Hello as per title.
When zooning in general we do not get a confirmation box but for airshhip access there is one. This extra click is annoying me. Am I the only one who finds this annoying?
Hello as per title.
When zooning in general we do not get a confirmation box but for airshhip access there is one. This extra click is annoying me. Am I the only one who finds this annoying?
I also find it annoying. I can remove it, but my DDO instincts are telling me this might be some super secret DDO ancient sorcery that glues the game together.
If there's some sort of consensus about removing it I can take a shot.
100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.
"Have you tried preproccing feat directory?"
I am willing to risk removing it especially if it gives us a glimpse of of the secretly toiling over a cauldron of writhing codes, bugs, worms and other such ingredients. Yes the buildings of Sharn may come tumbling down, but on the plus side we can get everybody in their airships faster for evacuations....
I'd be happy if you removed it, but I have a sudden suspicion that confirmation box is tied in with the ship-loading procedure in a weird way, or that check is required to determine whether someone actually has a ship to go to or not.
Note that the guild airship beacons also demand to know if you actually want to go to your ship. I would not be in the least surprised if the entire "do I have a ship" check is tied to that one dialog option.
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To my knowledge this happens because the instance you are trying to queue into needs to actually exist before you step into it. This is a technical consideration, not an elaborate ploy to punish new players :P
Hmmm, is this why ironing is so painful for me?
100% radical, enthusiasm enthusiast.
"Have you tried preproccing feat directory?"
My take on "the grind": https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...=1#post6220972
Ordinary humans have inhibitions that serve as a buffer against what we know is bad behavior.
However, some people, by blaming others for their own bad behavior, develop a thought pattern that allows them to override self-control in order to achieve a selfish end.
- My opinion on exploiters and cheaters blaming SSG for unfair punishment.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"
Standing near the airship portal might also be someone waiting for an invite to a party member's airship - it might be annoying if you accidentally click on the airship portal and automatically end up on your own ship.
after you leave an airship and end up in a destination zone, do you not think it might also be annoying if you accidentally click on the portal while stuck in a loading screen, and automatically end up back on the airship?
Hadn't thought of that. I usually solo. With this and the odd chance that the game engine will try to take over the world maybe this was not such a good idea. Then again is the extra click worth more or less of someone wrongfully clicking airship access when not intending too?
I haven't made up my mind i guess.
Let's see what the majority thinks.
This might just be me. I am an odd ball after all
That sounds like a 1 in 10000 scenario. I think the risk of the rare inconvenience is outweighed by the 9999 times that it is not the case. Since the risk results in a minor inconvenience it is far outweighed by the convenience that will benefit most people most of the time.
In general DDO has too many unnecessary dialogs. If the airship one is one that can safely be removed, please do so.
I may be imagining this, but I recall a Dev replying to a request to remove these confirmation boxes that there was some reason why these were important to the game engine/interface. This was years ago, so I might be completely mis-remembering it but I always thought there was a reason for them to exist.
If not, I would very much support getting rid of this and all other of these confirmation boxes. Why do I have to tell the bartender that "I'd like some of your food" and the banker "I'd like to see my stuff" every time I talk to them?
Last edited by PurpleTimb; 07-15-2019 at 04:59 PM.