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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Racial Reaper Lives

    Epicsoul, Ying and Dexxy are running an ongoing TR train for racial past lives that will be running until early August. If you are interested in joining us, then read on. Our goal is to complete a racial life in 18 hours of XP pot time while maximizing reaper XP. Greater Tome of Learning + 20% XP pot + 10% VIP + 5% Master's Gift + 5% Guild Buff is the XP baseline. If you are not VIP, then you are expected to run a 30% XP pot, or to catch up on your own outside of our TR train schedule. If you are running a 50% XP pot to maximize RXP, then expect to double cap and be waiting on those who are not running a 50% XP pot. Our quest list and baseline XP will net 100k reaper XP per life without considering bonus weekends.

    You can join us for one life, or as many as you want. We give preference to people doing an entire life with us over those who may only join us for a level or two. We also give preference to one trapper who runs with us each life. Playtimes are all eastern: 6-11pm weekdays, 11a-8p Saturday (until 11p if no raids), noon-11p Sunday. We typically do back to back nights when leveling, and may or may not take time off between lives. When we start a life, we will provide the days and times we are playing for that life. Please do not expect the schedule to change in order to accommodate your needs. If you leave early or arrive late, your internet goes out, or you're abducted by aliens, then it will be on you to make up the XP deficit. If you cannot close the XP gap, then you are welcome to rejoin us at the same level next life. Please note that if you are late or leave early, you may miss the start of a quest chain that cannot be red doored. We're sorry, but we are not going to rerun the chain because you were late.

    We do not care what build you play, as long as you are useful. One way to measure usefulness is whether or not you are speeding the group up. Be able to heal other people. Whatever you play, we expect you to contribute meaningfully and to be geared appropriately. Have a gearing plan. We have put a lot of time and effort preparing for heroic leveling, and we expect the same from others who join us on our adventure.

    Piking: We all need to step away briefly from time to time to grab a drink, bio, etc. No worries. If you are taking frequent extended AFKs then we will ask you to leave. We understand that leveling times may interfere with meals. For weekdays, do your best to minimize dinner breaks as we will not take a group-wide break. On the weekends, we will collectively figure out when to take meal breaks.

    We start each life at level 3. We don't start holding XP until level 5. These are the quests and difficult we are running so you know what to expect. We will skip some during bonus weekends.

