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  1. #61
    Community Member Alanim's Avatar
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    Default Most/All New abilities acts as cleaves.

    Most/All of the epic destiny melee attacks are acting as cleaves, unsure if this is intentional.
    Epic Destiny abilities that act as cleaves.
    Boulder's Might
    Draw Them Out
    Celestial Mandate
    The Flower's Thorn
    Smite the Wicked

    Draw them out also requires a target for some reason, making it very annoying to use. Celestial Mandate has no such requirement to be used.
    Last edited by Alanim; 08-19-2019 at 07:25 PM.

  2. #62
    Community Member liston33's Avatar
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    Default Bug: Shot on the run feat.

    Shot on the run is not WAI, Current to hit for my character is 75 standing, move and it drops to 71.

  3. #63
    Community Member lyrecono's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    This was cut before Live.
    For a destiny that was origionaly designed for 2hf barbarians and according to your post:

    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post

    Fury of the Wild
    This is a Pretty Good destiny in its current state, but not enough Melees found reason to stick with this one vs. Dreadnought. We'd especially like Two Handed Fighters to hang out here, so we added some spice for them. Please note that "Two Handed Fighting Style" does not include Natural Weapon Style (aka Wolves, Bears, Trees).
    You wanted 2hf to hang out here.

    Well it seems to have had the opposite effect, now no melee, let allone a 2hf melee wants to make use of it.
    First, it never was in good place for 2hf, it was the worst melee destiny for 2hf. (As has been posted about for 5+.years now), the way the meta changed, this destiny became worse and worse.

    As for the changes:
    Not only doesn't it work when it went by origional (unnerfed)design, it was too weak from the start, something we did point out.
    Double strike wasn't working on cleaves and all the 2hf attacks. Without crits, glancing blows don't do enough damage to register in the higher settings, meaning people will opt for playstyles that are supported (aka, look for others who do too)
    Barb dr 1/- after sinking in 3 points, with the damage that we have incomming these days, its to low and to costly.

    Luckely it no longer maters, 2hf is abandonware at this point, a vestigial piece of coding to confuse new players.
    The only place where 2hweapons were still a thing was with wolves, even after it got a mild nerf.

    For me, it no longer matered, i stuck my neck out for (2hf) melees for a decade, only to be ignored, to the point where the only dev replys came to the people who quoted me (do the devs have a forum ignore list?).
    I started a different mmo 2 weeks ago, although i haven't reached the endgame yet, it seems a lot friendlier to alts, 2hf and it's playerbase in general.
    So i no longer have any stake in what is being done to this game but i do hope that for the few poeple left, things will change for the better.
    Maybe you will take a look at the stats from the hardcore server results, notice a distinct lack of (non wolf) 2hf toons in the top 10.
    It's clear noone on the dev team plays a competative 2hf toon in endgame reaper and has a loud enough voice,
    Or maybe the dev team already knows but lacks the will and resources to fix it.
    But at least be honnest to your paying customer base and either remove power attack and the 2hf feats or place a warning in their tooltip stating that 2hf is no longer supported. It's only fair.

    I doubt this post will be read by the devs, let alone register or be responded to in a meaningfull manner.
    I wish it did though, for those left behind.
    For all the work they did picking up your slack with the wiki, guiding newer players, for putting up with all the bugs, lost tomes&toons, they simply deserve better!
    They need to be engaged better on the forum, treated more honestly, the general frustration keeps rising and the amount of sock accounts that keep popping up, ban after (often needles) ban, testifies of the willingness of your customers to engage you, there is so much going wrong with the game that it almost borders on callousness on the side of management.
    Just put out a clear message and remove or disable the broken parts that you can't or won't fix.

    I wish all you players and even some of the devs the best, it has been a beautifull 15 years (the few times my favorite playstyle was actually playable).

    My friends,
    Move well, learn well,
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    My thoughts are with you,
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    I play a guy with a two-hander not just in this game, but in every game that has 'em.
    Quote Originally Posted by J-mann View Post
    Not to derail the thread, but then can you make 2hf NOT suck so much compared to 2wf or swf?
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    8 pages in, that train has already sailed. The dead horse is canned into cat food by now.

  4. #64
    Community Member Sythe777's Avatar
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    Not sure if it's been mentioned in this thread or elsewhere, but I've been noticing especially with this most recent update that NPC pathing is broken. Instead of taking a logical path to their destination, they'll just walk into walls in an attempt to get to where they want. For example, in the shroud p2 when you kill any of the minibosses, they should take the shortest route through the maze to resurrect on the crystal in the center. I ran the shroud yesterday and they just walk into walls in an attempt to get back to the crystal. Similarly, this bug causes some quests to break and force a reset of the instance. In impossible demands, we had to do just that when the priestess wouldn't kill the PDK at the start of the quest after we "killed" her.

  5. #65
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    Stay Frosty's procs (both cold damage and the slow movement portion) can affect yourself.

    I saw it with Enlightened Spirit SLA's and Warlock spells (Resist Energies, Displacement, Jump).

  6. #66
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steelstar View Post
    • Primal Avatar: Many Primal Avatar skills that had stopped working while Twisted now work again.

    Do we need to untwist and retwist these, and/or reset respend the ED tree or will they just start working?

