Well, first, let's ignore the fact that your "Ranger" build has more Rogue levels... 
Unless you're trying for a Rogue past-life, probably stick ~closer~ to the original classic form:
Beyond that, a couple things...
o To start, as a rule, unless you're 100% sure you know what you're doing, try to put (at least) 6 build points into Con. 19 starting Dex is not the end of the world.
o Not sure what you're trying to achieve here - it seems you're going (repeating?) crossbow, but are not increasing/focusing on your damage stat (Int). If you're worried about Evasion, Int + Insightful Reflexes is the standard (and superior) approach, and you have the Feats to get there (dump/swap any of Weapon Focus, Dodge, Power Crit).
o If you want to go repeaters, just go with Arti - ample feats, much better Enhancement tree for repeaters, win/win. If you want Evasion, dip +2 Rogue, sure. If you don't have Harper, then I can see Rogue 6*, but know that leveling until then is going to be a slog.
(* Arti 14/Rog 6 vs. Arti 12/Rog 6/X 2 adds a couple spells and 2 caster levels. Probably worth it, not sure what else to take - don't ~need~ more Feats, but Fighter 2 is an option I suppose for some Ranged-Power feat lines.
Another option is get Rogue 6 asap(-ish) for the Int-to-Damage, then pad any "Rogue only" skills at end-heroics w/ +2 Rogue levels for Rogue 8.
Or just grab Barb 1 early for +10% kiting - don't underestimate that, seriously.)
o Spreading your class levels out more will get you more skill points - I like a lot of Jump on a ranged build, and you don't have the spell, so more jump is a good thing imo. (If you can max it, and then your party can provide the spell, w/ that +30 you can have Jump 40 while stealthed, np.)
o if(?) you're going to stick w/ Rogue, you want 3 AP in TA for the increase to base movement speed - ranged builds live/die by kiting, and faster is simply healthier.