TLDR: Some mook playing armchair developer because KotC is getting update this year, and because I got sick of my Paladin and TRed him.
- Increase light damage in the cores by 2d6 or 3d6 maybe use a 1/2/3/5/7/9d6 progression.
- Increase the light damage melee power scaling to 150%
- Make the capstone better add say 10-20 more Melee Power, PRR, and MRR
- Improve Exalted Smite add 1/2/3[w] to what it does now so that its better damage even when it doesn't crit.
- Combine Censure Demons and Outsider into a single tier 4 enhancement. (mostly so there is room to add a new tier 5)
- Combine Sealed Life and Vigor of Life in tier 5. (again mostly to make room for a new tier 5)
- Holy Retribution
- Remove the HP limit on the insta-kill effect and increase the cooldown (say 60 seconds)
- or
- Increase the damage (say 500-1000) the target takes on a successful save and have it scale with melee power (say 200%).
- Avenging Cleave needs to apply more stacks of Vulnerability (say 1d6+1)
- Add New Tier 5's
- Add a Vendetta (from Vistani) style clicky. I would suggest 5-10d6 light damage and 20-70 Melee Power on a 15 second up 60-90 second cooldown.
- Add another Smite attack.
- A smite that makes the paladin harder to kill if it lands. Something like +5[w] and +30 temp HP per paladin level on a 15-45 second cooldown.
- or
- A big damage smite. Something like 100% chance to crit with +3 crit multiplier on a rather short cooldown 6-12 seconds