  7. #67
    Community Member Captain_Wizbang's Avatar
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    Not sure if this belongs here.

    All the "secret" doors in the harbor and marketplace quests hardcore server, once discovered, then opened, shut right away without a chance to enter. Have to repeat several times for them to stay open.

    Water Works is where I first noticed it.

  8. #68
    Community Member Sythe777's Avatar
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    A couple more:

    House of Pain:
    If the door immediately after the forgewraiths is opened by 2 different players at the same time, it will open and then close. After the door closes, it cannot be reopened again.

    Reach for the Sky:
    If you defeat Gish on the airship before picking up the beacon (because you disabled the barrier on the beacon but did not pick it up), the minotaur (forget his name) will not aggro and will prevent the quest from progressing any further.

  9. #69
    Community Member Shedrakzo's Avatar
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    A guildie was testing out the new Divine Crusader stuff earlier and noted some issues.

    Book of War granted 'favored weapons' currently do not benefit from the following:
    FvS Deity Feats (possibly intentional?)
    FvS Grace/Knowledge of Battle. Wisdom/Charisma to hit and damage do not apply.

    However, the Warpriest/Soul favored weapon line enhancements work and provide their +7.

    Also Bladesong's sonic damage portion overrides/doesn't stack with Scion of Feywild. And also has weird interactions with Tiefling Scoundrel's Bloodsong.

    Another bug that was brought to my attention was regarding Ameliorating Strike from Warpriest/Soul. It doesn't seem to give healing to undead PCs, though it does give them the Restoration.
    Last edited by Shedrakzo; 09-01-2019 at 02:35 AM.

  10. #70
    Community Member Paladin_of_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadrar View Post
    Stay Frosty's procs (both cold damage and the slow movement portion) can affect yourself.

    I saw it with Enlightened Spirit SLA's and Warlock spells (Resist Energies, Displacement, Jump).
    It also affects party members with single target spells t and when you cast AOE spells. Featherfall, healing spring, elemental absorption. A bit unnerving when casting cocoon on a friend in need getting mobbed and they get hamstrung.

  11. #71
    Community Member Strambotica's Avatar
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    Dunno if is WAI... but i did a quest (im my case Spis in the house) in heroics and repeat it on Epic... im losing 15% BUT from the Greater Tome of Epic Learning.

    Because if the idea was that we dont skip content in heroics... isnt going to help. I prefer FULL experience in epics.
    (Assuming that you kill the Streak bonus for this reasons)

  12. #72
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    The last two times I've done Roll Call, the right-hand path has bugged out when getting to the last student before the lever with the gem. There's a mob getting stuck someplace (I don't know, I can't find them with targeting), causing the final student to not trigger their dialogue (they keep telling me they'll talk to me when they're safe). This does not seem to happen when the left hand path is available.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadrar View Post
    Stay Frosty's procs (both cold damage and the slow movement portion) can affect yourself.

    I saw it with Enlightened Spirit SLA's and Warlock spells (Resist Energies, Displacement, Jump).
    Have we heard anything more about when this is being fixed? It is proving to be a huge problem. I had no idea that about half of epic character twist this thing in, but now that it is hamstringing everyone I see it all over the place. Even characters that I wouldn't expect to use it (like people that don't do anything in a party but heal others most of the time) seem to have it on and are hamstringing their party as they heal. It is also very common to experience this when getting a random heal from various DPS party members.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadrar View Post
    Stay Frosty's procs (both cold damage and the slow movement portion) can affect yourself.

    I saw it with Enlightened Spirit SLA's and Warlock spells (Resist Energies, Displacement, Jump).
    I have had the same experience. It procs on rejuvenating cocoon of all things, the artificer palliative admixture enhancement (AT Tree), and Unyielding Sentinel's Divine Energy Resistance among others. Basically it does not distinguish between friend or foe. I had this twisted on my Arti and had to take out after the first quest. No need to debuff myself.

  15. 09-04-2019, 09:06 PM

  16. #75
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    Default Bloodrage Chrism, bastard Sword, and THF

    Bloodrage Chrism, Greater Two Handed Fighting, and Bastard Swords (with proficiency feat) are quite recently no longer giving the doublestrike, damage reduction, PRR, and MRR.

    Within the last week or so all these features were working while using a Bastard Sword, GTHF, and a shield.

    Now it's broken and I have a sad.
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  17. #76
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    Strimtom seemed to believe that Necrotic Touch wasn't working right (it was doing less damage than Chill touch, but shouldn't be) in his Pale Master video.

  18. #77
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    Default Ancient Power

    Attack bonus from Primal EPL stance Ancient Power does not work. Damage bonus for THF works.

  19. #78
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    Default A Dance if Flowers working?

    A Dance of Flowers: You gain +[0.25/0.5/1][W] to weapon attacks.

    Whether in destiny or twisted, weapon BDR does not increase. Nor does it decrease if unslotted.
    Is this WAI? Would be nice if it actually noted an increase in BDR.

  20. #79
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    Default A Dance of Flowers working?

    A Dance of Flowers: You gain +[0.25/0.5/1][W] to weapon attacks.

    Whether in destiny or twisted, weapon BDR does not increase. Nor does it decrease if unslotted.
    Is this WAI? Would be nice if it actually noted an increase in BDR.

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