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  1. #1
    Community Member Deathlylife's Avatar
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    Default Kudos to all who make 5k Favor

    I just wanted to congratulate anybody who actually makes it to this milestone. I have tried twice now and both times I have lagged and watched in horror for 3+ seconds as my character dies. First time was in traps and I just stood there and took 9 hits while spamming quicken teleport before dying at 4398 favor. Second time got some agro in wheloon wilderness, instant red DA, lag, and mobbed at 3851 favor. Stood there for a few seconds watching my health drop spamming my Eldritch Knight Cleave, quickened teleport, and quickened negative energy burst but to no avail. Had a healer trying to heal me also but they were lagged out as well and nothing was going through. Both of these characters were capable of soloing everything on elite with less then a handful of close calls, the only thing that was a danger was lag.

    So Kudos to anyone who has the patience, luck, and skill to make it to 5k favor as lag can quickly end someones long journey without any way to react or save oneself even when every quest run is a breeze. I really hope they fix how the footprints are self view only as it really is an amazing thing to hit the milestone and they should be able to proudly show it off.
    Last edited by Deathlylife; 09-10-2019 at 11:58 PM.
    Deathlytime, Deathlysoul, Deathlylife, Deathfists

  2. #2
    Community Member Deathlylife's Avatar
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    For those wondering, the second death in the wilderness area was a full group that allowed the wilderness to spawn a massive amount of creatures. This could have been avoided if it was just solo'd but I get bored and lonely and often post lfm's stating Elite questing and piking welcome. In this case no one was piking and we were all closely grouped but it did not stop the lag storm that developed. One moment I was running to the quest with my group close together, the next I was surrounded and watching my hit points whittle away, which as a melee character I am not nervous about until the server stops responding and I just stand there hoping a single cleave, heal, or teleport goes through to save me. The teleport did not require selection since I dragged out Marketplace specifically and quickened it for emergencies such as these.

    Don't think I will play again since two deaths at that high of favor outside my control is too much for me to handle, but if I do it will be solo only expect when absolutely necessary. It may not prevent lagging in a trap like my first character but it will prevent massive spawns that cause server side lag that crippled the party and killed myself and another member in a wilderness even after many easy elite quests together.
    Last edited by Deathlylife; 09-11-2019 at 12:25 AM.
    Deathlytime, Deathlysoul, Deathlylife, Deathfists

  3. #3


    I am going to go for the 5k favor reward.

  4. #4
    Community Member Deathlylife's Avatar
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    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by The_Human_Cypher View Post
    I am going to go for the 5k favor reward.
    I wish you good luck, I do hope to see more people get up to it on the leader boards before the end of the event.
    Deathlytime, Deathlysoul, Deathlylife, Deathfists

  5. #5
    Crown Clown
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    tnx, i just hit it yesterday.
    I come from the west. Through countries, peoples, and cities - to this place: STORMREACH.
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  6. #6
    Community Member PNP's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that you died. I ran with you several times and it was always fun. Good player.

    Hopefully you will give it another try.



    My only toon left alive...
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    I lead Blue then Green and Red. No Yellow. That means, I like to figure things out first, I like to find a way to please everybody but do not waste my time. And no, I do not like people... Thus I play solo and I have gimped gear....

  7. #7
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Sympathies, Wheeloon probably ought to be added to the "handle with great care" category as lag deaths in that wilderness are very common in my past experience on other servers.

    Congtratultionsupercaligrafilicious to all those who make it!

  8. #8
    Community Member Deathlylife's Avatar
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    May 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by PNP View Post
    Sorry to hear that you died. I ran with you several times and it was always fun. Good player.

    Hopefully you will give it another try.



    My only toon left alive...
    Well I gave it another try and made it to 3.2k Favor before I died. This time was a champ Shadar-Kai using a chain that smacked me while I was surrounded by a group. Tried jumping out but got stuck floating on their heads. I don't feel near as bad with this death since it was not lag but my personal positioning that killed me.

    I keep getting less favor each time I make the run. It seems 5k favor is just not in the cards for me. Again, congratulations to all who actually achieve this milestone.
    Deathlytime, Deathlysoul, Deathlylife, Deathfists

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