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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Swords to Plowshares

    Looks like its not really enough to create a niche for stick builds like KT did for those weapons - they're still coming out as underperforming, and the feat may need a little extra kick. Rather than just upping the crit profile, though - and risking making it too meta and making other builds obsolete - how about giving it a different role, while keeping its current almost-there level of DPS?

    Since the mechanic seems to be working well for Vampire PM and for various Filigree sets in about Plowshares gives you a % chance for 1d3 per char level in Positive healing? That would give stick builds (and sickles and kamas) a niche beyond just competing with longswords and khopeshes for pure DPS, give an option for self-healing to builds that dont have any (or for passive self-healing for those that do), and thematically kinda fit with the idea that these are supposed to be tools of peace, not weapons of war.

  2. #2
    Community Member Indubitably's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Looks like its not really enough to create a niche for stick builds like KT did for those weapons - they're still coming out as underperforming, and the feat may need a little extra kick. Rather than just upping the crit profile, though - and risking making it too meta and making other builds obsolete - how about giving it a different role, while keeping its current almost-there level of DPS?

    Since the mechanic seems to be working well for Vampire PM and for various Filigree sets in about Plowshares gives you a % chance for 1d3 per char level in Positive healing? That would give stick builds (and sickles and kamas) a niche beyond just competing with longswords and khopeshes for pure DPS, give an option for self-healing to builds that dont have any (or for passive self-healing for those that do), and thematically kinda fit with the idea that these are supposed to be tools of peace, not weapons of war.
    I like it, I would go so far to say that it could be a wide variety of effects that SSG felt were balanced / thematic.
    Staff could have a percentage based chance to trip, sickle could cause a stacking bleed based on melee power, etc...
    If they ever added scythes to the game, now that would make sense to have self healing on it, or a vorpal type effect.

    And keep the current crit as well, because, as you say, these are well under performing.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    I am certainly a proponent of adding some benefits to mathematically underperforming weapons.
    But I don't see any reasonable lore explanation for heal-on-hit for these weapons.

    What I could see for these weapons is adding a bonus to trip. Curved/hooked weapons should serve well for tripping. And quarterstaff already has some special trip attacks in TA tree. As for what kind of bonus it would be; it could be simply a straight bonus to trip checks, or increase duration of being tripped, or decrease cooldown, or add a debuff to tripped foe, or grant a short buff to the wielder, etc.

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