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I just did a Pure SWF Barb and was cruising through R4s like a breeze. Finally got my first 8 skull solo in Grim and Bare It. My tactics were dire charge, Cracking Attack, Strike Down, barb cleave, great cleave, cleave, barb cleave, and if 3 or more of anything was still standing, Strike Down and Confront Any Foe, and move on. It really spoiled me.
I went GSWF, Knight's Training, PA, Great Cleave, IC: Slashing, PTWF, Epic DR, PSWF, Dire Charge, Scion of Water (20 MRR really helped+Forge Wraiths seem vuln), Epic Reflexes. I plan on returning to this build once Epic Destiny pass happens to sit for a while while I do competition PvP elsewhere. At level 20, I had about 150 MP, and 230 with Prowess+Melee Power. I ended up running Fate Singer at first, just to finish capping out my 6 million for the upcoming pass, but then it was actually fairly solid DPS until I got to around level 26 content. I then swapped over to DC then except for a few raids. I ran them in LD. For weapons I was swapping between Soulrazor and base Whelm (undead/constructs). I did the old cookie cutter as far as enhancements.
Aasimar nets 10 MP, 60 HAMP, 3 Str, and Healing Hands (which I used a whole lot less than I thought I would), and sustainable vuln after building it up with another source weapon.
Anyway, lots of potential with Barbarian play these days. They're not so cut and dry anymore.