    3 Where There's Smoke [R2]
    3 The Captives [R2]
    3 The Kobold's Den: Clan Gnashtooth [R2]
    3 The Kobold's Den: Rescuing Arlos [R2]
    3 The Cloven-jaw Scourge:Blockade [R2]
    3 The Friar's Niece [R2]
    3 To Find a Witness: Return to the Sanctuary [R2]
    3 The Old Archives [R2]
    4 The Cloven-jaw Scourge: The Caverns of Shaagh [R3]
    4 Halls of Shan-To-Kor [R3]
    4 Venn's Trail: Clan Tunnelworm [R3]
    4 Venn's Trail: Venn's Fate [R3]
    4 Dirty Laundry [R5]
    4 Stormreaver Fresco [R4]
    4 The Depths of Despair [R4]
    4 The Depths of Darkness [R4]
    5 The Depths of Discord [R3]
    5 The Depths of Doom [R3]
    5 The Chamber of Insanity [R3]
    5 The Lair of Summoning [R3]
    5 The Mystery of Delera's Tomb [R3]
    5 The Stones Run Red [R3]
    5 Brood of Flame [R3]
    6 Ruined Halls [R3]
    6 The Forgotten Caverns [R4]
    6 Redwillow's Ruins [R3]
    6 Dead Predators [R3]
    6 Mirra's Sleepless Nights [R4]
    6 Purge the Heretics [R4]
    6 Caged Trolls [R3]
    6 The Bounty Hunter [R3]
    6 The Troglodytes' Get [R4]
    6 Old Grey Garl [R3]
    7 The Tear of Dhakaan [R3]
    7 Gwylan's Stand [R3]
    7 The Missing Party [R4]
    7 Free Delera [R3]
    7 The Graverobber [R4]
    7 Bargain of Blood [R4]
    8 Tharashk Arena [R4]
    8 The Prisoner [R3]
    8 Spies in the House [R1]
    8 The Path to Madness [R3]
    8 The Xorian Cipher [R3]
    8 Haunted Library [R2]
    8 Thrall of the Necromancer [R3]
    9 The Shadow Crypt [R4]
    9 Gateway to Khyber [R4]
    9 The Jungle of Khyber [R4]
    9 Haywire Foundry [R3]
    9 The Giant Lieutenants [R6]
    9 The Giant's Lair [R4]
    9 Library of Threnal [R5]
    10 Into the Mist [R3]
    10 Death House [R3]
    10 Fresh-Baked Dreams [R3]
    10 An Invitation to Dinner [R3]
    10 Tempest Spine (if needed) [R1]
    11 Oath of Vengeance [R3]
    11 A Raven at the Door [R3]
    11 Mad Tea Party [R3]
    11 Sealed in Amber [R3]
    11 An Offering of Blood [R4]
    11 Raid the Vulkoorim [R4]
    11 Dreams of Insanity [R4]
    11 From Beyond the Grave [R6]
    11 And the Dead Shall Rise [R3]
    12 The Chamber of Rayium [R3]
    12 Relic of a Sovereign Past [R3]
    12 Invaders [R3]
    12 Wizard of Wines [R3]
    12 Wrath of the Earth [R3]
    12 Raven's Bane [R4]
    12 Sunrise [R3]
    13 Assault on Summerfield [R3]
    13 Blockade Buster [R3]
    13 Undermine [R3]
    13 Siegebreaker [R3
    13 Memoirs of an Illusionary Larcener [R5]
    13 Feast or Famine [R5]
    13 Trial by Fire [R5]
    13 The Maze of Madness [R6]
    13 Foundation of Discord [R5]
    13 A Cry for Help [R5]
    14 Madstone Crater [R5]
    14 A Cabal of One [R5]
    14 The Crucible [R5]
    14 Prison of the Planes [R5]
    14 Gianthold Tor [R5]
    14 Fleshmaker's Labratory [R4]
    14 Ghosts of Perdition [R5]
    14 Descreted Temple of Vol [R4]
    14 Inferno of the Damned [R4]
    15 Lost at Sea [R7]
    15 Welcome to Sharn [R4]
    15 Red Rain [R4]
    15 Best Laid Plans [R4]
    15 Same Old Song [R4]
    15 Just Business [R3]
    15 Ruinous Schemes [R6]
    15 Wraithcallers [R7]
    15 Thrall of the Fungus Lord [R6]
    15 Smash and Burn [R2]
    15 Litany of the Dead [R5]
    15 Missing (if needed) [R5]
    16 No Refunds [R4]
    16 House of Pain [R4]
    16 Blown Deadline [R4]
    16 Reach for the Sky [R4]
    16 Scavenger Hunt [R6]
    16 The Magma Must Flow [R6]
    16 Security Detail [R6]
    16 Roll Call [R5]
    16 Running with the Devils [R4]
    16 Lords of Dust [R4]
    16 Servants of the Overlord (if needed) [R4]
    17 Sane Asylum [R6]
    17 The Lord of Stone [R5]
    17 Enter the Kobold [R4]
    17 Monastery of the Scorpion [R4]
    17 Prey on the Hunter [R3]
    17 Thorn and Paw [R4]
    18 Schemes of the Enemy [R1]
    18 Finding the Path [R4]
    18 Dream Conspiracy [R4]
    18 I Dream of Jeets [R4]
    18 The Mindsunder [R4]
    18 The Shipwrecked Spy [R4]
    18 Eye of the Titan [R4]
    18 Reclaiming Memories [R4]
    18 Mining for Ancient Secrets (if needed) [R4]
    18 Murder by Night (if needed) [R4]

    Note on sagas: We complete Ravenloft, Gianthold, Sharn and Cogs sagas which award approximately 65k each with our XP baseline. We hold all four sagas until level 18.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  2. #2
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    Good luck!

    Quick question - I see some R5's and 6's mixed in there - do you find those quests that much easier? Cuz that's a big jump from the early R2's & 3's!

  3. #3
    Community Member ChadB123's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    Good luck!

