +4 Constitution, 100% Fortification, +10 to Fortitude Saves, and PRR and MRR equal to the number of Religious Lore feats you have, additionally your vampiric arsenal weapons now all count as favored weapons.

    ****Shadow Blade: If you have wizard or sorcerer levels and have spellswords, you now have access to an additional spellsword that deals negative energy damage. Additionally you may now use your nullification spellpower and spell critical chance to scale the damage of all spellswords if such is the highest compatible spellpower and/or spell critical chance.
    Last edited by Lokeal_The_Flame; 01-31-2020 at 11:27 AM. Reason: Added compatibility for the druid class.

  2. #2
    Community Member Annihilyght's Avatar
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    Yes, please.
    Lyghtki | Immortalyght | Eternalyght | Annihilyght of Omega Guard on Thelanis

  3. #3
    Community Member NemesisAlien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lokeal_The_Flame View Post
    To understand the relevance of the included video, please do skip to 8:30

    Core 1-You've survived the draining kiss of a succubus and as a result have become a true vampire. You are damaged by positive energy, can only heal by negative energy and take 150% damage from light but your melee and unarmed attacks have a (10%) chance to heal you for 1d3 Negative Energy damage per level. You gain immunity to energy drain effects. Inevitables and good aligned enemies now deal 20% extra damage to you. You gain the diehard feat, +25 spellpoints and +5 negative spellpower per level.

    Core 2-+20 Negative healing amplification and +25 negative spellpower

    Core 3-Dark Discorporation Guard

    Core 4-+20 Negative Healing amplification and +25 negative spellpower

    Core 5-Cursed Blows: Your melee and ranged attacks gain the effect of improved curse-spewing.

    Core 6-Hunger Surge: For the next 5 minutes you enter a hunger surge, during this state you slowly leech health from any enemies within 15 meters of you. Additionally while in this state you project a 15 meter Aura a Menace, decreasing the saving throws, attack, and armor class of nearby enemies by 2. (8 minute cooldown).

    Tier 1

    ****Succubus Companion: The Succubus that you survived a kiss from has decided to stick around and you are now able to summon her forth to fight by your side once per rest.
    Cooldown: 20 seconds

    This Succubus is a very strong ally to have with a level equal to your's. You can summon it in addition to any Summon Monster spell you might be using. Additional ranks in this enhancement increase her Damage, Attack Speed, Movement Speed, and Fortification.

    ****Vampiric Arsenal: You gain proficiency with Bastard swords, Longswords, Daggers, Kamas, and Sickles

    ****Vampiric familiarity: You gain true seeing

    ****Light Evasion: You have a 15/30/50% chance to evade light type damage

    ****Fear Itself: You gain fear immunity

    ****+1 to physical and magical resistance for every two levels gained (Maximum of +15 at level 30)

    Tier 2

    ****Blood Sword: Using weapons from your vampiric arsenal you are now able to perform a cleave attack embodying your vampiric fervor, you perform a cleave attack that heals one d2 per character level and deals +1[W] damage.

    ****Succubus Companion II: Your Succubus companion gains a +2/+4/+6 Profane Bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. Rank 3: You gain +1 Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution.

    ****Insatiable: Your melee attacks now deal 1 constitution damage on hit and +1d6 upon criticals

    ****Null Magic Guard: When you take damage, there is a [2/4/6]% chance that a burst of antimagic energy expands from your body. Nearby enemies are subject to a Dispel Magic effect, which may strip them of their magical protections, and will be rendered unable to cast spells and lose [2/3/4] Spell Resistance for [10/20/30] seconds.

    ****Uncanny Balance: You gain +5 to your balance skill, additionally 50% of your balance skill now represents your percentage chance to resist knockdown effects

    Tier 3

    ****Blood sword II: The healing effect from your bloodsword attack now heals you for 1D3 per character level instead of 1D2 and your blood sword deals +2[W] damage.

    ****Succubus companion III: Your succubus companion gains +5/10/15 Profane Bonus to PRR, +3/6/10 to hit and damage, +2/4/6 Profane Bonus to AC, and its attacks bypass 10%/20%/50% of enemy Fortification and have a 10/15/20% chance to charm enemies to fight by your side instead of against you for up to 15 seconds.

