Steps to reproduce
Block with the following active
Level 20 PDK paladin
Shield Deflection granted from the PDK tree
Lunar Eclipse shield from THTH equipped
Block Energy x3 Epic Past Life
Block Energy from Unyielding Sentinel destiny
Harbored by Light x3 from Sacred Defender tree
What you end up with as buffs during the block are
Elemental Absorption +15%
Past Life: Block Energy
Shield against Energy (which include force damage absorption in the description which is indicative of this being Block Energy from the Unyielding Sentinel tree)
Harbored by Light
Bug: Lunar Eclipse is incorrectly granting a +15% Elemental absorption like the Legendary Mirrorplate tower shield.
Behavior observed: The 15% Elemental absorption does not appear if you do not have a shield equipped which indicates that this is being granted by Lunar Eclipse.
Bug: Lunar Eclipse may be granting the +15% Elemental absorption instead of the 30% Alignment absorption (I couldn't verify this)
Bug: Shield Deflection granted from the PDK tree does not appear to be working when blocking, there is no icon. It used to give a haste icon.