    Quick question - I see some R5's and 6's mixed in there - do you find those quests that much easier? Cuz that's a big jump from the early R2's & 3's!
    For us it is a matter of efficiency, not ease. Although, difficulty certainly factors into how quickly we complete something.

  4. #4
    Community Member Grandern_Marn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    Wow looks like fun! A very dedicated program too.
    I'll be busy for July but in August I'll keep my eyes out for you!
    Start cross server trading and profit!
    Characters: Grandern Marn / Yazmirr Grezztl / Vexir Bristleblade / Zappinaizah Subatrumpf Server: Orien Guild: Faca na Caveira
    New to the Orien server? Type "/joinchannel Titan" into the chat window and join some lively DDO discussion! Happy to help out with any questions.

  5. #5
    Community Member Mephisto-Helix's Avatar
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    Jun 2011


    That's a lot of inefficiency for little RXP and the added bonus of of sounding just a tad too militaristic. But good luck, the more people trying higher reaper at level instead of overlevel is a good thing for the server!
    - Founder -
    : DemonSaints of Orien :

    Intha - Rituals - Skyquake - Diesektor - Nephlym

  6. #6
    Community Member ChadB123's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Mephisto-Helix View Post
    That's a lot of inefficiency for little RXP and the added bonus of of sounding just a tad too militaristic. But good luck, the more people trying higher reaper at level instead of overlevel is a good thing for the server!
    Constructive criticism is always preferred to the above. Posting your improved list and xp numbers would further aid the server.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    We're constantly tweaking the quest list and adjusting the skulls based on the party. Last life was 116k RXP in 20 hours. That's equivalent to the 150k RXP in 25 hours you've run for heroic content. Personally I prefer a shorter heroic life, since anything past 18 hours and burnout starts creeping in. RXP is better at cap anyway, so we're looking for the sweet spot with the opportunity cost of already being here. We're not interested in milking as much as possible RXP from heroics.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    Good luck!
    Quick question - I see some R5's and 6's mixed in there - do you find those quests that much easier? Cuz that's a big jump from the early R2's & 3's!
    We run low skulls early on when healing options are limited. Unless we have a healer or a Warlock, we typically don't have metamagiced or scroll mastery heals which makes healing suboptimal. Once we get to level 9 (Heal scrolls+Scroll Mastery for our Sorcs), then we'll start pushing skulls based on the quest and group makeup. There are some quests that are so short or easy that it makes sense to push it to R6 or R7 (all of Gianthold and the Cogs quests are good examples) to maximize RXP. The best ratio of time:RXP we recorded so far is Sane Asylum R6 where we complete in 4:15 for 2119 RXP. 100 RXP per minute is a rule of thumb we use. If we're not hitting that, then we adjust skulls up or down as needed. We also do some R10s per life to try things out and challenge ourselves.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Next life starts Sunday 11a eastern.

    We've optimized our approach further -- Last life was completed in 16.5 hours for 110k RXP.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  10. #10
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Carpone View Post
    Epicsoul, Ying and Dexxy are running an ongoing TR train for racial past lives that will be running until early August. If you are interested in joining us, then read on. Our goal is to complete a racial life in 18 hours of XP pot time while maximizing reaper XP. Greater Tome of Learning + 20% XP pot + 10% VIP + 5% Master's Gift + 5% Guild Buff is the XP baseline. If you are not VIP, then you are expected to run a 30% XP pot, or to catch up on your own outside of our TR train schedule. If you are running a 50% XP pot to maximize RXP, then expect to double cap and be waiting on those who are not running a 50% XP pot. Our quest list and baseline XP will net 100k reaper XP per life without considering bonus weekends.

    You can join us for one life, or as many as you want. We give preference to people doing an entire life with us over those who may only join us for a level or two. We also give preference to one trapper who runs with us each life. Playtimes are all eastern: 6-11pm weekdays, 11a-8p Saturday (until 11p if no raids), noon-11p Sunday. We typically do back to back nights when leveling, and may or may not take time off between lives. When we start a life, we will provide the days and times we are playing for that life. Please do not expect the schedule to change in order to accommodate your needs. If you leave early or arrive late, your internet goes out, or you're abducted by aliens, then it will be on you to make up the XP deficit. If you cannot close the XP gap, then you are welcome to rejoin us at the same level next life. Please note that if you are late or leave early, you may miss the start of a quest chain that cannot be red doored. We're sorry, but we are not going to rerun the chain because you were late.

