Really like this, and have a Heroic Completionist (at least will be once I finish this Alchemist life, maybe a week away now) that has 3 x paladin and 3 x ranger with one of everything else, and was looking to try an Inquisitor for running out his ETR's.
He has no racial bonus enhancement points at this time though, so I'm stuck with the original 80x (whether I address that after his ETR's remains to be seen, if it's still fun I may, if not, meh).
He is packing a +8 supreme, has heaps of old greensteel - displace clickies, hp, sp items, concordant opposition items, torc, blah blah - all the old stuff and a fair selection of the new stuff - and i have a few lvl 30's of various classess hanging around for farming gear - so that's not an issue.
So my question is how trim the 14 extra points off this without destroying the build - or look for a similar alternative Inqui that can do reasonable heals, good dps, traps and is fun to play (I solo everything, have done for years now, and don't do the reaper thing at this point - maybe in the future, we'll see).
Any help appreciated,
Coit out