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  1. #1
    Community Member redoubt's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Assassin gear: Ravenloft vs ???

    My current gear setup mostly based on Ravenloft Gear. (No sharn included yet.)

    Goggles crafted
    Wisdom 15
    melee alacrity 15
    I - seeker 7
    slotted deathblock

    Legendary Executioners Helm
    I deception 7
    Relentless Fury
    Seeker 17
    Q combat mastery 4
    FL 40 slotted

    Necklace crafted
    shelter 38
    spell save 12
    I - spot 11

    Trinket crafted
    hamp 61
    double strike 17
    I - assassinate 3

    Legendary shadowhail cloak
    Hide 22
    Move Silent 22
    Deception 16
    good luck 2 slotted

    Legendary braided cutcord
    Quality Dodge 4
    Dexterity 19
    Quality Dexterity 4
    draconic soul gem slotted

    Legendary ring of prowess
    Deadly 14
    Accuracy 28
    Melee Power 8
    Ranged Power 8
    Globe of imperial blood slotted

    Legendary Knifepalm
    Assassinate 9
    Bluff 22
    Deadly 16
    I - Diversion 15
    vitality 20 slotted

    Boots crafted
    diversion 23
    dodge 15
    I - dex 7
    30 stride slotted

    Legendary 5 rings crafted
    spot 22
    resist 14
    con 17

    Legendary Lore-Fueled packbanner
    I - con 9
    PRR 50
    I - doublestrike 10%
    250sp slotted

    Legendary mist laden vestment
    Fortification 202
    PRR 50
    Parry 9
    Profane stat +2

    Silent Avenger Set Bonus:
    Artifact Doublestrike 15
    plus 3 SA dice
    Artifact fort bypass 25%
    Artifact vs helpless 10%
    Last edited by redoubt; 07-01-2019 at 02:18 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member redoubt's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    New gear including sharn option (work in progress)

    ir'Kesslan's Most Prescient Lens Goggles Minor Artifact
    Minimum Level:29
    Maximum Filigree Slots: 3
    Dexterity +22
    Dodge +22%
    Parrying +10
    Force Absorption +20%

    Cannith Craft Helm
    shelter 38
    spot 22
    i-spot 11

    Family Recruit Sigil Necklace
    Minimum Level: 15/29
    True Seeing
    Armor Piercing +12/+33
    Deadly +6/+17
    Relentless Fury

    cannith craft Trinket
    seeker 12
    resist 12
    I - dex 7

    Mantle of fury
    Constitution +19
    Raging Resilience
    Doublestrike 22
    Dodge +19
    Empty Green Augment Slot

    Legendary shadow's embrace - belt
    Diversion +29
    Quality Doublestrike 4%
    Quality Diversion +6%
    Deadly +14
    Empty Yellow Augment Slot

    Ring of the Silver Tongue - Killing Time Raid
    Improved Deception
    I-Deception 8
    Assassinate 9
    I-Assassinate 4

    Hammerfist Gloves
    Minimum Level: 29
    I - doublestrike 11
    Cannith Combat Infusion
    Seeker +21
    Insightful Deadly +8

    Shadow Sprinters Boots
    Minimum Level: 15/29
    Speed 22%/30%
    Hide +16/+22
    Move Silently +16/+22
    Quality Resistance +1/+4

    Celestial Ruby Ring Ring
    Minimum Level: 15/29
    Nearly Finished (STR, DEX, or INT +8/21)
    Accuracy +12/+33
    Insightful Physical Sheltering +9/+26

    bracers of the fallen hero
    Strength +19
    Insightful Constitution +9
    Stunning +22
    Quality Physical Sheltering +12
    Empty Green Augment Slot

    Wildcard Light Armor
    Minimum Level: 15/29
    Fortification +94%/+214%
    Physical Sheltering +19/+54
    Healing Amplification +30/+85
    False Life +29/+81

    Part of the family set bonus
    doublestrike 15
    MP 25
    Helpless 15
    fort bypass 10
    Last edited by redoubt; 07-01-2019 at 02:20 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member redoubt's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    summary comparison of the two sets

