Originally Posted by
Keep in mind I said with effort, aka playtime and willingness to play.
Day 1 - ER. Turn in Sagas and get close to level 23. Dailies, even after nerf. EN Amber, Spies, TTT, VoN3, Grim, Mirror, Wiz King, WGU, Invitation to Dinner. Sagas EE, LOD, ES 1 - 3, DDTW and In the Belly, Druids, High Road, Wheelon. Filler quests/Raids, VoN5, VoN4, Tempest Spine, Haunted Halls, Mask, anything with 50k exp after bonus' that doesnt take forever.
Day2 - Dailies, see above on EN. Sagas EE, Storm Horns, Ravenloft, Sharn, no Cogs. Back to filler quests. If you really have to, do dailies on day 3, which still leaves you an entire 24 hours before you can ER again.
8 day ER little effort - Play 1 to 1.5 hours a day, blitz dailies above, ER day 8.