Lamannia is now open! It will remain open until sometime in the evening of Thursday July 11th. There is planned to be a Dev event on Wednesday July 10th from 8-10PM eastern where members of the DDO team will be available on Lamannia to answer questions and collect feedback in real time. This preview contains the following feature:
- 1 New Raid: "Project Nemesis" is a level 32 Legendary Raid located in the same public area in the cogs that "Too Hot to Handle" is. There is a Cogs guide located in the Test Dojo that will transport you to the staging area.
In addition to that primary feature the following small changes to the loot for Project Nemesis (which had been previewed with the other Sharn Loot) are the only other changes in this preview:
- "The Labrythine Edge" (Raid Kukri) now has the effect "Enhanced Bloodrage: This weapon is enhanced by blood - your blood! Each time you take damage or kill an enemy, there is a small chance that you will fall into an unholy bloodrage, greatly increasing your Strength, Constitution, and Damage. However, this rage will leave you more vulnerable to Physical attacks, slightly reducing your Armor Class."
- "Baz'Morath, the Curator of Decay" (Raid Greataxe) now has the effect "Disease: Unholy Tear: This weapon saps the vitality from your enemies, dealing 10d6 Evil damage on each hit to Good enemies. It also has a chance to spread its disease whenever you strike an enemy, which will reduce their Armor Class and Positive Healing Amplification."
- "Stickerclick, the Bitter Hail of Bolts" (Raid Repeating Heavy Crossbow) has had it's effects overhauled and now has the following effects: "Sovereign Vorpal", "Bleeding 10", "Ranged Alacrity 20%", "Nearly Finished: Fetters of Unreality".