So, I've been playing a rogue inquisitive, and am melting quite a bit of face with a light crossbow in either hand. It got me thinking about a pure wizard, using Inquisitive, Eldritch Knight, and Deep Gnome or Harper to complete the picture. The idea is ranged control, and mana free single-target burn from the crossbows.
Let's just assume for the sake of argument that you're rocking a Ravenloft Heavy or Light Crossbow (legit not sure which is better for Inquisitive two handed shooting). And in that crossbow you've got you sentient gem with your spellcasting bonuses (ottos, eye, and the like).
With Sharn gear, you don't need your DCs to come from a Nightmother Scepter. Gear-wise, I don't see much room to put shooting gear (The three piece Wallwatch set would make a casting set a non-starter, I think).
Feats-wise, what would be best for combat? It looks like Rapid Shot, Rapid Reload, Imp Crit Ranged, Point Blank and Precise Shot are all good buys. That's 5 feats versus, say, Single Weapon fighting that you'd want to take to make it work. That might be the deal breaker. Does that sound right for ranged feat support?
Right now, I'm looking at
41 Inquisitor (more or less the standard build I see on Rogues)
13 Deep Gnome (int bonuses, full Color Spray, full bonus to illusion)
26 Eldritch Knight (Cores, Shield and Armor, Spell Power boost and Synergistic Magic, Int to hit, Medium Armor, Int)
You could play in Shadowdancer to add Sneak Attack dice to the shots + Int.
You could swap out of Deep Gnome entirely, and focus on Harper Agent for Know the Angles and some other odds and ends.
Thoughts? I don't have a specific build proposal yet, mostly because that's sort of daunting. More interested in seeing if it's even worth trying.