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  1. #141
    Community Member Solacetine's Avatar
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    ...and another level 17 from open guild dies...I wonder what is killing these level 17s?
    What peril lies therein?[/QUOTE]

    I am going to guess Age of Rage chain or the Sharn Chain. Where Irk throws his ball at you or whatever it is that follows you in I think Just Business. Those are my guesses.

  2. #142
    Community Member AlmGhandi's Avatar
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    Default Third Death

    WF Rogue2 Arti 3... Catacombs.
    Opened a secret door... the one with the greater arcane skeleton behind it. Champion. Flameborn.
    Couldn't keep up with the healing...
    kruemeli of Orien - Leader of the "Merry" Hobbits
    It is okay to be "merry":
    I just Keep quiet and think....

  3. #143
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    I probably *should* have had a death last night.

    I started to play my main, a pure Arty, but got that dread feeling that said today just wasn't a good day to take risks. So rolled up a baby Monk just to putter around.

    In Korthos, Heyton's Rest. Had eaten an XP token, so was level 2. Gear sucked, so taking down the Sahuag priests had been slow going. Popped the sealed room open and ran for the sarcophagus. Destroyed that, got the Finish, and started running for the front door with all the mobs on my tail. Out of pots, and caster kept raying me in the back. Finally my last HP fell, and I crumpled on the floor incapped. Then game crashed to desktop. Thought for sure I'd log back in having a talk with Mortality, especially after I got the "You're logged in elsewhere, blah, blah" while trying to log back in.

    Once back in I found myself laying on the doorstep to the quest, still incapped, but alive. (I did go ahead and delete the character a short time later after selling/deconning what I could, then jumping off a bridge enough times to die. I'm just not a Monk player. Plus, I wanted screenies of Morti.)

    Moral of the story = when that little voice in the back of your mind is telling you it's not a good day to go adventuring, pay attention to it.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  4. #144
    The Hatchery Enoach's Avatar
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    Well my last two were from bleeding out while the party watched. Not an aid or rage clicky a cure light wand or even bears endurance among them. Rest of the quest was going to be rather difficult for them beings how I was the cleric .

    Oh well off to try again.

  5. #145
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    That little voice I mentioned a couple posts up? Yeah.

    Tried testing my luck, but down-graded my running to Hard instead of Elite. Died chasing the Snitch, in the room that blocks off the doorway and turns on the electricity. My *2* cleric hirelings were blocked off outside the door, and before I could either summon them to me or hit my Teleport escape button, I was chatting with Morti. Apparently I had failed to notice my Resists & Protections had timed off.

    Slow & Steady *was* the plan.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  6. #146
    The Chosen One The_Apocalypse's Avatar
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    Redfang the Unruled. Poison spray room. Got stuck floating on a barrel, heh.
    "The body is but a vessel for the soul;
    A puppet which bends to the soul's tyrrany.
    And lo, the body is not eternal,
    For it must feed on the flesh of others,
    Lest it return to the dust whence it came.
    Therefore must the soul
    Deceive, Despise, and Murder men..."


  7. #147
    Community Member AlmGhandi's Avatar
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    Arrow Fourth Death

    Arti6 banking 7 - Bookbinder Rescue.
    Opening the door to the last room, inside were 2 champs. Cleric hireling got one-shotted and I took a Burning Blood to the face that was dotting over my resists. Concentration was too low to successfully cast "protection" from both fire and acid. Left my iron defender to heroically die distracting the champs whilst I hopped around trying to keep chugging enough pots... didn't make it.
    If I had just started chugging Pots instead of trying for that Protection from Acid... I might have made it. Ah well, you live and learn... or not.
    Champion spawns are intensely exciting, but going hardcore... maybe I should tone down my solo-ing for a bit.
    kruemeli of Orien - Leader of the "Merry" Hobbits
    It is okay to be "merry":
    I just Keep quiet and think....

  8. #148
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    I was in "Another Man's Treasure" Elite Solo. Ran into 2 Champion Warforged Casters. One was a Stone guard champ and I was barely damaging him. I don't remember what the other one was but he was hitting me for over 100 damage per hit. I couldn't heal through it. I should have teleported out..but I thought I could manage.

    That duo of champions executed a perfect Tank/DPS combination on me.
    Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.

    Characters: Loromir & Baldomir....among others.

