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  1. #1
    Community Member Synthala's Avatar
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    May 2014

    Default Druid Icy Flowers Needs a Die Change

    Druids Icy Flowers spell needs a change of dice, not to mention the wind up and delay it has until it hits XD. I would propose to change the spell to at least 1d3+3 or (7 to 11) Piercing and Cold damage per caster level up to 20~25. The way the spell is right now is 1d3 Piercing and Cold per caster level up to 15. This spell may have been ok when Druid was released, but now it has fallen WAY behind most other “nuke” spells. In fact, single target base damage wise, it is lower than Level 1 produce flame.

    Produce Flame 1d2+2 per caster level.
    Icy Flowers 1d3 x 2 ~ 2d6 per caster level.
    Also, the level 1 spell and Level 8 spell caps at the same level 15.

    I have no clue how easy this would be to fix, but I couldn’t imagine being super difficult*. The Water elemental is far behind its twin form fire elemental, which has multiple fire spells (including one that doesn’t have a MCL). I would just like to see the dice on this spell changed to something usable.

    It may not be proper form to conjure a dev response XD, but it would mean a lot to me to hear what a dev thinks about this. (I know y’all read all of these XD).
    Last edited by Synthala; 07-17-2019 at 07:43 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Default Bump

    Quote Originally Posted by Synthala View Post
    Icy Flowers 1d3 x 2 ~ 2d6 per caster level.
    This should be 2d3.

    I completely agree with everything else you said. We are now getting an sla from feydark which does 1d6+2 and does not cap at level 15. I suggest you make the spell do more damage and raise the max caster level to 25. i mean it is a level 8 spell. Flame strike does the same damage. Also cold and force does not fit into seasons herald as nice as fire and force so compared to flame strike it's nerfed already.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    i agree, for a level 8 spell its pretty low dmg and 0 effects. needs a boost

  4. #4
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    Sorry for necro, wanted to create my own thread, but might as well hijack this.

    TBH, all druid spells need love. Leveled shifter druid from 1 to 20 recently, and it was extremely depressing gameplay. Low levels were incredibly slow and boring, but doable. Levels 13-16 were fun, when I took fire elemental form with Body of the Sun, but only in older packs with mobs not immune/highly resistant to fire and with moderate life pools. I had 0 fun in Trial of Archons and Multitude chain where everything and their mother were immune to my damage. Lvl 17 brought absolutely nothing to the build, Storm of Vengeance ticked for ~100-200, with lightning strikes doing ~300, and i had all the good heroic (sharn) gear on and crafted spellpower items.

    Druid should flat out get Iceberg and Thunderstruck from sorc/wiz list as their lvl 9 spells, to help out caster druids. Maybe create cold version of meteor swarm, and call it comet swarm (since comets are in space and it's **** cold out there) and add it to druids spell book. Or let us summon static tornado, that knocks down enemies on failed reflex save, with fort to get up and does large physical dot. Some sort of actual fire spell would be nice too. Maybe super powered version of flame wall? Call it "Inferno Wall" or "Holocaust Wall". Or "Fury of the Sun" spell that does big spike of light + fire damage in area, instantly killing all unnatural creatures in area on failed save.

    Right now there're literally 2 spells worth using at level 9 - Snowslide for movement and Mass Regenerate for party healing in some specific scenarios. Elemental form spells don't count since you get those for free from tree. I don't count Snowslide as valid CC option for caster druid since you need to change into wolf, use your snowslide, change into elemental form, drop your elemental spells, and your snowslide propably didn't freeze anything since well - you have no to-hit as caster, and it freezes on registered full hits. Grazing hits don't proc it.

    Greatly increase acid damage of Storm of Vengeance, to almost match Rend the Soul damage. Let lightning strikes from it do meanigful damage as well. I know rend is single target, but you can keep it up 100% of time, you can't do that with storm that has long cd, and since it's static you can end up with enemies running out of it.

    Increase Earthquake damage from flat 2d6 to 1d6+8 per level.

    Ice Flowers should be 1d6+3 phys and 1d6+3 cold per level, capping at 20.
    Firestorm should be 1d6+7, to match delayed blast fireball.
    Word of Balance should scale per level, not every 2 levels. Or make it save or die spell, that does current damage on failed save?

    Body of Sun could use a little bit of area buff. Maybe add +1 or 2/level to damage and let it hit every 2s, smoothing out gameplay. Nothing quite as annoying as running into pack and waiting 3 seconds cuz you've just missed your proc window. Change it's duration to scale with levels. And make VFX a little less blinding. Please.
    Increase Creeping Dooms travel speed (I know it has creeping in name, but come on, i've hit that spell like 3 times and only in point blank range), and damage.
    Increase damage of Creeping Frost, Greater Creeping Frost and Enveloping Swarm.
    Produce Flame should be 1d6+2 to match frost/shock/fire/acid bolts damage.
    Call Lightning Storm should either hit much more frequently (every second) or get +3/4/5 to damage per level. Maybe even both.
    Flame Strike should go from 1d3+1d3 per caster level to 1d6+1 and 1d6+1, and should scale both sides of damage with fire spell power.

    Maybe push Storm of Vengeace from lvl 18 Seasons Herald core to level 20 if it ends up being buffed. Add in something cool to lvl 18 core in that case. Unique SLA that does something depending on your Elemental Form? Heat Death for fire elemental form scaling with wisdom and with spellpower? Turn opponents around you into blocks of ice for water elemental? Unique persistent buff in your elemental form? Maybe let us create melee elemental druids with massive imbue damage as selectable option in their level 18 cores? I'd love to play dual wielding fire elemental druid using summoned flameblades, that actually does respectable damage. Or create a stance that copies warlocks eldritch blasting, doing xd6 of fire/cold damage to help out with general clear in epics? If I'm literally made from fire/water a swing of my fist should set world on fire or chill it to the bone. Or even better yet, remove sunburst from level 12 core, and add "Druid-Stance" as level 12 option. I know it's super far from pnp, but lets be real, DDO has very little to do with 3rd edition dnd after all those years.

    Or just ignore all the help that caster druid needs and simply rename spells. Starting with Storm of Vengeance - I propose "Storm of Caressing", and Body of the Sun to "Body of Lukewarm Temperature". Don't forget about Creeping Doom, to "Slowly Approaching Before Missing Your Tickling Attempt Doom".

    Sorry for the longish rant, I couldn't stop myself.

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