    Old vs New

    Dex…….32...29 --- no profane item, no quality item. costs 1 or 2 assassinate and hit/dam
    wis.…….17...0 --- less full time spot score
    DS...…..42...52 --- nice boost to Doublestrike
    seeker..24...12 --- big hit to seeker
    PRR.....50...92 --- this is a big boost also. I run at 185 pre-reaper now, so this will be 227 + reaper bonuses + temp bonused (260-270 likely)
    hamp….61...85 --- nice bonus
    assas...12...13 --- higher, but losing out on dex makes this a wash at best.
    bypass.25...43 --- good bump
    decept..23...8 ---
    bluff.....22...0 --- the drop in deception and bluff might hurt for sneak vulnerability.
    dodge..19...22 --- higher, but was capping anyway.
    MP...…...8....25 --- nice boost
    HP...…..60...101 --- 41 more hp is always nice.

    So what do you guys think? I've been racking my brains trying to figure out how to incorporate the new stuff. I'm still not satisfied.
    Last edited by redoubt; 07-01-2019 at 02:31 AM.

  4. #4
    Community Member Arjen's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    I've found it to be a wash for melee DPS - it's not worth the effort to lose Assassinate DCs for what amounts to be marginal gains.

    DC casters on the other hand... it is 100% worth the time to tetris into Sharn gear.
    Eidur / Ellsi / Essien

  5. #5
    Community Member Shadow_Jumper's Avatar
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    Jul 2013


    If anything the biggest change from RL to Sharn gear is HAMP and To Hit.

    I saw both of those increase massively on my rogue.

  6. #6
    Community Member HuneyMunster's Avatar
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    Jun 2012


    I found it a bit of a headache to fit everything I need into a gear setup. Couldn't fit Well Rounded, but have reaper Sightless instead. Sightless in also my source of MRR that's hard to fit now that Sheltering is broken into two types. Had to use a +8 Resistance Augment for saves bonus.

    I don't have the raid necklace yet, but will probably swap to it once I have it. Will also change my crafted trinket to +12 to spell saves. Might also switch to Slave Lord crafted trinket for accuracy and quality con. Sitting at 75 main hand doublestrike unbuffed, that increases to 95 with rapid Slash and 100 with a stack of Killer. Losing some Armor Piercing and Relentless Fury is only other issue with change to raid neckless.

    Collective Sight
    Constitution +21
    Insightful Dex +10
    Quality Resistance +4

    True Seeing
    Lifesealed +43
    Ranged Power +6
    Melee Power +6
    Sheltering +45
    Con +17
    Reaper Ability Boost

    Family Recruit Sigil Necklace
    True Seeing
    Armor Piercing +33
    Deadly +17
    Relentless Fury
    Family's Blessing Raid Necklace
    Quality Assassinate+2
    Insightful Armor Piercing +16
    Deadly +17
    Doublestrike 24%

    Cannith Crafted Trinket
    Doublestrike +17
    Accuracy +23
    Insightful PRR +18
    Cannith Crafted Trinket
    Spell Saves +12
    Accuracy +23
    Insightful PRR +18

    Cloak of Balance
    Freedom of Movement
    Insightful Seeker +10
    Parrying +10
    Quality Dex +5

    Legendary Greensteel Belt
    HP Profane +28 and Dex Skills +22
    HP Insight +28 and Ins Dex Skills +11
    HP Quality +14 and Quality Dex Skills +6

    Sigil of the Triumverate Ring Minor Artifact
    Dexterity +22
    Insightful Accuracy +17
    Insightful Deadly +8
    Sonic Absorption +53%

    Ring of the Silver Tongue
    Improved Deception
    Insightful Deception +8
    Assassinate +9
    Insightful Assassinate +4

    Hammerfist Gloves
    Insightful Doublestrike +11
    Cannith Combat Infusion
    Seeker +21
    Insightful Deadly +8

    Boots of the Blessed Traveller
    Dodge +17
    Quality Armor Mastery +2
    Speed XV
    Freedon of Movement
    Insightful Reflex +6

    Bracers of the Fallen Hero
    Strength +19
    Insightful Con +9
    Stunning +22
    Quality PRR +12

    Wildcard Light Armor
    Fortification +214
    Physical Sheltering +54
    Healing Amplification +85
    False Life +81

  7. #7
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Vistani Rapid Slash and Killer are both morale bonuses. Are you sure they stack?

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