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  1. #41
    Community Member
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    Sure they can make a season pass for $25 no other benefit just access to the hardcore server for 1 season(sure would beat a VIP sub)

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by BalorBlackstone View Post
    I did not say that, but I am saying "I sound like sour grapes" sounds like trolling to me. As for going VIP? why? I own everything, I would gain nothing but a small amount of extra xp. That is not worth it in my opinion. I just fail to see how someone who spends at least as much as the minimum required to gain access in one way is denied access by spending the same (if not more) cash in a different manner. I am sorry you do not feel this is a legitimate complaint, but in any other industry a customer paying for services rendered, be it in any manner of payment, is not discriminated against because of the way they choose to pay for that service, which it appears to me is exactly the case here. Its like saying you pay with cash you get access here, o you pay with plastic, sorry cant help ya.
    You are over analyzing this. This is not somehow a reward for being a good player, and spending lots of money on DDO. This is a feature for the VIP subscription model. It is there to encourage people to sign up for VIP; possibly to boost sales or to recoup the cost of hosting this hardcore server (in which case a season pass might also have worked, but would probably be priced similar to just buying 2 months of VIP).

    There is literally nothing more to say about this. If you want to play hardcore right now, then buy VIP. If you don't want to, then don't buy VIP.

    This decision had nothing to do with you personally, or with how good a consumer you individually were in the past. Payments in the past, that probably went to another company like Turbine, don't pay the bills today for Standing Stones.
    Last edited by tylersloeper1; 09-05-2019 at 01:33 PM.

  3. 09-05-2019, 12:22 PM

  4. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tach View Post
    I'm going to buck the trend of the other posters in this thread and agree with you. I haven't played DDO in almost 9 months and the announcment of hardcore leauge had me interested in the game again. I decided to log in, create a character on hardcore server only to be greeted with an error message after character creation about needing VIP. See ya. Turbine already bled enough money from me before the current free/premium/vip model back when this game was sub only.

    Is my thinking entitled? Maybe. But other people like me will be disappointed to find that this feature is only available to VIP.
    I just wanted to point out that DDO is no longer owned by Turbine. So however much money you spent in the past, the new owners have definetly not seen a penny of it. The new owners have only been around for a year or two; and probably want to make sure that the game makes enough money to allow continued development.

  5. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by tylersloeper1 View Post
    I just wanted to point out that DDO is no longer owned by Turbine. So however much money you spent in the past, the new owners have definetly not seen a penny of it. The new owners have only been around for a year or two; and probably want to make sure that the game makes enough money to allow continued development.
    Not to mention - you don't pay (or play) a company for 9 months, they come out with a new thing, and you think you should be able to play it ? ... Why?

  6. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lagin View Post
    There are a lot of people that don't get it. The ones posting their opinion why they are entitled and not you are *insert snarky title here*. And have nothing to offer this thread, or any others on this matter.

    As for getting a legit answer from SSG, good luck with that. A dev posted about trust, well here's a classic example of why a large % of the population don't.

    Aelonwy has a legit response. Most of the other responses here are lurkers that will flame anyone not agreeing with their mindset.

    I see no legit reason why some kind of concession wasn't made.
    Honestly this is pretty surprising, since the reasoning is so obvious. Honestly most of the complainers seems like they are just begging for free content, or feel like they somehow deserve getting this for free. Even when they are told why this is happening, they still put their hands on their ears and dont want to listen.

  7. #46
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Well, I had a sub from '06 until MoTU and then I went Premium, bought all the stuff I wanted and played for a few years. I stopped playing this game almost 4 years ago. I saw this today and re-subbed for 90 days. Is it the beast deal on the market, maybe not. But, it's the first thing I saw in almost 4 years that made me want to log in again and play.
    Git off mah lawn!

    If, If's and But's was Candies and Nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas.

  8. #47
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braegan View Post
    made me want to log in again and play.

    Hey Brae!!! **** **** good to see ya! Welcome back, brother.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  9. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post

    Hey Brae!!! **** **** good to see ya! Welcome back, brother.
    Hey Mem!! The feeling is mutual my friend! We'll have to catch up soon
    Git off mah lawn!

    If, If's and But's was Candies and Nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas.

  10. #49
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by BalorBlackstone View Post
    I did not say that, but I am saying "I sound like sour grapes" sounds like trolling to me.
    To me it sounds less like trolling and more like someone who doesn't know what the phrase "sour grapes" actually means.
    Quote Originally Posted by ProducerRowan View Post
    Our final update of 2014 will extend the level cap to 30, which is intended to be DDO’s “permanent” level cap

  11. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by BalorBlackstone View Post

    I don't understand why this server is VIP access only. I have personally spent way more then a VIP access out of the DDO store between buying all the packs, races, class's, astral shards for guild buffs & upgrades, not to mention the best ship available. So why is it exactly that major cash spenders are being excluded from this event? Are you trying to drive your player base away? I would really like a legitimate answer to this from a Dev. Thank you.
    I dont understand your sense of entitlement because you spent a couple of dollars in the life of a decade+ old game.

  12. #51
    Community Member slugstone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BalorBlackstone View Post
    I can respect that, but why is their no option for premium members to purchase that server option, or buy that "pack"? still discriminating against anyone not paying a monthly fee seeing as there is no other way to access it, unlike the rest of the content.
    Dude, if you want it pay for it.

    PS I am VIP and have all the quest. I do not see a problem with paying for access to the hardcore server.

  13. #52
    Community Member gravisrs's Avatar
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    You've paid for your extra latte macchiato and now you demand a free donut ?

    Sorry, donuts are for a price no matter how many coffees you've bought in the past.
    Polska gildia DDO / Polish guild

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  14. #53
    Community Member Requiro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BalorBlackstone View Post

    I don't understand why this server is VIP access only. I have personally spent way more then a VIP access out of the DDO store between buying all the packs, races, class's, astral shards for guild buffs & upgrades, not to mention the best ship available. So why is it exactly that major cash spenders are being excluded from this event? Are you trying to drive your player base away? I would really like a legitimate answer to this from a Dev. Thank you.
    I fully agree. +1

    I would also what to know (from Devs) why there is no way for Premium players to buy access by DDO Points to that server?

    And have even more question:

    • Why Premium players are treated like second-class people?
    • Premium money is some kind worse than VIPs give you?
    • DDO Points become worse method of support game?
    • Why you discriminate Premium players?
    • Is this still f2p game?
    • Do you have in plan remove f2p part of this game in the future?
    Last edited by Requiro; 09-06-2019 at 09:16 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by stoerm View Post
    Player remembers. Player never forgets.
    I'm not native speaker

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