    ****Insatiable II: Your attacks now deal 1D3 constitution damage per hit and 1D6 constitution damage on critical hit

    ****Multiselector: Choose one; SLA: Tensor's Transformation, SLA: Negative Energy Burst, SLA: Consume

    ****Null Magic Strike: Nullmagic Strike: Passive Bonus: Offensive spells you cast, melee and ranged attacks have a [5/10/15]% chance to subject the target to a Dispel Magic effect, which may strip them of their magical protections, and will render them unable to cast spells and lose [2/3/4] Spell Resistance for [10/20/30] seconds.

    Tier 4

    ****Blood Sword III: Blood Sword now gains the ability to remove stat damage, curses, and diseases upon usage transferring them onto the foes struck with the blade. Additionally your blood sword now deals +3[W] damage.

    ****Vampiric Finesse (Multiselector): You may now use one of the following to determine hit and damage, choose one; Dexterity, Intelligence, Charisma

    ****Succubus Companion IV: Your Succubus Companion gains +35% doubleshot, lesser displacement, and regenerates a small amount of health every 10 seconds

    ****Vampiric Fighting (Multiselector): Choose one; when Single weapon fighting with one of your vampiric arsenal weapons you gain +20 melee power, when dual weilding weapons belonging to your vampiric arsenal you gain +25% offhand doublestrike, when wielding a shield along side a vampire arsenal weapon you gain +20% attack speed

    ****Insatiable III: Your attacks now bypass 15% of enemy fortification and have a

    Tier 5

    ****Blood Sword IV: Your Bloodsword attack now additionally applies 1D20 stacks of vulnerable to the enemies struck with it and deals +5[W] damage

    ****Crimson Bond: Activate to attach your currently equipped weapons to yourself, giving you superior control over them. Until you unequip these items or rest, they deal +0.5[W] damage. (Cooldown: 15 seconds; Induction time: 2 seconds.)

    ****Improved Vampiric Arsenal: Your vampiric arsenal weapons gain an additional +5 to their weapon enhancement score

    ****Blood Of Vol Initiate (multiselector): You now gain +1 religious lore feat for every five levels gained, additionally you gain +4 Constitution, 100% Fortification, +10 to Fortitude Saves, and PRR and MRR equal to the number of Religious Lore feats you have, additionally your vampiric arsenal weapons now all count as favored weapons.

    ****Shadow Blade: If you have wizard or sorcerer levels and have spellswords, you now have access to an additional spellsword that deals negative energy damage. Additionally you may now use your nullification spellpower and spell critical chance to scale the damage of all spellswords.
    Succubus Companion IV: Your Succubus Companion gains +35% doubleshot ??

    True vampire dont get increase healing per level? Some true vampire...

  4. #4
    Community Member Ralmeth's Avatar
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    /No, unless a "Vampire Hunter" Paladin tree is added that is designed for and allowed to kill Vampire player characters. Oh wait, adding something for a Paladin isn't ever going to happen
    The best part of the 10th Anniversary of DDO...the description on the Oatmeal Raisin Kookie,
    "From a distance you thought this was a chocolate chip kookie. Now you're sad."

  5. #5
    Community Member Kutalp's Avatar
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    Liked the idea.

    (Just a note my humble knowledge about Succubi is they are Demon and Devil at different editions of D&D. Still, Vampiress is interesting since the Succubus and the Vampiress share a common specialty; being seductive even without enchanting poor male adventurers. Some common issue with with female villain/bad gurl archtype )

    Last edited by Kutalp; 10-10-2019 at 04:55 AM.

  6. #6
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    Undead with Diehard?

    Undead dont get unconsciousness - they die immediately at 0 HP

  7. #7
    Community Member psykopeta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Undead with Diehard?

    Undead dont get unconsciousness - they die immediately at 0 HP
    that's what i said in some thread not long ago and lynnabel specifically said it's not that way anymore (iirc said something like when undead where incapaci****ed some weird thing was triggering to get that last damage til dead), didn't try tho
    psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm

  8. #8
    Community Member Kutalp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Undead with Diehard?

    Undead dont get unconsciousness - they die immediately at 0 HP

    Well since this is D&D based live online game, anything could be flexed, elongated and shrinked thruugh the rabbit hole ?

