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  1. #1
    Big Blubbery Beast TheWalruss's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Post Daily PuG Raid: Schedule

    LFM goes up between 20:30-21:00 CET (2.30-3.00 pm EST).
    The LFM will say: "Daily PuG Raid".
    Refer to this schedule for info about raids.
    This is a PuG group. Difficulty will always be either LN or LH.
    We will never schedule more than 2 raids in a row.
    Performance will determine difficulty and number of raids.
    You can join with any decently geared character.

    Monday: Killing Time (KT)
    Tuesday: Strahd
    Wednesday: Baba + Project Nemesis
    Thursday: Killing Time
    Friday: Strahd + Legendary Shroud
    Saturday: Too Hot to Handle (THTH)
    Sunday: Baba + Project Nemesis

    Read up on the raids before joining the PuG group.
    This will answer your questions and speed up the raid, which means we will have more time for actual raiding!
    Baba: Detailed raid guide from
    Strahd: Detailed Strahd guide from
    Killing Time: Detailed guide for Killing Time on
    Project Nemesis: Ultra short text guide, Project Nemesis videos on YouTube
    Too Hot to Handle (text guide): Rough text guide
    Too Hot to Handle (video guide): Raid on normal difficulty

    A huge thanks to the people who work hard to provide us with all the info and intel on!

  2. #2
    Big Blubbery Beast TheWalruss's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009



  3. #3
    Community Member Behoram's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    Great idea Walruss it, i have a real life now!!

  4. #4
    Big Blubbery Beast TheWalruss's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Thank you Behoram.
    I'm trying to work out a guide for THTH. Can you help me? This is what I have worked out so far:

    - For LN-difficulty you must have at least 1500hp and the best items for your character from Raven Loft and Sharn expansion.
    - You must have the best fire absorb item you can find, e.g. Brand of Kalok Shash, Orcish Privateer's Boots or Firebreak and be able to cast Fire Shield: Cold.
    - This raid requires actual MMORP: a tank is needed and one or more healers are needed, preferably a FvS with healing wall. CC is also needed, preferably a bard, wizard or sorcerer with a high Enchant DC who can cast Otto's Sphere of Dancing.

    - Do not kill Forgewraiths next to each other.
    - Stand in a group when dpsing the boss in order for the healer to cast healing wall.

    - Entering the Forge there is a console in the middle of the room with 4 color-combinations. Each cornor of the console matches the color-code for the workbench in the corresponding corner on the elevated floor in the room, i.e. the upper right cornor on the console matches the color-code for the workbench on the elevated floor in the north eastern corner of the room. One or more players note down the color-code and pull the levers on the workbenches until the colors match the console and activate it.
    - Once the Forge is activated all the players need to jump down??? and start dpsing the boss.
    - When the boss says??? adds will spawn which the ranged dps and casters need to take care of immediately.
    - After having been dpsed down to ??? hp, the boss will disappear and Fanatics??? will spawn who will try to sacrifice themselves by running off the edge of the floor and into the lava. CC need to put Spheres of Dancing up on the spawn nodes in order to prevent them from sacrificing.
    - Fanatics will keep spawning until the Forge has been restarted, which means the players who punched in the color-codes to light up the Forge have to do it again - fast!
    - After the Forge has been restarted, the boss will reappear and needs to be dpsed. Dps group up like before to make it easy to heal and trash will spawn again when the boss says???.

  5. #5
    Community Member Gilga1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    I'm still doing ETRs, but I will join you whenever possible

    Regarding THTH, after the 'fix' it's really easy and fast, at least on lower difficulties.
    A very useful spell is sunburst, and control undead for floating skulls.
    Tronko - Ascendance - Orien

  6. #6
    Community Member Behoram's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    let's set a day to do it. anyway it's a fast raid, both for completion or for wipe.
    a lot of guys on cannith know how it works, so we have just to try it it, i have a real life now!!

  7. #7
    Community Member huntunderhill's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Smile I've posted this all over Discord

    I can't wait for Friday!
    I miss My DDO... ):


    ^* Hallowood the Hermit *^
    The Silver Circle: First Officer

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