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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Named loot questions


    Looking to get a couple named items, for now Ring of Spell Storing and Muck's Doom.

    Do these still drop? I ask because I've been running The Pit daily (killing Avatar of Juiblex) on elite for nearly 2 week's now and haven't seen it. I've also killed (General Tanankh) at least a dozen times with no luck. I do both once/day to avoid ransack. Just want to make sure these are still the right mobs & these things still drop.

    Another question on a different topic.

    Looking to get an Airship for my tiny guild (currently lvl 37). Originally was aiming for the Windspyre Falcon when we hit 40 but I don't want to feel like I'm missing out on most buffs available.

    What is the least costly ship we can get where we can get most ship buffs available (I would consider buying with shards if needed to get around the guild level req) ?


  2. #2
    Community Member HungarianRhapsody's Avatar
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    Jun 2011


    Both do still drop. Since Wilderness is Normal difficulty that means 10% drop rate. Not shocked that you haven’t seen one yet after “just” a dozen chests.
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  3. #3
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drelgin View Post
    Looking to get a couple named items, for now Ring of Spell Storing and Muck's Doom.

    Do these still drop?
    Both of these chests should(?) have about the standard 3-5% chance to drop a named item, but then any chest named item with more than 1 possibility will then spin the wheel to see ~which~ named item it drops. If you've ever played with dice, trying to get a small % to show, you know how long this can take.

    Muck's is a rare drop, but it does show up. Not an easy farm (and most want 2 of them, unless you're SWF).

    The Ring is another matter. Not only do you want the thing itself, but then you can make it Epic IF(!) you also find the scroll, shard and seal. This trifecta is legendary in its rarity, and reports of players hunting for these (at some level of focus) for years are not uncommon. GL w/ that one.

    (Alternatives/similar items include the Archivist's Necklace (which is guaranteed in end-list, but only once/life), and the Twisted Talisman, which is 100% guaranteed every 3rd run of the chain.)

    Quote Originally Posted by HungarianRhapsody View Post
    Since Wilderness is Normal difficulty that means 10% drop rate.
    That 10% is for new(er) quests/chests, right? Not sure if Sands follows that %.

    Quote Originally Posted by Drelgin View Post
    I ask because I've been running The Pit daily (killing Avatar of Juiblex) on elite for nearly 2 week's now and haven't seen it. I do both once/day to avoid ransack...
    @ new(er) farmers: This is an important point. Note that if this "once/day" (or the weekly equiv) is followed, you're fine. More enthusiastic farming risks Chest Ransack. Gotta take a break every now and then.


    Quote Originally Posted by Drelgin View Post
    Looking to get an Airship for my tiny guild (currently lvl 37). Originally was aiming for the Windspyre Falcon when we hit 40 but I don't want to feel like I'm missing out on most buffs available.

    What is the least costly ship we can get where we can get most ship buffs available (I would consider buying with shards if needed to get around the guild level req) ?
    Not sure what you mean by "most", but there are about 40 diff amenities possible, so "a majority" would mean 20(+). That can be covered by the 2 "combined" Staterooms* (@ 4 each) plus a dozen Hold rooms.

    (* for the Proving Ground and Collegium of the Twelve. The Bath House is also nice, but #3 on many lists. This leaves no room for the Grand Reliquary stateroom series (which can be covered by hold rooms) or the 2 Crafting staterooms.)


    For a plat-bought ship, this means the Level 100 model, 3 + 15. (The Level 70 is close(-ish), @ 2 Staterooms & 10 Hold rooms.) If buying w/ Shards, there is no Level requirement, so figure out all the amenities you "need"* and knock yourself out.

    (* As a footnote, some of the Hold rooms are special-purpose, some are very class specific, and some are never missed depending on the build. Even then, some only give a small buff to a few niche skills. Dealer's choice.)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Thanks for the responses.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Honestly you can live without either of these items.

    muckdoom is very much a "nice to have" ooze beater, just stick with muckbane or craft a blueshine weapon to use as an ooze beater.

    ROSS is a insanely rare drop on it's own, I'm personally guessing under 5% (and that's when the rare even spawns) but to get much use out of it you need the seal/shard/scroll, scroll is tradeable but the seal/shard are insanely rare drops, probably under 1% and not even guaranteed in the raid 20th list (though that at least gives a decent chance), seal is even worse than shard because it has no 20th list so you're stucking hoping for the 0.02% drop. if you want to farm the demon queen raid for the next 10 years then be my guest.

  6. #6
    Community Member HungarianRhapsody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlavoredSoul View Post
    Honestly you can live without either of these items.

    muckdoom is very much a "nice to have" ooze beater, just stick with muckbane or craft a blueshine weapon to use as an ooze beater.

    ROSS is a insanely rare drop on it's own, I'm personally guessing under 5% (and that's when the rare even spawns) but to get much use out of it you need the seal/shard/scroll, scroll is tradeable but the seal/shard are insanely rare drops, probably under 1% and not even guaranteed in the raid 20th list (though that at least gives a decent chance), seal is even worse than shard because it has no 20th list so you're stucking hoping for the 0.02% drop. if you want to farm the demon queen raid for the next 10 years then be my guest.
    Modes the Epic raid give you shards on a 20th completion? I thought it only gave you named items in their heroic form.

    If you can get shards on a 20th, I’ll actually do 20 DQs before each TR because I’d like to someday have an Epic Storm.
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  7. #7
    Community Member HungarianRhapsody's Avatar
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    Okay, I guess I won't be getting that 20th completion ever since you can't use a raid timer bypass on Zawabi's Revenge.

    Not cool.
    No one in the world ever gets what they want
    And that is beautiful
    Everybody dies frustrated and sad
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