Lynnabel, I understand you are in charge of bards. You wanted specific suggestions, so here it goes:
Warchanter is clearly intended to be a rage based STR minded version of bard, with good synergy with barb. It is somehow the equivalent of bear in druid (swash being the wolf), but less defensive oriented. However, it currently fails at it.
Here comes a list of super easy to implement suggestions:
- Change the freeze formula to take highest of STR or CHA
- Nortwhind also has 19-20 extra multiplier
- How of the north: holy sword enhancement, universal but not stacking (or something like that, such as in barb t5s crit enhancers); remove multi crit enhancer.
- Spinning ice: 15 second cooldown to match wolf freeze.
- Capstone: Multiselector CON+CHA/STR+CHA; 30 seconds cooldown (2 mins is absurd), +10 MP.
- Ballad melody: +10 persona MP when raging (would be cool to give group 10 MP, but whatever).
- Adjustments to AP cost: it is out of whack for many abilities, you know better what to do.
Bonus points if the crit enhancers is extra sweet with some barbarian type weapons (axes, hammers), or make it favor THF (which sucks atm). Another option could be to allow synergy with dwarf by letting the freeze go with CON too.
Finally, sustaining song could get the same treatment as barb heals; i.e. not de scaled by reaper on caster.
Non of this requires new tech, non of this puts it over the top (IMHO), and it revitalizes it.