    Feat: Undiehard

    An honorable developer changes the name of the feat with a decription;

    Human translation from ancient Elvish : [ The necromancer hails the unforgiven and the unforgettable one who now enjoy his eternal rest. ' Oh ye beloved groom of whom that pays visit to your eternal restplace. Wakey wakey undying quakey ! Ye are the undying one. Time for ye to wake up and yawn for eternal life. Come now ye can kiss ye bride ! ' Animated groom moans in pain since the ugly bride had caused his heart failure that lead to death. Twenty years later he is pulled back from his eternal rest to get married once more ! Lightning strikes and evil laughter and such...]

    and Elvish priest leaves the building...
    Last edited by Kutalp; 10-11-2019 at 07:57 AM.

  9. #9
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kutalp View Post
    Well since this is D&D based live online game, anything could be flexed, elongated and shrinked thruugh the rabbit hole ?

    Feat: Undiehard

    An honorable developer changes the name of the feat with a decription;

    Human translation from ancient Elvish : [ The necromancer hails the unforgiven and the unforgettable one who now enjoy his eternal rest. ' Oh ye beloved groom of whom that pays visit to your eternal restplace. Wakey wakey undying quakey ! Ye are the undying one. Time for ye to wake up and yawn for eternal life. Come now ye can kiss ye bride ! ' Animated groom moans in pain since the ugly bride had caused his heart failure that lead to death. Twenty years later he is pulled back from his eternal rest to get married once more ! Lightning strikes and evil laughter and such...]

    and Elvish priest leaves the building...
    Face it, powerful vampires are hard to kill, for Strahd we had to go through an elaborate ritual and even then, pushing him to 0 HP multiple times is proof enough......

    How about something where the succubus that turned you wanting you to stay alive and thus bestowing "Stubborn Undeath" in which would have the same effects as Diehard?

  10. #10
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Default Would be much better.........

    I am currently using the falconry tree for a few buffs and the healing strike effect from the top tier!

    I am also currently using the assassin tree for dexterity to damage and some buffs.

    I am a full rogue Shadar-Kai rank 90

    It would seem this tree I put together is deliciously versatile, I really wish it could become a reality!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Annihilyght View Post
    Yes, please.
    i could not of said it better myself.

    i so want a shadow blade.

    your friend sil

  12. #12
    Community Member Questdoer's Avatar
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    Hey this really good!

    If you don't mind I kinda want to nitpick it now because that's what I do when I like a concept.

    Core 1-You've survived the draining kiss of a succubus and as a result have become a true vampire. You are damaged by positive energy, can only heal by negative energy and take 150% damage from light but your melee and unarmed attacks have a (10%) chance to heal you for 1d3 Negative Energy damage per level. You gain immunity to energy drain effects. Inevitables and good aligned enemies now deal 20% extra damage to you. You gain the diehard feat, +25 spellpoints and +5 negative spellpower per level.
    There aren't any enemies in the game that attack with positive energy.
    Does this mean that your allies can hurt you?
    Because I don't think that is really healthy for either player.

    Core 2/4-+20 Negative healing amplification and +25 negative spellpower
    This is quite a lot of power in one huge power spike.
    Also what good does negative spellpower do you if you are not playing a caster class?
    This is a universal tree right?
    It should allow for all classes to at least work with it, even if they don't synergize very well with it.

    What I would do is give you negative spellpower per AP spent, Negative healing amplification per core, and add inherent Death Aura SLAs that require some mini game to charge up.
    Like hit enemies to gain charges, once you have X charges you get to cast death aura/lesser death aura for free.
    Something like that.

    Core 6-Hunger Surge: For the next 5 minutes you enter a hunger surge, during this state you slowly leech health from any enemies within 15 meters of you. Additionally while in this state you project a 15 meter Aura a Menace, decreasing the saving throws, attack, and armor class of nearby enemies by 2. (8 minute cooldown).
    This is good, but as a capstone I think you should toss on a few passive stat increases to bring it in line with other similar capstones.

    ****Vampiric Arsenal: You gain proficiency with Bastard swords, Longswords, Daggers, Kamas, and Sickles
    This is super nice and thematic but I just don't see people running around with Sickles due to their low damage profile and the lack of support for them in other trees.
    I'm not sure how you could fix this to be honest.
    Maybe give them special extra support scattered around the tree like rouge mechanic does for great crossbows?

    ****+1 to physical and magical resistance for every two levels gained (Maximum of +15 at level 30)
    Nothing wrong here per say.
    I just find level ramping stats like this a bit weird outside of Cores, or active abilities.