  9. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by Solacetine View Post
    ...and another level 17 from open guild dies...I wonder what is killing these level 17s?
    What peril lies therein?
    The Age of Rage (level 14) has a very crazy double trap. It is a bear trap that is right on top of a blade trap. If you walk over the area with the bear trap, it will grab you so that you can't move. The blade trap next to it will then hit you repeatedly while you are stuck. If you walk into this bear trap before the trapper disarms the traps you are literally dead, no matter how much hp you have. It will just keep hitting you and there is nothing you can do about it.

    I saw a level 16 die to this trap yesterday.

    The crucible (level 14) 's water test is also a player killer. I almost died on this one. If you go into the water and have a very bad swim skill you cannot beat the current. You also cant cast or use items in the water and it seems that recalling doesn't work either. The water then drags you into a fan where you are literally helpless as you watch it slash away at your hp. I was only able to escape this one with Alt + f4. 100% would have died on this one. I wouldn't recommend running it.
    Last edited by tylersloeper1; 09-03-2019 at 04:21 PM.

  10. #150
    Community Member Fedora1's Avatar
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    Saw the announcement that a L28 died yesterday.
    My take on "the grind":

    Ordinary humans have inhibitions that serve as a buffer against what we know is bad behavior.
    However, some people, by blaming others for their own bad behavior, develop a thought pattern that allows them to override self-control in order to achieve a selfish end.
    - My opinion on exploiters and cheaters blaming SSG for unfair punishment.

  11. #151
    Knight of Movember
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    Quote Originally Posted by tylersloeper1 View Post
    The crucible (level 14) 's water test is also a player killer. I almost died on this one. If you go into the water and have a very bad swim skill you cannot beat the current. You also cant cast or use items in the water and it seems that recalling doesn't work either. The water then drags you into a fan where you are literally helpless as you watch it slash away t your hp. I was only able to escape this one with Alt + f4. 100% would have died on this one. I wouldn't recommend running it.
    There are quests to avoid and quests that can use teamwork. I agree to avoid the crucible as a solo - for many reasons - but if you have a group, there is a valve in the main water way, under water, that players can turn to shut off the current. I rarely see groups use it and many do not even know the valve is there.

    I notice in many quests - players still going way too fast, not using available tools, and often doing parts of quests that are not necessary and very dangerous.
    The evolution of DDO: Stormreach to Eberron Unlimited to Dungeons & Dragons Online
    -1--2 -3 -4 -5--6 -7 -8--9--10 -11-12 13 14! 15 16 17 years & still spawning kobolds
    From Turbine to SSG, who are the devs anyway? DDO Peeps Tracker

  12. #152
    Community Member FURYous's Avatar
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    One of the problems I have found is that you have to be at the top of your game ALL the time.

    I lagged while jumping over a trap (that can't be disabled or bypassed) on my TRed cleric in The Sunken Sewer just long enough to kill me. 24 levels and all my reaper XP flushed.


    I am trying again but I find much less excitement in logging in.
    Mr Blacks - Ranged DPS - 120PL - 50RP
    Mr Blues - Main - 177PL - 98RP
    Mr Greens - Caster CC/DC - 126PL - 37RP
    Mr Purples - Healer - 43PL - 21RP
    Mr Redd - Melee DPS - 129PL - 37RP
    Mr Whites - Tank - 138PL - 58RP

  13. #153
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    Default Too Many

    Mostly all newbie mistakes:

    1st - Level 6 - Trap STK

    2nd - Level 7 - Catacombs - Did not know how to exit, following party - they all exit on the alter. Playing shortie gnome - clicking on the altar.. Nothing. Nothing. Wraith catches up, getting squished. Run, heal, try again frantically. No exist icon. Franitic. Run, Heal, try again. Stat damage, more frantic. ALT-F4 someone chats. On Mac, no alt-F4, and I refuse to force quit to safety. Done. I go run with my main over level.. Duh, exit is on top.

    3rd - Level 11 - TOEE - I was too confident on this map - party is buffing first entry into the halls. Bear runs ahead, I follow. Rest of the part still buffing. Take the first fight, bear engages mob, I snipe from distance, not paying attention to the mob that was also to the left. Sundered, done.

    4th - Level 4 - Chest trap in Tome. Someone says "can someone get the chest trap". I run towards the chest and hit search, not knowing the box is to the side, never even did the search..

