The random commoner and victim of a big disaster , accidentally turns in to a hero in the eyes of the common folk. Takes lessons at the school of life.
[This is an Iconic Human character that is not able to pick any other class or enhancement tree. Unlocking it through higher content or selling at store would be decided by the authorised staff ]
*Race: Human
Speed: Base human before enhancements and level ups.
*Hit dice: 1d8
Base attack bonus: .75
*Alignment : True Neutral, Chaotic neutral, Neutral good, Chaotic good.
Religion: Human Deity with matching alignment.
*Armor: Cloth or Light.
& Weapons: Small knives, Club and great club, Pick and Heavy pick, Hammer and Warhammer, Mace and Heavy mace, Throwing weapons,Shortbow and Longbow, Unarmed. Can not use shields bigger than Small shield. (Certain feats such as Knight's training is not accesable to the character for obvious reasons. Can choose weapon focus feats and improved critical feats. Can not wear medium or Heavy armor.)
*Class skills: Balance, Bluff, Disable device, Haggle, Heal, Jump, Move silently, Open lock, Search, Spot, Swim, Tumble, Use magic device, Concentration, Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Perform, Repair. Does no access to spellcraft.
Lore: Wilderness lore, Religious lore.
*Starting equipment: Commoner's clothing, Hand axe, Club, Light pick, Short bow, Quarterstaff, Thieves tools, Healing kit.
Class abilites are unlocked and auto granted with level ups. ( Reminder: Stacking means the auto granted ability,skill or effect stacks with items, spells and spell like effects aswell as effects such as bard songs. The character itself has no acces to any classic or universal class or enhancement tree )
- For the cause: You can use your highest ability score to hit and damage.
- The rising fury of the angry mob : Passive/Self +6 stacking boost to attacks, saves, skill checks and damage when the full Iconic Human racial enhancement tree is filled. (+1 for each T and +1 for core )
- I have worked my entire life : Stacking % 25 of total Hitpoints bonus for Character when full enhancement tree is unlocked. (%5 for each T)
- Tough jobs : Choose 1 bonus to an ability score for every T. + 3 bonus to all ability scores when full racial tree is filled.
- Defender of the family: Stacking Universal bonus to all Fighting styles and casting as ; stacking +%10 movement speed +%10 to dodge, %10 AC, +20 prr/mrr, %10 attack/casting speed, %10 doublestrike/doubleshot chance, %20 glancing blow damage and %20 chance to trigger off hand attacks, when full enhancement tree is filled. Requires wearing Light armor or Cloth.
- Piece of me : Immunity to fear at T2. Die Hard feat with % 20 of your hit points bonus to uncosciousness range at T3. Immunity to disease, poison at T4. Immuntiy to level drain at T5.
- Tomorrow's a new day to work: Improved recovery +10 Positive healing amplification from each T and cores. (100 Healing amplification) also giving +3 bonus to Heal skill and +% 10 bonus to healing from wands and other magical items each T.
- Sticks and stones : +3 to critical threat range and +2 to multiplier with Light and Heavy Picks and Clubs and Great clubs, Light and Warhammers , Sickles, Quarterstaves, Daggers, Kukris and Hand axes, Unarmed, Short and Longbow and all Throwing weapons when all racial tree is filled. Active clicky to bypass %30 Fortification of enemy npc. Requires wearing cloth or light armor. +1 to threat at each T4 and T5. +1 extra threat at last core (level 20). +1 to multiplier at T5. +1 extra multiplier at lvl 20. Active clicky of Fortification bypass %30 at T5 (level 12).
- The One-man band : +1 to all skills, (1d8)+2 hit points after level 1 and %1 movement speed every character level.+ 1 extra feat every fifth level starting from level 1. You do not fail at saves when you roll a natural 1 at T5 (Level 12)
- Spell like effects (Main casting ability stat: Your highest stat for Points and rolls):
*Staunch self/other(Cure light) wounds at level 4.
*Healing herbs self/other (Cure moderate wounds). Tireless fury: +2 to hit, +%10 damage, + 150 hitpoints and +2 to saves for 30 seconds+ 10 seconds every three character levels. (Can not cast spells or spell like abilites but can cancel and reactivate without any side effects) at level 6.
*Stinky mixture self/other(Cure serios wounds) and Good hope at lvl 8. Tireless fury x2
*Treat (Cure) critical wounds self/other at lvl 10. Tireless fury x3
*Suck and spit (Neutralise Poison effect self/other) Healing spells/mixtures effect other characters standing close to self. The rising fury: Mass Tireless fury effect x2 at lvl 12. Tireless furyx4
-The Rising fury : Gives all allies +6 to Hit and damage, +6 to saves , +%10 damage , +150 hitpoints, +4 Constitution, +4 to saves, Immunity to fear, Disease and poisons and level drain for 60 seconds x2 times per rest.
-Your character gets -%6 to AC, -2 to saves, -% 6 movement speed, -%10 glancing blow damage and off hand attack chance during The rising fury (Mass tireless fury) effect. This is Subtracted from your base values and takes effect for 60 seconds. You get all other bonuses from The rising fury mass effect.
*Disease treatment (Remove any disease self/other) Mass Good Hope. Tireless furyx6 at lvl 15.
*Shake and slap cheek: 'Keep moving !': Die Hard feat activated on an ally. (No cooldown unless the ally is dead) Gives the ally %15 temporary hitpoints. %5 movement and attack speed, %15 damage boost to the ally for 30 seconds. Movement,attack and damage boost effect has 60 seconds cooldown. Mass Greater Heroism lvl 16
*Stand and fight: 'You have seen tougher days boys !': Die Hard feat activated on all allies. (No cooldown unless all allies are dead) Gives all allies %25 temporary hitpoints. %10 movement and attack speed, %15 damage boost to all allies 30 seconds after the activation. 60 seconds cooldown. Tireless furyx10 at lvl 20
[ Tireless fury and The rising fury do not stack. If the character runs Tireless fury, The rising fury cancels the effect and takes over. Both for healing and empowering the party your iconic human character needs to sacrifice -%6 to AC, -2 to saves, -% 6 movement speed, -%10 glancing blow damage and off hand attack chance during The rising fury (Mass tireless fury) effect. This is Subtracted from your base values and takes effect for 60 seconds. You get all other bonuses from The rising fury mass effect.]
Thanks for reading.