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  1. #1
    Community Member DareDelvis's Avatar
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    Mar 2006

    Default Has this ever happened to you?

    I downloaded Lamania on my current gaming rig on 8/6, excited to check out the new build, but real life took over and I did not get a chance to test anything.

    Forward to tonight (I have been busy) and I decide to log into my regular account and work on my main character...
    I go through the re-accepting of the terms of agreement, because we should have to do that every time we change between Lamania and the real servers, but that is a different topic of minor annoyance.
    Anyway, complete the log in and NO CHARACTERS on the selection screen.
    I start to wonder if I am logging into Lamania for some reason, so I examine the shortcut properties and nope, this is the main server. What the heck?
    I try logging into Lamania, but it appears to be down already
    I try again on the main server...NADA.
    Minor panic and frustration creep into my consciousness.
    I log in on my laptop...and all my characters are there...and then I realize the problem.

    The log in was not automatically taking me to the server on which I play...I was logging into a server without any characters.

    Has that happened to you? (Honestly, over the past 13 years, it has happened to me more than once, usually after a break, and far enough in between that I forget to check)

    I am happy when I leave the house with pants on, so this is really no big deal.
    Fellowship of the Bling Ghallanda
    Main: Shado
    Tier 1 Alts: DareDelvis; Ottis; Tortelvis
    Tier 2 Alts and Banks: JoeBiten; Hary Darkness; BurnyCynders; Ashhole; Mournfist; Maimonides; DareDelviss; Aeteentee; DareSoulvis; Rambam; Jawill; DoubleDee; Myzadventure; Krav Maga; Snakecobra; and others

  2. #2
    Community Member DYWYPI's Avatar
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    Feb 2016


    When you swap between Lamannia and a normal Server (after playing on Lamannia) it will only forget the "list order" of "last world" you played. Hence it then will list the Servers by "default" popularity, etc. So Cannith will be top of the server list regardless of which server you last played upon because that's currently been set to the default Server.

    That is how it is supposed to function.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Jul 2012


    You should make a character on Cannith with the same name as your main, just to mess with future you.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009


    Is it the issue of being confused more then the annoyance of reloging/

    If so just make a new toon on each server you don't play with something like wrong server. If it was me I would have things like "heystupid wrongserver" for a name. maybe "Notyour mommasserver". Have some fun with it.

  5. #5
    Community Member DYWYPI's Avatar
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    Feb 2016


    The DDO Client clearly tells you, which server you last played upon. Albeit most people just play on one server tend to just lazily hit enter; since the "Last Played" server will move to the top of the list.

    Lamannia is a completely different client and obviously cannot appear as a choice for last played on the normal client, which screws with the first server choice on the ordered list for the normal client.

    If you want you can edit your: UserPreferences.ini file and remove the relevant reference lines to the servers and it will clear ALL the "Last Played" entries. Then you'll get presented with a clean default list, with the currently set Recommended Server in the first slot. I sometimes do that as I mainly play on one server but at certain times play on the others for a set period of weeks - temporarily removes visual clutter from the list.

  6. #6
    Pale Fox
    LightBear's Avatar
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    Sep 2010


    Yes, happened to me once. Think it was after an update in which the default server got changed and I just went clickerdy click without reading anything. Shock horror on login. Walked away from laptop to reset my senses.
    When back close the client and actually read a thing or two... Saw my mistake but was not assured before seeing all chars at the selection screen.

  7. #7
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    First thought: "Oh snap, they finally got me...."
    2nd thought: "Whew"

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