This weekend I announced my newest video series: the Gingerspyce Tiefling Druid! The series will serve as a guide to my favorite druid build and in every episode I will offer tips and advice for new and experienced players. Each episode will show and discuss gear, enhancements, feats, etc. and will feature all reaper questing.
I made a fun trailer for it below and episode 1 was uploaded this morning!
Episode 1: Introduction and Stealthy Repossession
Thank you for all the positive feedback on the trailer, I am happy to hear that so many viewers are looking forward to a new series and I am looking forward to sharing it with you!
Later this month I will be celebrating my 1st year anniversary of live streaming on Twitch, where you can find me live streaming nearly every day on channel vooduspyce!
Much love,
Gingerspyce of Sarlona
Recent updates:
6/18/19 Gingerspyce's week in videos: Reaper Life 3 series finale!
5/16/19 Gingerspyce's Masterminds of Sharn first look and review! (spoiler light)
5/1/19 Gingerspyce's week in videos: Reaper Life 3 gets 12k reaper xp in one hour in heroics
4/20/19 Gingerspyce's week in videos: Reaper Life 3 gets 10k reaper xp in less than an hour in heroics!