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  1. #1
    Community Member DareDelvis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Enjoying the HC League, but Dying to Lag was Really Disappointing

    Title says it all.

    I am really enjoying the server population, the guild camaraderie and the game play. RNG loot has new importance as does strategery .

    But last night, in Kind of Big Deal, the first lag spike hit while the party was enlarged and I was in the dart traps. I could not move freely and rubber-banded a few times. My health eventually started to drop as my heart-rate began to increase. Surely, I could not die to these darts doing 3-7 points of damage. Eventually, we were able to move and I drank a heal pot and moved on, literally and figuratively.

    I passed through blade traps and confronted the boss with the party and then I could not move. It was at least two minutes of hypnotic spells being cast by kobolds. I kept firing my dual xbows at mobs, but their health was not dropping but neither was mine. I would a step forward, a step back. Not really controlling anything. Still no movement on health. I thought about quitting the game or using my Sharn pass to teleport out. But, no one was losing health and were all still able to talk in the voice channel...

    Then, I got the message that I died. No one else did. They got their loot.

    Now, that is frustrating. I was not zerging, playing beyond my characters limits or anything. I just died.

    I understand that this can happen and that Devs said that they will not do anything to rectify these happenstances, but it sure is a persuasive argument not to invest real money (not that I did) in the characters on this server. I want to TR at some point, but it would be even more frustrating if I lost my time and money (the former being more valuable) due to lag.

    I do not consider that I wasted time because I died, I am playing a game and had fun up until that point. but it is still quite disappointing to die in that way.

    Fellowship of the Bling Ghallanda
    Main: Shado
    Tier 1 Alts: DareDelvis; Ottis; Tortelvis
    Tier 2 Alts and Banks: JoeBiten; Hary Darkness; BurnyCynders; Ashhole; Mournfist; Maimonides; DareDelviss; Aeteentee; DareSoulvis; Rambam; Jawill; DoubleDee; Myzadventure; Krav Maga; Snakecobra; and others

  2. #2
    Community Member Ralmeth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    That sucks. You would think for a hardcore server they would add code that looks for lag and prevents your character from dying if the server shows you getting killed while you were lagged (ex. compare timing signals between the server and your computer).
    The best part of the 10th Anniversary of DDO...the description on the Oatmeal Raisin Kookie,
    "From a distance you thought this was a chocolate chip kookie. Now you're sad."

  3. #3
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    I died at level 15 because of a stupid bug a la Mentau.
    I had an icestorm dot on me and died in town.
    1st icestorm is not a dot and it shouldnt affect me outside AoE and even more after succeding the quest and recalling.
    I needed a bio so I went away and was dead when I came back.

    GM dosent want to help me, just told me to bug report

    You should raise toons who died because of your bugs even more when there is proof like an icestorm in town.

    This is tracable but not lag so expect nothing from them

    I cancelled my VIP and back to Thelanis. Nice way to deal with customers ssg...
    Melissiah of Thelanis

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