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  1. #1
    Community Member Captain_Wizbang's Avatar
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    Default How to lose a life without doing anything.

    Had a good run going on a dwarf kensai. I figured I could get to 7 or 8 with no problems until..........

    A newer player decided to spawn and pull back to the group a fatal attack from a trog w/ electric & 2 shaman & 2 throwers in WW pt 3.

    POOF* 4 of 6 party members died.

    No amount of careful playing, abilities or tactics can avoid that. So that toons endeavor ended in ruins.

    No offense to the new player, he/she didn't know any better. Or maybe using voice or party chat for a heads-up would have been appropriate.

    C'est La Vie

  2. #2
    Community Member Blastyswa's Avatar
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    I've been using House Phiarlan favor buffs (Running Tangleroot Gorge gets you enough favor) and casting protection from elements as a druid on every quest that is even remotely difficult. Doing those (You can get wands for protection from elements and potions for resist elements) will make the lightning deaths that come up in anything related to kobolds much more infrequent.
    Dazling of Cannith

  3. #3
    Community Member Captain_Wizbang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blastyswa View Post
    I've been using House Phiarlan favor buffs (Running Tangleroot Gorge gets you enough favor) and casting protection from elements as a druid on every quest that is even remotely difficult. Doing those (You can get wands for protection from elements and potions for resist elements) will make the lightning deaths that come up in anything related to kobolds much more infrequent.

    What part of a newb spawning a mob and running back to our group unannounced didn't you understand?

    No wand or buff would have prevented 4 out of 6 people dying from an ambush of that scope.

    But thanks for enlightening me on elemental buffs.

  4. #4
    Community Member Blastyswa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lagin View Post
    What part of a newb spawning a mob and running back to our group unannounced didn't you understand?

    No wand or buff would have prevented 4 out of 6 people dying from an ambush of that scope.

    But thanks for enlightening me on elemental buffs.
    I still don't think I understand. A party member got out of position, got in over there heads "spawning mobs" which I presume means just running into enemies, and ran back to the group right? And it sounds like it 5 enemies, not red alert levels. Is the complaint that the party member came back to the group when he needed help, or that the encounter was too hard? It sounds like it was just a standard situation of the enemies being stronger than the party, unless I'm missing something obvious. In which case, please let me know.
    Dazling of Cannith

  5. #5
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    Don't pug. There are far too many stupid people playing this game to take that chance.

  6. #6
    Community Member hp1055cm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lagin View Post
    Had a good run going on a dwarf kensai. I figured I could get to 7 or 8 with no problems until..........
    A newer player decided to spawn and pull back to the group a fatal attack from a trog w/ electric & 2 shaman & 2 throwers in WW pt 3.
    POOF* 4 of 6 party members died.
    No amount of careful playing, abilities or tactics can avoid that. So that toons endeavor ended in ruins.
    No offense to the new player, he/she didn't know any better. Or maybe using voice or party chat for a heads-up would have been appropriate.
    C'est La Vie
    I was leading one group in the harbor (on reaper 1) and almost immediately noticed that one person started the quest while I was buffing.
    Soon after another player goes in another direction (toward optional content) resulting in the party splitting.
    We stopped at a shrine, and 2 people kept moving on and engaging mobs like it was a Sunday afternoon in the park...
    I asked everyone to stay with group and avoid doing any unnecessary content but they just did their own thing. Surprisingly we all survived; that time.
    Needless to say I dropped out after the quest.

    I watch for zergers and impatient people when I join groups and don't stick around if they aren't reigned in by the leader; or if they ignore my advice in my groups.
    Then there's the socialist types that get so engrossed in conversation they aren't paying attention to the quest at hand. Amazing really.
    People who run forward then retreat frequently, or kite everything, bother me as well. I suspect these types of players can be just as big a hazard as some of the enemies...

    On the other hand I have been part of some terrific groups with good leadership where everyone is helpful, stays with the group and communicates well.
    I try to stay in these types of groups as long as I can.
    Quote Originally Posted by hp1055cm
    Makes me think that other post was your sock account.

    Quote Originally Posted by anonymous
    Incorrect. Post reported.

  7. #7
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    There are also some folks on that server who are just there to stir trouble, so watch for that kind of thing. One guy I'm pretty sure is on the Ignore list of 90+% of the server at this point, since everyone stopped replying to his trolling. (I wouldn't have to mention the name, even if it wasn't forbidden.)
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  8. #8
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Yeah...this is why I'm solo'ing mostly.

    PUG'ing is risky. People can get you killed.

  9. #9
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    On the flip side, earlier today, I ran with a solid group through Proof is in the Poison. A tough-enough quest even on other servers. Sticking and working together made the quest a breeze. Grouping can have advantages.
    I cleric-tanked, we had three ranged attackers, a nuke sorc, and two monks. I got close to death once, stunned or something so I couldn't self-heal. Suddenly I was receiving far more healing than what I needed. I could rely on the group to follow my intimidate tanking with tons of damage so I wouldn't have to stand there taking hits forever (I've done that on other severs with other groups). I think HC has made this more like the D&D it's supposed to be.

  10. #10
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    One guy I'm pretty sure is on the Ignore list of 90+% of the server at this point, since everyone stopped replying to his trolling. (I wouldn't have to mention the name, even if it wasn't forbidden.)
    The Korthos Town Cry-er as I was dubbing him?

    Yeah, he has been my one and only Ignore thus far. I'm all for people finding their own fun... but he didn't even seem to be having any. Weird what people will do, I guess.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


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