Need a way to turn off alerts in chat windows. World events is *not* checked in guild chat, but is still flooded with red messages.
Sorry to be so curt, gotta go play some more. Thanks.
Need a way to turn off alerts in chat windows. World events is *not* checked in guild chat, but is still flooded with red messages.
Sorry to be so curt, gotta go play some more. Thanks.
This, please.
I am the natural one.
"When life gives you excrement, make Excrement Golems."
Disclaimer: My greenies come from comedy. I should not be confused with those who are knowledgeable and helpful.
yes please
Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
Proud member of the HighLords of Malkier
It would be nice if, for future iterations of this idea, there was a Death Alert notification. Make it Global like... well, Global. But, able to be filtered in Chat boxes. So Guild Chat need not be interrupted so much. It would be a great QoL change, if possible.
I think just make it level 6 and above would be enough. The majority of the spam is 2 to 4.
I think the spam of death messages including level 2+ is the best thing about the server, though I'm all for making things optional for those who understandably enjoy the interruptions less (possibly with two or more tiers of options to e.g. just see the level 10+ deaths)
Nistafa on Khyber
I love the death spam, but understand why some wouldn't want to see it all the time. I wouldn't use it but the option to turn it off would be fine with me.
But be aware the alerts will slow down. A ton of people are trying out the server in its first week. After a few weeks I suspect a big portion of the population will go back to the normal servers.
My DDO youtube channel:
I enjoy the alerts, they provide a ominous aura to the server. My complaint is that I run multiple chat boxes (I separate guild so I don't miss questions) and the alerts get spammed in EVERY box. It would be more enjoyable if they could be chosen per box.
My DDO youtube channel:
This x1000. Trappers hate the constant spam of doofuses that cannot learn. Same names always pop up and trap alerts go unnoticed.
I have died 3 times (levels 5, 7, & 13) and have another 5 living characters all level 4 and above, all having done all of korthos and part or all of harbor (except stealthy repossession) on elite too. If you want any chance of surviving hardcore, you should be farming multiple pairs of Protective Gloves, Blessed Goggles, Anger's Step, etc... dying at level 2 seems like folks are rushing to harbor and getting nuked by reapers. One player I have seen die over a dozen times, mostly at level 2 or 3. Thanks to evasion, I didn't die the two times I walked into a trap that I didn't notice the alert for because that same individual died again.
Deaths prior to level 5 should not be broadcast. Champion mobs dont spawn until base 3 quests on hard or elite, so I cant figure out why someone would keep making unfit characters that cannot reach level 4 time and time again. And make me miss trap notices in the process.
Instead of a yes/no flag, why not add a minimum level instead: See only death notices of level X or higher.