    We do not care what build you play, as long as you are useful. One way to measure usefulness is whether or not you are speeding the group up. Be able to heal other people. Whatever you play, we expect you to contribute meaningfully and to be geared appropriately. Have a gearing plan. We have put a lot of time and effort preparing for heroic leveling, and we expect the same from others who join us on our adventure.

    Piking: We all need to step away briefly from time to time to grab a drink, bio, etc. No worries. If you are taking frequent extended AFKs then we will ask you to leave. We understand that leveling times may interfere with meals. For weekdays, do your best to minimize dinner breaks as we will not take a group-wide break. On the weekends, we will collectively figure out when to take meal breaks.

    We start each life at level 3. We don't start holding XP until level 5. These are the quests and difficult we are running so you know what to expect. We will skip some during bonus weekends.

    3 Where There's Smoke [R2]
    3 The Captives [R2]
    3 The Kobold's Den: Clan Gnashtooth [R2]
    3 The Kobold's Den: Rescuing Arlos [R2]
    3 The Cloven-jaw Scourge:Blockade [R2]
    3 The Friar's Niece [R2]
    3 To Find a Witness: Return to the Sanctuary [R2]
    3 The Old Archives [R2]
    4 The Cloven-jaw Scourge: The Caverns of Shaagh [R3]
    4 Halls of Shan-To-Kor [R3]
    4 Venn's Trail: Clan Tunnelworm [R3]
    4 Venn's Trail: Venn's Fate [R3]
    4 Dirty Laundry [R5]
    4 Stormreaver Fresco [R4]
    4 The Depths of Despair [R4]
    4 The Depths of Darkness [R4]
    5 The Depths of Discord [R3]
    5 The Depths of Doom [R3]
    5 The Chamber of Insanity [R3]
    5 The Lair of Summoning [R3]
    5 The Mystery of Delera's Tomb [R3]
    5 The Stones Run Red [R3]
    5 Brood of Flame [R3]
    6 Ruined Halls [R3]
    6 The Forgotten Caverns [R4]
    6 Redwillow's Ruins [R3]
    6 Dead Predators [R3]
    6 Mirra's Sleepless Nights [R4]
    6 Purge the Heretics [R4]
    6 Caged Trolls [R3]
    6 The Bounty Hunter [R3]
    6 The Troglodytes' Get [R4]
    6 Old Grey Garl [R3]
    7 The Tear of Dhakaan [R3]
    7 Gwylan's Stand [R3]
    7 The Missing Party [R4]
    7 Free Delera [R3]
    7 The Graverobber [R4]
    7 Bargain of Blood [R4]
    8 Tharashk Arena [R4]
    8 The Prisoner [R3]
    8 Spies in the House [R1]
    8 The Path to Madness [R3]
    8 The Xorian Cipher [R3]
    8 Haunted Library [R2]
    8 Thrall of the Necromancer [R3]
    9 The Shadow Crypt [R4]
    9 Gateway to Khyber [R4]
    9 The Jungle of Khyber [R4]
    9 Haywire Foundry [R3]
    9 The Giant Lieutenants [R6]
    9 The Giant's Lair [R4]
    9 Library of Threnal [R5]
    10 Into the Mist [R3]
    10 Death House [R3]
    10 Fresh-Baked Dreams [R3]
    10 An Invitation to Dinner [R3]
    10 Tempest Spine (if needed) [R1]
    11 Oath of Vengeance [R3]
    11 A Raven at the Door [R3]
    11 Mad Tea Party [R3]
    11 Sealed in Amber [R3]
    11 An Offering of Blood [R4]
    11 Raid the Vulkoorim [R4]
    11 Dreams of Insanity [R4]
    11 From Beyond the Grave [R6]
    11 And the Dead Shall Rise [R3]
    12 The Chamber of Rayium [R3]
    12 Relic of a Sovereign Past [R3]
    12 Invaders [R3]
    12 Wizard of Wines [R3]
    12 Wrath of the Earth [R3]
    12 Raven's Bane [R4]
    12 Sunrise [R3]
    13 Assault on Summerfield [R3]
    13 Blockade Buster [R3]
    13 Undermine [R3]
    13 Siegebreaker [R3
    13 Memoirs of an Illusionary Larcener [R5]
    13 Feast or Famine [R5]
    13 Trial by Fire [R5]
    13 The Maze of Madness [R6]
    13 Foundation of Discord [R5]
    13 A Cry for Help [R5]
    14 Madstone Crater [R5]
    14 A Cabal of One [R5]
    14 The Crucible [R5]
    14 Prison of the Planes [R5]
    14 Gianthold Tor [R5]
    14 Fleshmaker's Labratory [R4]
    14 Ghosts of Perdition [R5]
    14 Descreted Temple of Vol [R4]
    14 Inferno of the Damned [R4]
    15 Lost at Sea [R7]
    15 Welcome to Sharn [R4]
    15 Red Rain [R4]
    15 Best Laid Plans [R4]
    15 Same Old Song [R4]
    15 Just Business [R3]
    15 Ruinous Schemes [R6]
    15 Wraithcallers [R7]
    15 Thrall of the Fungus Lord [R6]
    15 Smash and Burn [R2]
    15 Litany of the Dead [R5]
    15 Missing (if needed) [R5]
    16 No Refunds [R4]
    16 House of Pain [R4]
    16 Blown Deadline [R4]
    16 Reach for the Sky [R4]
    16 Scavenger Hunt [R6]
    16 The Magma Must Flow [R6]
    16 Security Detail [R6]
    16 Roll Call [R5]
    16 Running with the Devils [R4]
    16 Lords of Dust [R4]
    16 Servants of the Overlord (if needed) [R4]
    17 Sane Asylum [R6]
    17 The Lord of Stone [R5]
    17 Enter the Kobold [R4]
    17 Monastery of the Scorpion [R4]
    17 Prey on the Hunter [R3]
    17 Thorn and Paw [R4]
    18 Schemes of the Enemy [R1]
    18 Finding the Path [R4]
    18 Dream Conspiracy [R4]
    18 I Dream of Jeets [R4]
    18 The Mindsunder [R4]
    18 The Shipwrecked Spy [R4]
    18 Eye of the Titan [R4]
    18 Reclaiming Memories [R4]
    18 Mining for Ancient Secrets (if needed) [R4]
    18 Murder by Night (if needed) [R4]

