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  1. #1
    Community Member tigglenorrifis's Avatar
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    Jan 2016

    Default Very strange issues after reinstalling ddo. help

    I just recently had to format my computer and reinstal windows 10 so in turn had to download ddo again. Ddo's settings are all sorts of messed up. First of all I couldn't select directX11, but I solved this by installing user runtimes for directx manually. So that issue was solved, time to move on to the other issues.. my color sliders (brightness, contrast, and gama) in ddo wont move unless I'm in fullscreen mode, which is frustrating as I play in full screen windowed! So when I switch out of fullscreen (into windowed or fullscreen windowed) the color sliders stay at the same position, but the overall colors on ddo are much darker now (im guessing the colors revert back to default even though the sliders dont move). Also the sliders default back to 1.00 1.01 and 1.01 when I close out of and re open ddo.. please help.

    So here are all the things I've tried to fix the slider issues...
    - Wiped my hard drive clean again
    - Once that was done I checked for all windows updates, updated them, restarted my pc, and checked for updates again (just incase)
    - Then I went into my device manager and updated all of my drivers there that I could and restarted my pc
    - I then went to nvidia's webset and manually downloaded the latest driver then restarted my pc
    - I went to ddo's site and re downloaded ddo
    - The slider issues were still present
    - I changed ddo's settings to diretx9, directx10, and 11 and still nothing (closed and re opened after changing it each time)
    - I tried switch to windowed, full screen, and full screen windowed multiple times and still had the same issue
    - I then dug deeper and found the file that stores the color setting for ddo and it is there (UserPreferences.ini)
    - I adjusted the color settings through that file (100% made sure I didnt change anything else)
    - Once I opened up ddo that file changed back to its default color settings
    - I went to the properties for the ddo launcher and and messed with those settings one by one and still nothing (ended up putting them all back the way it was)
    - I even tried to run the program as an administrator
    - I even created a 2nd windows profile and tried running ddo through it (thought maybe it was an aministrator problem)
    - Then I went to my nvidia control panel and messed with everything there one by one, and nothing
    - I then downloaded all the directx user runtime files using this link (
    - After that I repeated the previous steps (besides formating my pc again and reinstalling ddo)
    - Also ddo's resolution and my screen resolution are both set to 1920 x 1080
    - And no programs or folders or anything are open behind ddo when I launch/am on it (it shouldnt even matter though)
    - I also went through the ddo launchers "repair" option which is essentially just redownloading ddo lol
    - I even checked my DirectX Diagnostic tool and I have directx 12. i dunnoo.. i mean im just done trying at this point

    I. Am. Stumped.

    Oh also my headset isnt working in ddo. nobody can hear me (hands free or push to talk) and my icon doesnt turn green displaying that I'm even talking. I tested my headset through windows and can hear myself talk, those drivers are up to date, and all of my ddo settings are correct. Common what is going on game I've wasted 2 days trying to figure this out (between download times and everything)

  2. #2
    Community Member Fedora1's Avatar
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    May 2013


    You may already know this, but since it got me once I'll pass it along.

    There are two places where you need to select your headset in the audio settings. The first one is just for general game play, but further down is a second setting specifically for party chat. Make sure you have your headset selected in both places.

    That's all I got. Good luck!
    My take on "the grind":

    Ordinary humans have inhibitions that serve as a buffer against what we know is bad behavior.
    However, some people, by blaming others for their own bad behavior, develop a thought pattern that allows them to override self-control in order to achieve a selfish end.
    - My opinion on exploiters and cheaters blaming SSG for unfair punishment.

  3. #3
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by tigglenorrifis View Post
    Do you have on-board graphics AND Nvidia graphics? Try turning off the on-board graphics, maybe with a BIOS setting or sometimes with a control panel app. Or maybe there's a setting in the Nvidia taskbar app, or control panel app, or maybe this isn't your problem at all.

  4. #4
    Community Member tigglenorrifis's Avatar
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    Jan 2016


    I figured out my headset issue. Windows has an option under settings > privacy > microphone thats called "Allow apps to access your microphone" and it was disabled. Can't believe I missed that. Anyways I found out that when I unplug my second monitor I can now adjust the color sliders under ddo's graphics options. So now im stuck again. I want to use my second monitor for browsing the internet while on ddo, but if my second monitor is plugged in I can't adjust the color sliders (brightness, gama, contrast) in ddo. Any advice?

  5. #5
    Community Member tigglenorrifis's Avatar
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    Jan 2016

    Default Update

    Okay so I found out that when I have any two monitors at all active at the same time I will be unable to adjust the brightness, gama, and contrast while in windowed mode or full screen windowed mode(it works in full screen mode still for some reason). But when I have just one monitor active I can adjust all of these settings

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