What trick? What about people who dont properly advance quests and miss out on end chest. Are they being tricked. What about the guy who rolls up character and starts out as a rogue but plans to multi with a monk. Thing is, he is chaotic neutral aligned to start. Are these people tricked or are they suffering from lack of game knowledge?
The people who were tricked are the the folks who possibly unnecessarily risked their toons playing quests earlier than now appears necessary. They were tricked into pointlessly risking their toons. The whole point of the venture is to see how well you can do given the game conditions at the start of the competition. Some folks advanced without thinking. And they paid the price. I logged on today and noticed the favor leader was in three barrel cove. Now what do you suppose an 18th level toon is doing in there?
It's not a massive big deal. But it is a let down.