First time trying out Polls, so bear with me.
This discussion was brought about by someone saying that skill feats are a noob trap (and me saying that there's a niche for them). That said, current skill feats are pretty weak; +2 to two skills (or +3 to one) hardly matters past earlygame, unless you're really desperate for just a little more (like my tank, who has three skill feats). What if they scaled a bit more? Like +2 in heroics, +4 in epics, and +6 at cap? Skill Focus would be +3/6/9, Epic Skill Focus would be +x/10/15, even stuff like Epic Reputation would be +x/6/9.
Levels 1-10, 11-20, and 21-30 would also be a solid level split (and proportioned more evenly). Either way, if you grab one early to meet a skill DC, you'd be getting a bit more out of it later on, and if you grab one later it's actually meaningful. ESF: Spellcraft might be worth considering for blasters, or ESF: Heal for healers. 1-2 feats would more easily allow a new tank to grab aggro, or an endgame tank to maintain it (going in theme with the Threat updates etc). 4 feats into Swim would make you zoom even more than they currently do
Anyway, I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions
Edit: multiple votes enabled so you don't feel obligated to only vote for penguins. You know how it goes...