    Note on sagas: We complete Ravenloft, Gianthold, Sharn and Cogs sagas which award approximately 65k each with our XP baseline. We hold all four sagas until level 18.
    Very impressive list and I appreciate the share. I agree this seems very efficient and to earn 100k rXP to boot is very nice. I wish I had this list when doing my racials.

  11. #11
    Community Member Hobgoblin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by jskinner937 View Post
    Very impressive list and I appreciate the share. I agree this seems very efficient and to earn 100k rXP to boot is very nice. I wish I had this list when doing my racials.
    i do a lot of these quests leveling up.

    i dont do it nearly as fast, but it works. and as i get more rp it gets easier

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Next life starts Wed, and we'll cap on Sat. This life we're experimenting with builds, so it'll be lower skulls. Contact me if interested -- two spots available.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Next life starts Monday and we'll cap by Friday. Two spots available.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  14. #14
    Community Member ChadB123's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Another life begins today at 6p eastern.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Thanks to everyone that joined us. We're done running racial lives for now. We will revisit this again when Alchemist is released, and perhaps over the winter holidays.

    We managed to squeeze 1 iconic and 13 heroic lives in about 10 weeks. For heroic lives, we averaged 107k RXP and 4400 remnants in about 15.5 hours of XP pot time. Overall, we're happy with the outcome.

    It will be interesting to see how the reaper changes affect our strategy in future lives. I suspect our quest list won't change much, as we did very little farming. We will more than likely incorporate U43 level 17 quests into the rotation for something fresh.
    Khyber: Ying-1, Kobeyashi, Nichevo-1 | 75 million Reaper XP

  16. #16

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