    5th - Level 1 - heytons.. never mind *holds head in shame*

    6th - Level 7 - Wolves in Irestone Inlet- triple trip trip trip

    7th - level 11 - Delera's chain (last?) Sonic trap passed, forgot about poison trap right behind.

    8th - Level 7 - Proof is in the Poison (End Boss or champ) took agro too early again - pummeled with acid arrows, multiple stacking, cannot heal fast enough.

    9th - Level 10 - Another Man's treasure - No one ran the swim - never had tried the swim. Impaled underwater.

    HC has been great even as a relative newbie. The power levels are balanced, the long term player's still have huge advantage with the meta knowledge of most every trap, they know where to stop, where to jump. Depending solely on spot/search skills is tough.

    I'd love to seen future rounds with some change/randomization of trap locations - force the long term players to depend on character spot/search skills. It does add even greater levels of tension and apprehension to every quest.

  14. #154
    Community Member Zander108's Avatar
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    Default My First Death So far

    Playing a Half-Orc Barbarian, dead at level 10

    Died to a Water Elemental, after I had killed it, due to DoT. Was in Storm The Beaches, in the underwater entrance, after having destroyed all the ballista. Soloing on Elite, had just leveled up to 10.

    Was very surprised, my Dieharder had gone off, had tried to drink a potion, hire was with me. I thought I had it... but nope.

    Badger was my fav... on to Kaylee, my Arti.
    "We can't all be heroes, because somebody has to sit on the curb and clap... oh, wait. This is D&D, yes we can!"

  15. #155
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    First. Rogue 5(6) took troll triple smash to the face in R1 Depths 3 party.
    1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022

  16. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deathlylife View Post
    Level 11 holding 13, was running Necro 2 on a pure monk with nothing in the str stat. Taint of Shadow "You have been touched by a shadow, and will die and spawn another shadow, if your Strength is reduced to 0." I had to keep swapping my deathblock item with my underwater action item. One such time I did not swap back in time and got hit by a shadow and immediately a ray of enfeeblement. Ding! Too weak to continue I went to the land of lost souls without taking any damage, just instant death. Had every quest 1-6 done on elite (including chrono) and almost hit the first milestone reward but it all came to a quick end. Moral of the story, don't ever unequip deathblock.
    You should know that you did not die because you did not wear your deathblock item. You would die even if you were wearing it, this is a different mechanism and deathblock does not prevent you from dying. The taint of shadow description reads 'If your Strength is reduced to 0 while under this debuff, you will be killed', so having this debuff in combination with your STR reduced to 0 from either ray of enfeeblement or melee attacks of shadows that do str dmg you instantly die. If you are low on str having a high str item on this one might work as a deathblock, you also need lots of restoration scrolls - potions. Cheers!!

  17. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luaolin View Post
    Mostly all newbie mistakes:
    I'd love to seen future rounds with some change/randomization of trap locations - force the long term players to depend on character spot/search skills. It does add even greater levels of tension and apprehension to every quest.
    Well there are actually a few quests that have randomized traps, like the spawn of whisperdoom. And there are still a lot of veterans that are not very familiar with newer content. So those quests can be equally dangerous for both you and them.
    Last edited by tylersloeper1; 09-04-2019 at 10:14 AM.

  18. #158
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    Last night an impatient zerging barbarian ran way ahead of the group and ended up blocked on the other side of a barrier. My cleric had no way to heal the barbarian fast enough as I watched his HP get chopped away - about 1/3rd at a time. After the proverbial "last minute," he DC'd, but it was too late. For a change, I really didn't feel bad for not being able to save someone. I also kept thinking about the irony of his impatience. I'm pretty sure any few seconds gained here-and-there were completely lost having to start over again (if that's what he did).

  19. #159
    Community Member AlmGhandi's Avatar
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    Arrow Fifth Death

    2 Rogue 5 Pale Master...
    Delera 1

    Forgot where the trap was, stopped in the Cold Jets to search for the box.
    Need sleep.
    kruemeli of Orien - Leader of the "Merry" Hobbits
    It is okay to be "merry":
    I just Keep quiet and think....

  20. #160
    Community Member Hallstatt's Avatar
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    I had 146 hps. Famine reaper cold spell hit me for 146 damage. I died? Appear in the Land of Lost Souls. Standing there a few seconds, then drop and get incapacitated message/screen. Die hard kicks in and I stand back up, but dead. What a cheat!

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