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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Ranged-Based Melee Feat

    "Bayonet Fighting" (or something)

    Ranged weapons are also considered Melee against enemies within your Point Blank Shot range

    The point of this would be, at the cost of a feat, characters with could use Melee-specific attacks with their ranged weapon. Weapon-specific attacks (like Dagger attacks in VKF or Staff attacks in TA) would of course still be disallowed; only "Melee Attacks" would be enabled. Anything player-centered would remain player-centered, only the on-hit effects would extend out to the target.

    I think this would open up a lot of interesting possibilities for ranged builds that are currently less than optimal (ranged EK) or just straight up dont work (Bowbarian). It would also make sneak-extending enhancements like Mech and DWS more valuable. Or, alternatively, it could just be a permanent "melee range" limit, but I think its better if you allow Sneak range to boost it. I dont see any potential for breaking the game either, considering ranged and melee already have comparable options in terms of powerful attacks.

  2. #2
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    Could maybe have it melee while holding down the block key, like shield bashing.

  3. #3
    Community Member Kutalp's Avatar
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    Hi there. A very late respond by me, supporting your idea.

    My most favorite Basic (Non Epic) feats for the versatality/multi purpose are Mobility feat line and Precision. Insightful reflexes that support skill boost thus survival and comfort is also very useful. Toughness and may be UMD would be next.

    ( Throwing weapon feats are only usefull if the toon goes ranged heavy, but also built with certain class enhancements. Meanwhile it covers all types of damage from pierce,slash to bludgeon...Meanwhile Crossbows are easy go button, thus boring... sigh...).

    Since these feats work for many type of survival and witty builds I prefer picking a couple of them every other toon.

    If we could make an humble wish related to your original post is ;

    - A MELEE/RANGED (may be Casting) universal feat that empowers any type of 'combat' style at ,very close ranged, encounter. ( Most probably shorter than Point blank shot range )

    - PRECISION feat working with any type of RAGE build including Intelligence/Cons builds with active use of Rage.
    ( Str bonus at this builds comes from items and Rage and/if pots. The aim is to support certain dice rolls for boosting combat tactics such as Stunning blow or Sunder vs npc dice rolls; or against COMBAT TACTICS dice rolls such as SPECIAL ATTACKS applied by hostile npc and NON DAMAGING HOSTILE SPELLS apllied by Hostile npc such as ENFEEBLEMENT, EXHAUSTION and the similar effects. Especially when spell resistance or Restoration items fail during lag spike etc... )

    - DODGE/MOBILITY line giving some tiny bonus for movement and attack speed aswell ( %3 for movement and %1 for attack speed for each Dodge related feat ?)

    - Corelation between FIGHTING STYLES and potential combinations by picking more than one style; to support unique builds. ( Example: THF + SWF or TWF + S&B instead of a single set )

    - IMPROVED TRIP Feat ( The feat allready requires 13 intelligence. A choice of using your highest stat bonus such as Intelligence or Dexterity ? ) working with any type of weapon style, still at close quarters, instead of 'Melee weapon attack only' . The character should be able to trip the opponent without wielding any type of melee weapon.

    Such as a Bowman should be able to trip the hostile npc , at close quarters , with his Legs and virtual balance when wielding a Bow. Extra bonus from Intelligence ability score rolls for Improved trip instead of ' Strength only attribute bonus to rolls ' ; without any investment to Harper Know the angles enhancement. ( KTA is a waste at non caster multiclass optional toons, even with wizardy items and/or Epic destiny feats. Please note that, this is my humble opinion ).

    - SAP feat not interrupted by accidental hits during mob picking. The duration of the Dazed effect may be shorter meanwhile keeping the ' No save ' bonus the same. Making Sap a unique and functional feat; comparable to Occult slayer enhancement Knockout.

    - QUICKDRAW feat reworked to QUICK REACTION feat ( An humble and random suggestion ?) which creates daze effect ( with % chance ) and apply certain amount of damage at melee range when combined with Two Handed Fighting style and working with any type of weapon that is/can be held by two hands including Bastard Sword, Dwarven Axe and when wielding any type of Bow.

    Stay cool

    Is that feat functional ?
    Last edited by Kutalp; 09-01-2019 at 11:04 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Captain_Wizbang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Ranged weapons are also considered Melee against enemies within your Point Blank Shot range

  5. #5
    Community Member Lonnbeimnech's Avatar
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    Imaging the combination of these 2 abilities.
    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Ranged weapons are also considered Melee against enemies within your Point Blank Shot range
    Horizon Shot: You gain +4 Dexterity and +3 Sneak Attack Dice. You are always considered to be in Point Blank Shot and Ranged Sneak Attack range

    so then cleave with a bow and hit everything in the dungeon

  6. #6
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    Because of all the things that increase point-blank range, I'd instead make something like close combat archery, a feat in 3.5 that makes you able to shoot in melee range without causing enemies to get an attack of opportunity.

    No relationship with point blank range at all - literal melee range, that's what your feat idea should do.

    Cleave remains the same range. So do all the other cleaves.
    Melee attacks remain melee.

    As for the trigger, somebody mentioned defending would cause bows to start hitting in melee. Perfect fit, totally okay with that line of thought. Reduces mobility a bit for the effect, but that's a decent tradeoff.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lonnbeimnech View Post
    You are always considered to be in Point Blank Shot and Ranged Sneak Attack range

    so then cleave with a bow and hit everything in the dungeon
    Quote Originally Posted by Xgya View Post
    Because of all the things that increase point-blank range, I'd instead make something like close combat archery, a feat in 3.5 that makes you able to shoot in melee range without causing enemies to get an attack of opportunity.
    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Anything player-centered would remain player-centered, only the on-hit effects would extend out to the target.
    Yeah already thought of that A cleave is while you could trigger a Cleave on a mob that was far away (just like you can when wielding a melee weapon), it wouldnt actually hit them with an AOE, just anything in front of you.

    Conversely, something that wasnt player focused - say, Cracking Attack for Barb - would give you a single-target hit for +3[W], with the ability to add on the various buffs and debuffs that Cracking Attack provides with more enhancement. Of course, a DWS capstone pure Ranger couldnt do that - but they could take Bleed Them Out in Tempest, though not any of the other Tempest abilities that are "Dual Wield Melee Attacks". Or a Barb/Ranger could extend their Cracking Attack range somewhat, but not to unlimited.

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