Went for maximum survivability for a brand-new character with no items or cash:
I started with halfling for the healing dragonmarks (because I couldn't afford potions)... Wanted 2 levels of barb for Blood Tribute, two levels of rogue for evasion.
STR 10
DEX 17 (Level 4 and Level 8 upgrades to get to 19 for IPS - if I live that long)
CON 14
INT 16 (Level 12+ upgrades)
1 artificer (for repeating crossbow proficiencies and skills) - Dragonmark of Healing
2 barb - 10% fast movement
3 barb - Point Blank Shot - Spend all 8 APs to get Blood Tribute
4 rogue
5 rogue - Evasion
6 Artificer (for rune-arm use) - Empower Healing (to boost dragonmarks) - Probably should have taken Precise Shot here... was a tough choice
7 Artificer - elemental weapons
Getting to level three, stuck with a group... Spent AP on barb tree only... As soon as I hit level 3 (two levels of barb), maxed out Blood Tribute.
Blood Tribute is extremely useful (150 temp hp, -1 CON), but I discovered you can't use it all the time... Starting with a 14 CON, no tomes, no CON items at first, you can't really keep it up all the time. Great if you see a danger coming, but if something surprises you, you can still end up dead.
Didn't really feel comfortable until level 5 when I got evasion as a rogue... I'm still paranoid about traps, though.
Haven't died yet... But as first life character, just doing elite for favor, and trying to bank some decent BtA items...
Working on Harper Tree now to get INT to damage, but can't decide if I want to focus on more artificer levels or rogue levels.
Thoughts? Goal here is 1750 favor and 20th level if possible.... Probably stick with elite most of the way...