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    Dec 2010

    Default Hardcore Tavern - Tall Tales and Toasts for the Fallen.

    I survived the Butcher's Path; barely. I like how the DM talks about it being the source of many grim tavern tales, which is the inspiration for this thread.

    Here's one of my stories - the Butcher's Path.
    Auvrin: Rogue L4 Mech with Great Crossbow. I had the L3 Cleric hire, otherwise I'm soloing it (at work and it would be difficult to join a group).

    As I finish up the Treasure Chest Ambush, I run out of bolts for my crossbow. At this point, the cleric needs the shrine, so I decide to risk taking out the nearby oozes. I rummage through my backpack, and I only have one weapon I can use, a hand axe that I am not proficient with. Meh! They're just oozes, shouldn't be a tough fight. So, we take care of those oozes in short order and the cleric rests without so much as a "by your leave." I told you you she needed the shrine. Anyway, we get going and there's two more fights until the end, plus last boss being optional. So I forge ahead to the corner and start drawing out those kobolds; and I suddenly am wondering where my cleric is?! Oh drat! I forgot about the second set of oozes in the hallway, and she's well into being distracted by them. So I help her out, and my axe breaks completely. Now I've got nothin' but my fists! I figure I'm dead. Or, I could just find a safe spot and recall out. Nope! This is Hardcore. So, that's what I do - a weakling rogue punching kobolds to death. Two groups - four shamans tossing those dreaded lightning bolts, not to mention the warriors, throwers, and regular kobolds. I make it to the end and bolt for the rope out, not worrying one bit about the end boss.

    For my cleric, Guendaline, now L8, a toast to the fallen party members under her care. It's tough seeing a fellow adventure's quests cut short, but doubly so if you're the party's healer. I know I couldn't heal the one-shots, or target someone fast enough to save them from a two-shot kill. That doesn't make it any easier. So here's a splash for the all the fallen, may you rest in peace or find your way back eventually.

    Epilogue: Both Auvrin and Guen are both still alive as of writing this. Auvrin is basically a mule and crafter for Guen.
    Last edited by Careall; 08-19-2019 at 06:23 PM. Reason: Spelling

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