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  1. #1
    Community Member Captain_Wizbang's Avatar
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    Jan 2008

    Default $3 million prize for playing a video game !!!!

  2. #2
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Dec 2011


    Yep, saw that on ESPN last night, more than a lot of big names in the actual game make in a year.

  3. #3
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Jul 2006

    Thumbs up

    ...about 15 years ago. lol

    I think it's fantastic eSports is getting mainstream levels of success. Good on the kids who make it big, I'm truly happy for them.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  4. #4
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Jan 2006


    My boy came up with "professional gamer" as a career choice a few years ago. As a parent I really had to dissuade this path.
    To me, it's kinda like deciding to become a professional gambler and playing Powerball relentlessly with every penny you can beg, borrow, or... find. Unless you're that top .00001%, you're just wasting time & life.

    So now he's got his MS certifications under his belt, and is coming up on his Associates.

    Hopefully the kids winning those prizes remember the people who fed/housed/clothed them during their rise to fame and repay accordingly.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  5. #5
    Community Member Potatofasf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    My boy came up with "professional gamer" as a career choice a few years ago. As a parent I really had to dissuade this path.
    To me, it's kinda like deciding to become a professional gambler and playing Powerball relentlessly with every penny you can beg, borrow, or... find. Unless you're that top .00001%, you're just wasting time & life.

    So now he's got his MS certifications under his belt, and is coming up on his Associates.

    Hopefully the kids winning those prizes remember the people who fed/housed/clothed them during their rise to fame and repay accordingly.

    I grew up in a country (Brazil) where be a Soccer player is a dream of all kids. But, the cruel reality is that 0.000001% is a Neymar, 1% turn to make the pros and 98% is prone to fail and live as a normal person. Sad, that many kids (and their parents) gamble in this so called "future" going far enough to not provide adequate formal education. Same thing is start to happen with eSports, is huge the success some of them make, but the hard truth is that 98% turn to be a bust.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Goalt's Avatar
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    When you can actually make a living playing video games.
    The problem with focusing on the most extreme of players is that that group will only get smaller and smaller... Oof
    You know you have a problem when a virtual fantasy game ruins your concept of real world money and its value.

  7. #7
    Community Member Alrik_Fassbauer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    Hopefully the kids winning those prizes remember the people who fed/housed/clothed them during their rise to fame and repay accordingly.
    Sometimes I wonder whether they are even able to cook their own food, repair things, decide on clothes ... Or do they hire people for that, unable to do that ?
    "You are a Tiefling. And a Cleric, with the Domain of the Sun. Doesn't that contradict each other ?" "No, all my friends are playing evil. I found that so boring that I decided to be on the good side. And, besides, Sun and Fire, where is the difference, really ?"

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