    ****Blood Sword: Using weapons from your vampiric arsenal you are now able to perform a cleave attack embodying your vampiric fervor, you perform a cleave attack that heals one d2 per character level and deals +1[W] damage.
    Typo: Should say 1d2 per character level

    ****Blood sword II: The healing effect from your bloodsword attack now heals you for 1D3 per character level instead of 1D2 and your blood sword deals +2[W] damage.
    1d2 to 1d3 is less than a 50% increase to the amount healed.
    Seems just the slightest bit underwhelming for being a whole new spot on the tree.
    Maybe 1d4 or 1d2+1 would be better?

    ****Multiselector: Choose one; SLA: Tensor's Transformation, SLA: Negative Energy Burst, SLA: Consume
    Negative energy burst as a SLA is a bit much for a T3 enhancement.
    And Consume really isn't that good without the rest of the Soul Eater tree to support it.

    ****Vampiric Fighting (Multiselector): Choose one; when Single weapon fighting with one of your vampiric arsenal weapons you gain +20 melee power, when dual weilding weapons belonging to your vampiric arsenal you gain +25% offhand doublestrike, when wielding a shield along side a vampire arsenal weapon you gain +20% attack speed
    There should be a caster one for orbs/rune arms as well

    ****Insatiable III: Your attacks now bypass 15% of enemy fortification and have a
    Typo: and have a... what?

    ****Crimson Bond: Activate to attach your currently equipped weapons to yourself, giving you superior control over them. Until you unequip these items or rest, they deal +0.5[W] damage. (Cooldown: 15 seconds; Induction time: 2 seconds.)
    Maybe drop or change the wording of "attach your currently equipped weapons to yourself, giving you superior control over them."
    It sounds a little too robot/flesh monstrosity to fit very well with the vampire theme.

    ****Blood Of Vol Initiate (multiselector): You now gain +1 religious lore feat for every five levels gained, additionally you gain +4 Constitution, 100% Fortification, +10 to Fortitude Saves, and PRR and MRR equal to the number of Religious Lore feats you have, additionally your vampiric arsenal weapons now all count as favored weapons.
    4 Constitution, 100% Fortification, +10 to Fortitude Saves, is a bloody huge bonus for something that is always active.

    ****Shadow Blade: If you have wizard or sorcerer levels and have spellswords, you now have access to an additional spellsword that deals negative energy damage. Additionally you may now use your nullification spellpower and spell critical chance to scale the damage of all spellswords.
    I don't think that requiring you to already have spellswords is necessary here.
    Neither is the ability to use nullification spellpower and spell critical chance to scale the damage of all spellswords honestly.
    Just give them a spellsword that deals 1d6 negative energy damage and mention that anything that effects the regular spellswords from the EK tree will also effects this one.
    Last edited by Questdoer; 01-01-2020 at 12:09 PM.

  13. #13
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Questdoer View Post

    There aren't any enemies in the game that attack with positive energy.
    Does this mean that your allies can hurt you?
    Because I don't think that is really healthy for either player.
    This would also restrict your equipment options some, for example healer's bounty and positive energy regeneration items would hurt you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Questdoer View Post
    This is quite a lot of power in one huge power spike.
    Also what good does negative spellpower do you if you are not playing a caster class?
    This is a universal tree right?
    It should allow for all classes to at least work with it, even if they don't synergize very well with it.

    What I would do is give you negative spellpower per AP spent, Negative healing amplification per core, and add inherent Death Aura SLAs that require some mini game to charge up.
    Like hit enemies to gain charges, once you have X charges you get to cast death aura/lesser death aura for free.
    Something like that.
    Negative energy spellpower scales the filigree set Darkhallow upwards and this tree is also designed with having synergy with the sorcerer class in mind.

    Deathaura ability would make this a little too much, remember we now have two greater Boon of undeath items in the game as well and the SLA option I later mention would cover this!

    Quote Originally Posted by Questdoer View Post
    This is good, but as a capstone I think you should toss on a few passive stat increases to bring it in line with other similar capstones.
    There's an idea, but that's what the tier five ability is for!

    In universal enhancement trees, the capstones are pretty much equal to the top tier effects as you can only use one top tier effect per build!

