Who's Who in Mad Wizards
Who's Who in Mad Wizards
Start cross server trading and profit!Characters: Grandern Marn / Yazmirr Grezztl / Vexir Bristleblade / Zappinaizah Subatrumpf Server: Orien Guild: Faca na CaveiraNew to the Orien server? Type "/joinchannel Titan" into the chat window and join some lively DDO discussion! Happy to help out with any questions.
A Song of Ice and Fire
Many spellbooks coming from unknown Xorian sources.
Guild I'm one of a kind, Khyber
Current Crew: Raika ~ Carolanne ~ Sulthania ~ Yasminne ~ Zazette
Semi-Active Crew: Rosanna ~ Venusia ~ Coriza
Retired Crew: Alexandra ~ Samara ~ Zaretta ~ Carelle ~ Katina ~ Nathalya ~ Kristina ~ Nausikaa ~ Carietta ~ Isabella ~ Zyvorra ~ Hetoff
Guild The Ashen, Khyber (Originally from Riedra)
Retired Crew: Zazumi
Books full with blank pages.
Server: Cannith
Mains: Miahoo, Miahoorog, Miahoohealer, Miahoohjeal, Miahoopuke
Any Port in a storm... But why one with so many vermin?
1.This hardback tome entitled “Kriptografi” details common ciphers and methods of decryption and is written in a rather archaic form of Dwarven.
2.A work bound in soft leather is titled “Lorebook of Pigments” and discusses the ingredients of magical inks, how best to obtain and prepare them and acceptable substitutes.
3.This thin and unmarked book is a spellbook no more than twenty pages long. The only spells scribed inside are common cantrips, but the spellbook is still worth 75 gp to a neophyte wizard.
4.Written in flourishing script and titled “The Complete Draconic Lexicon,” this sizable dictionary is for the Draconic language and includes detailed etymology.
5.A tablet of gray stone sits at the end of a bookshelf. One side of it is carved with ancient practices and instructions for binding outsiders.
6.The words “Genealogy Infernal: The Intermingling of the Great Lords and Mortals,” are stamped across the cover of this book. Inside are family trees of the half-mortal children of devils and their descendents.
7.Titled “Mage Illeswyte’s History Arcanum,” this sizeable tome is cased in heavy leather and records the known facts of wizardry’s origins and development.
8.More a tightly bound stack of papers than a book, this work bears the heading “The Ancient Mysteries of the Alabaster Tower.” A quick perusal reveals it is a cheap work of fiction.
9.A burlap cover protects a collection of iron sheets strung together with chains. Each sheet is embossed with a unique diagram which a DC 20 Knowledge (planes) reveals is used for planar travel.
10.This neatly handwritten journal details a wizard’s attempts to create new spells. Her methods are methodical and well documented it’s a useful guide for any spellcaster looking to devise new magic.
11.“The Lost Divinities” is a book on the topic of deceased or vanished deities. It records the historical facts of their fall as well as further speculation and theory.
12.This battered, untitled treatise discusses spell-enhancing diagrams that work on the principle of ‘arcane resonance.’ A DC 15 Knowledge (arcana) check reveals it as completely fraudulent.
13.Once an atlas of a remote location, this book has a hole hollowed out inside. An ornate, but functional, cold iron dagger is concealed within.
14.“The Roll of Spells” has countless pages covered completely with tiny, precise text. It lists the names and effects of thousands of spells.
15.Inside of a scroll case is a series of papers on theoretical aspects of arcane magic, speculating on its underlying principles
16.An old but well maintained history book is kept inside a wooden box. It appears unremarkable, but a DC 20 Appraise check reveals it as a collector’s item worth 250 gp.
17.Titled “The Arcane Consequence,” this moderately-sized book discusses the direct and indirect effects of spells and the morality of magic, emphasizing caution and forethought.
18.An untitled bestiary with thick parchment pages has a focus on a wizard’s interests, listing harvestable components and magical uses of numerous creatures.
19.This slim, white leather book bears the title “A Plea for Necromancy.” It addresses prejudice against necromancy and necromancy’s useful applications.
20.“The Origin of Magic” contains a wide variety of myths that explain how magic came into the world.
Thousands of each, sometimes with pages removed or replaced:
- Sudoku that don't add up correctly.
- The Conscience of a Liberal, Mein Kampf, and Iacocca: an Autobiography.
- Runes & hieroglyphs of horrifying nature which roughly translate to, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"... prior to driving the translator insane.
How to blow up your apprentice in 10 days or less
Sarlona Server - Elmastor, Joltara, Joltax, Rhaazz, Talaro, and more
Leader of The Wulfepack - "If you call one wolf, you invite the Pack"
Visit http://thewulfepack.shivtr.com/
Dr Suess "1 Spell 2 Spell"
"Olsen's Standard Book of British Birds"
The expurgated version. The one without the gannet.
"Ethel the Aardvark goes Quantity Surveying"
Look them both up! They're excellent books!
I don't know, but every book has the last page torn out!
didnt know this existed.
now i am reading it every time.
this community is great
A collection of fighting fantasy and choose your own adventure books.
"Around the World in 80 Days"
Wait a minute... That is impossible, the world is flat!