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  1. #1
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Nov 2010

    Default Random And Limited Raid Rune Trade In

    Each month you could roll a virtual die that represents the number of raids that currently drop raid runes, each possible number represents a different raid and you roll this twice!

    Let's say the die is rolled and it lands on a 7 and Riding The Storm Out is the raid represented by the number 7, the second time it is rolled it lands on a 3 and the raid that 3 represents happens to be Legendary hound of Xoriat.

    Next, you roll a 4 sided die and let's say it lands on a 3!

    This means for the first week of the month you will be able to convert between the two raid runes three for one ratio!

    What will this ultimately achieve?

    Since it would be once a month, impatience would rule in one way, while the perception of opportunity would rule in another and both would convince people to run all rune dropping raids more often just to gain access to the maximum number of monthly opportunities that may or may not interest them.
    Last edited by Lokeal_The_Flame; 06-16-2019 at 11:11 PM. Reason: fixed typo

  2. #2
    Guardiest guarder of guard-dom Yokido's Avatar
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    I'm sorry Lokeal, a system like this sounds relatively complex for small gains. It sounds nice, but my first question with any suggestion is how hard it'll be to apply, and something like this seems like it might be trickier on a technical aspect.

    Additionally, it has been mentioned by the dev team that they like their raid rune system (which was added to help make player life easier), and so it seems they won't be making huge adjustments to how it works in the coming future.

    That being said, I like a portion of what you mentioned... I would like certain overlooked raids getting temporary boosts, or maybe temporary item drops, to get people interested in playing them again.

  3. #3
    Squirrel Enthusiast Lokeal_The_Flame's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yokido View Post
    I'm sorry Lokeal, a system like this sounds relatively complex for small gains. It sounds nice, but my first question with any suggestion is how hard it'll be to apply, and something like this seems like it might be trickier on a technical aspect.

    Additionally, it has been mentioned by the dev team that they like their raid rune system (which was added to help make player life easier), and so it seems they won't be making huge adjustments to how it works in the coming future.

    That being said, I like a portion of what you mentioned... I would like certain overlooked raids getting temporary boosts, or maybe temporary item drops, to get people interested in playing them again.
    The random trade in option does not have to be integrated into the game, it could be like the system where the devs have to create a coupon code for the freebie of the week!

    Though, the devs could still say "I'm sorry, we don't decide what becomes available for trade in" in which could be effectively used as a tool to tell players requesting a specific trade in and/or trade in ratio "i'm sorry, it's out of my hands" in which is a liberty the devs don't always get.

    Further more, it could be ruled that the top five newest raids would be subject to a reroll if the number representing them is rolled.

    For example, let's say the option arises to trade between Codex runes and Forge runes at a one for one ratio......... that would be a freaking nightmare. this is where the reroll would come in!

    They roll a four sided die, if it lands on a four, then a reroll of the die that represented forge runes will not be made, but if it lands on any of the others...... a reroll will ensue!

    Let's say it rolled and landed on a four, well, that rune is still a thing, but then a ten sided die is rolled to redetermine the trade ratio!

    There could be so many rules put in place, heck this could even be decided via a livestream!

    Further more, SSG creating a really challenging raid that has cycling loot (Drops different loot each month) while the loot would simply be in the form of tickets representing loot upgrades could further solve the problem where people are not quite raiding enough, further more......... the loot tickets dropped could offer raid tier upgrades for items all across the game from multiple expansions and adventure packs thus breathing new life into old content while simultaneously drawing a long lasting appeal to the raid scene.

    People would have an excuse to run old content, and that same excuse would also have them raiding for said upgrades, it's a multi-faceted solution for a handful of problems, especially if you exempt the ticket raid from the rule regarding rerolls from the five newest raids!
    Last edited by Lokeal_The_Flame; 06-17-2019 at 03:12 PM.

  4. #4
    Guardiest guarder of guard-dom Yokido's Avatar
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    I understand a bit better now. Yes, if the calculations weren't part of the code, but rather it was coded so that settings could be manually adjusted on a demand/need basis, that may be easier to make on the dev side.

    I think maybe an easier way to accomplish this goal be just to say, "Raid X will have a significant chance to drop loot & runes from raid Y for Z period of time"

  5. #5
    Community Member Clemeit's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    The developers have already stated that they're against rune conversion. That practice would discourage players from running older raids and it would encourage players to run easier raids for rune trade-ins.

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