    Quote Originally Posted by Questdoer View Post
    This is super nice and thematic but I just don't see people running around with Sickles due to their low damage profile and the lack of support for them in other trees.
    I'm not sure how you could fix this to be honest.
    Maybe give them special extra support scattered around the tree like rouge mechanic does for great crossbows?
    This is in part an homage to the very generous donation a player made that got Sickles to get some love in the game again, swords to plowshares does improve sickle use quite a bit! The lack of support for them in other trees+This partly being an homage to that player's donation+The thematic relevance=Some good motivations for this tree including such!

    The enhancement in this tree that grants religious lore feats (Even to people outside of divine classes) will improve damage and defenses a bit when taken along side the right epic destiny enhancements and equipment and so I am not too concerned with it being too underpowered, testing would actually be necessary.... though I do see a slight point here that may justify adding a bit more!

    Quote Originally Posted by Questdoer View Post
    Nothing wrong here per say.
    I just find level ramping stats like this a bit weird outside of Cores, or active abilities.
    It may be a little out of the ordinary, but it seems to be balanced enough, testing would be required!

    Quote Originally Posted by Questdoer View Post
    Typo: Should say 1d2 per character level
    I can fix that easily, this is meant to be a negative energy variant of Ameliorating strikes!

    Quote Originally Posted by Questdoer View Post
    to 1d3 is less than a 50% increase to the amount healed.
    Seems just the slightest bit underwhelming for being a whole new spot on the tree.
    Maybe 1d4 or 1d2+1 would be better?
    Read what Ameliorating Strikes does!

    "Ameliorating Strike: When you strike an enemy with Smite Foe, you and your nearby allies are healed by 1d3 per character level, and benefit from the effects of the Lesser Restoration spell. (The heal from Ameliorating Strike is affected by your Positive Spell Power). You may only perform this AOE heal once per time you use this skill."

    In other words, if anything I would add a curse effect to it!

    Quote Originally Posted by Questdoer View Post
    Negative energy burst as a SLA is a bit much for a T3 enhancement.
    And Consume really isn't that good without the rest of the Soul Eater tree to support it.
    Negative energy burst I feel is appropriate considering the very limited spellpoints non-spellcasters can get their hands on, especially when the Initiate Of Vol enhancement is considered, but I feel you are right about the consume effect! Keep in mind that the The Phantasmal killer effect from the Deep Gnome racial tree is a 4th tier effect....... but yeah perhaps some reorganization of the tree is in order?

    Quote Originally Posted by Questdoer View Post
    There should be a caster one for orbs/rune arms as well
    I want this tree to be almost as Melee-centric as the Inquisitive tree is ranged-centric, offering a bonus for any kind of single weapon fighting should be enough

    Quote Originally Posted by Questdoer View Post
    Typo: and have a... what?
    Oh nice, thanks for pointing that out, seems I never finished what I was saying there!

    Quote Originally Posted by Questdoer View Post
    Maybe drop or change the wording of "attach your currently equipped weapons to yourself, giving you superior control over them."
    It sounds a little too robot/flesh monstrosity to fit very well with the vampire theme.
    Yes, this could use some rewording, I do not want it to be able to stack with weapon attachment but I do want it to have the same effect!

    Quote Originally Posted by Questdoer View Post
    4 Constitution, 100% Fortification, +10 to Fortitude Saves, is a bloody huge bonus for something that is always active.
    This actually resembles many capstone enhancements!

    Quote Originally Posted by Questdoer View Post
    I don't think that requiring you to already have spellswords is necessary here.
    Neither is the ability to use nullification spellpower and spell critical chance to scale the damage of all spellswords honestly.
    Just give them a spellsword that deals 1d6 negative energy damage and mention that anything that effects the regular spellswords from the EK tree will also effects this one.
    If someone's negative energy spellpower and/or spell critical chance is higher than their fire spellpower and/or spell critical chance, using this effect could give their fire spellsword a nice little boost and the same goes for the other spellsword options! Anyhow, yeah, it could use a rewording for sure!

  14. #14
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by NemesisAlien View Post
    Succubus Companion IV: Your Succubus Companion gains +35% doubleshot ??

    True vampire dont get increase healing per level? Some true vampire...
    They would if you consider Darkhallow

    Also, yes the tree is melee oriented but the Succubus companion that it would come with is ranged!

  15. #15
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2010


    Updated tree for some minor compatibility with druid wildshape builds

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