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  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    I didn't even think about out leveling the Dragonmark quest until I thought I might want to swap a feat and found out I was locked out. Wasn't my happiest moment...
    This happened to me as well.

  2. #22
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Human_Cypher View Post
    This happened to me as well.
    It's one of my first stops now... get done with Jeets & Crew's Grotto quest, Bottle of Mist to House J, run Dragonmark quest, maybe the non-pawn weapon shop in House D, then back to Sunny Korthos.
    Last edited by Memnir; 08-19-2019 at 02:00 PM.
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  3. #23
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    I didn't even think about out leveling the Dragonmark quest until I thought I might want to swap a feat and found out I was locked out. Wasn't my happiest moment...
    I had skimmed the HC announcement, but missed the whole lock-out deal until seeing this thread. I left a some XPs behind me that I would've sponged up before out-leveling it if I'd been paying better attention.

    I'll know for next time if/when I have to start over. Still on my first char. *knocks wood*
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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Just checking in - we are looking into making this process less confusing and reworking how the lockout interacts with Wilderness Areas. Ideally, nothing is a nasty surprise

    Technically, the lock out is to avoid easy favor farming, and wilderness to my knowledge (correct me if I am wrong) have no favor therein.
    So, maybe just remove the wilderness lock out completely?

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Silverleafeon View Post

    Technically, the lock out is to avoid easy favor farming, and wilderness to my knowledge (correct me if I am wrong) have no favor therein.
    So, maybe just remove the wilderness lock out completely?
    That would be the easiest way to correct this issue.

  6. #26
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    Default Hardcore Caps For Wilderness and Quests

    I went thru the list of artificially capped quests "Hardcore cap or HC" listed on this thread. Those combined with the wilderness levels from the wiki made this list of the HC's. Understanding that most of these are wilderness caps, I simply put down the HC for the wilderness unless it was a single quest. I also don't know Sharn and am unsure if it is effected.

    Wilderness/ HC Lvl:
    Black Anvil*: 5
    Korthos: 5
    Cerulean: 6
    Waterworks: 7
    STK: 7
    Tangleroot: 8
    Three-Barrel: 9
    Sorrowdusk: 11
    Threnal: 12 (Estimated level)
    Barovia: 14
    Sands: 15
    Gianthold: 17
    *Black Anvil is entrance to Made to Order and A Relic of a Sovereign Past.

    Single Quests or Others/ HC Lvl:
    Dragonmark: 5 (just FYI)
    Catacombs: 6
    Delera's End Reward: 10
    Bargin of Blood: 10
    Titan Awakes: 14
    Tower of Dispair: 23
    Underdark Portal Unlock: 25
    NX/TSR on Orien, Khyber, Wayfinder

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    Take this with a grain of salt because I'm not playing hardcore just observing my hubby play. He just wants the Bloody Footprints so he's trying for the 5k favor mark. Early on he was under level doing things on elite, eventually he was at level doing quests elite, then he had to start holding his level. EVERYONE is first life. First life doing elite has more than enough XP when they have access to ALL content. For some people its difficult to not level when you are able and even more so the longer you hold the levels. Its an unfortunate surprise to stay within 2 levels of the quest on elite and then not be ale to enter the zone the quest is in. And many are unaware of the level lock-out affecting wilderness zones and some quest-gating such as Black Anvil Forest and its going to come as a nasty Gotcha when they go to run those quests in an effort to get as much favor as possible. So thank you to OP and anyone else keeping track of these Gotchas, I'll keep hubby informed.
    Bloody foot prints is one of the apex rewards. Its not supposed to be easy. And if level 20s could run lvl 2s and carry everyone for favor runs, it would definetly break the whole point of this server. I agree with the level restrictions, though as said slayer areas could probably be increased to +6 levels to pad quest restrictions a bit with out creating a situation where a lvl 20 can go in and kill 1499 enemies and then you renter solo to get the 1500 slayer reward.

  8. #28
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    is this definitive for season 2?

  9. #29
    Community Member fatherpirate's Avatar
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    It would be nice if anything that does not award the favor used on the leader boards should really have no cap.
    It might not give XP if you too high level but at least it will not bork a quest chain

    again, only the stuff that awards ZERO favor used for leader boards and awards.
    but that is just my opinion

  10. #30
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    I recall the Devs fixing this but I am having difficulty finding the post. So I tried some myself. Being level 9 I was able to enter Tangleroot, Cerulean, Waterworks, Black Anvil Mines and able to enter and complete the Hall of the Mark quest.

  11. #31
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    I was burned by challenges, you can only run up to 4 levels over the min level of the challenge.
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