Sorry to say that i have to make myself some air about cannith server & his community.
That server! @ the end i got not a single friend in like 4 - 6 years thats gonna play persistantly with me or actually want to stay in contact with me. Not a single interested person want to join my own guild that would have been normally now level 50 after in like 2 month if i would not have quitted it & joined other guilds getting them xp & left again in not bad terms to join back into my own because nothing happens no tells or whispers & the guild chat is made in a style where you cannot see it always. ( you earned 1 guild reknown for youre guild) whats that btw.
I changed my charakters name alot but the friendlist is anyways ******** worth it seems @ least its not user friendly because when you get on the right persons you can become the server *****. I always contributet in that time with my money too you would have seen me super rarley leeching others "work" or time effort they bring.
normally there are always good ppl arround if you want ppl that just abuse you which you can abuse but ppl also tending to make themself rare or **** on you in a way where my stomach turns arround. I personally dont need the fame but a impartial community i earned well enough by carrying dozens what thuousands of idiots trough the dungeons teaching noobs the game etc. which i dont know anything about where others just **** on especially on Cannith.
"Sience im not the one that bought his triple Heroic & Epic Completionist or cheated it & still runs arround" where are the hot news anyways which ppl were actually cheating in that case & got banned or did you all forgot how easy you could cheat youre 50% pots & rez cakes & alot other stuff?
Anyways gonna transfer to an other server or play an other game in the future & not for the reason that i am in a bad mood "atm"!